
We can also build on kindness and feed others with the most powerful form of positive energy there is,” Bubba continued.

“What's that?” Matt asked.

“Love. Love dissolves hate, soothes anger, comforts pain, heals relationships, casts out fear, and transforms us and those who receive our love,” Bubba answered knowing Matt needed more love in his life.

Matt knew he needed it, too. He had been sharing his positivity with others, but instinctively knew he could share it even more powerfully, if only he knew how. Something was missing, but he wasn't sure what until Bubba said the word love.

“You see,” said Bubba, “we all want to give and receive love, but many of us are scared to give it because we are afraid of getting hurt.”

“I've been hurt in the past, especially before I came here,” said Matt.

“I know,” said Bubba. “But there's one thing you have to believe: When you share love, it comes back to you. Maybe one dog or person won't return it to you, but if you keep sharing your love with the world it will have such a positive impact on your life that it will come back to you tenfold. There's a great story in Jade's book that talks about a famous opera singer named Pavarotti, who said ‘Most singers want the audience to love them, but I love the audience.’ This singer has the right approach. Just love everyone. When you love, you don't have to chase love or fear it's going unanswered. When you love, it will fill you up, fill others up, and spill over into every area of your life.

Bubba's words brought tears to Matt's eyes. He thought about his past and, for the first time, found something good about it because it brought him to Bubba. He realized if he had never come to the shelter, he would never have learned the lessons Bubba taught him. Matt was ready to follow his mentor's lead but to truly do so, Matt had to learn one more lesson about encouragement.

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