Positive Energy is Contagious

One day while taking a walk in the yard, Matt and Bubba talked about the impact positivity had on others and Bubba explained that the research shows that heartfelt positive energy is contagious. He said, “It says here in Jade's book that research from HeartMath shows that when you have a feeling in your heart, it radiates to every cell in your body via the heart's electromagnetic field and this energy field can be detected by others, even if they're up to five or ten feet away.”

“Is it just positive energy that is contagious?” asked Matt. “After all, it seems like negativity is contagious, too.”

“Both positive energy and negative energy are contagious,” said Bubba. “Whatever you are thinking and feeling you are projecting to others and impacting them. That's why positivity is not just about you. It's about everyone around you. If you are negative, you impact others in a negative way. If you are positive, you impact them in a positive way. That's why the decision to be positive is soooooo important.

“The simple fact is that each day you have a choice. You can be a germ and infect people with your negative energy, or you can be a big dose of vitamin C and infuse them with your positive energy. Either way, you are influencing people, so it's important to choose to influence people in a positive way.”

“It makes a lot of sense,” said Matt.

“It's common sense,” responded Bubba. “Everyone intuitively knows these things, but because of the daily grind of life and the stress and challenges we face, we forget the simple things we know. We forget that simple is powerful. We forget the powerful impact of a simple smile. We forget the transformative effect our laughter has on others. We forget the influence our positivity has on the world. That's why you need to remember that your positivity not only changes the way you feel, but also impacts how others feel. It not only changes your actions, but also impacts the actions of others. I'm not overstating this when I say that your positive energy can and does change the world one person at a time.”

Matt knew Bubba was right. Not just because his words rang true, but also because he had personally experienced how others responded to him and his newfound positivity, and how differently they had responded to the old negative Matt.

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