
Adam (Nouwen),   23

Adler, Alfred, curing melancholy,   4

aid, precision,   113

Clinic in Calcutta,   46
hospice work by Queen (rock band),   46
prevention education in South Africa,   58

Aikman, David, Great Souls,   28

Airlift, Heart to Heart International,   111

airlifts, medical,   6

Albom, Mitch, Tuesdays with Morrie,   8,   108

Allen, Woody, innovation,   87

altruism, behavior studies,   3

American Communist Party,   54

American in Exile, video of Pete O’Neal’s life,   55

Anderson, Bud, coping with overwhelming sorrow,   100

Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments (Keith),   102

arrow, pulling out the,   105

art, classes for African women,   58

babies, AIDS Clinic in Calcutta,   46

Batson, C. Daniel and Nancy
Eisenberg, altruistic behavior studies,   3

behavior, altruistic,   3

being there, comforting others by,   72

Belize, restoring a YMCA building,   5

Berry, Wendell, Jayber Crow,   50,   96

beverage fast, raising money for tsunami relief,   47

birthday party, for a prostitute in Honolulu,   70

Black Bob Elementary School, Olathe, Kansas, generosity of students,   37

Black Madonna icon,   26

Black Panther Party
community programs,   57
transformation of former members,   54
and U.S. government in   60’s and   70’s,   56

bonding, survival,   3

Boorstin, Daniel, group survival,   4

Boston Red Sox, overcoming continuing losses,   87

breakfasts, children’s,   57

Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky),   7

Brown, Gerard, Pointless singer,   47

Brownback, Senator Sam, tsunami relief efforts in Sri Lanka,   44

Buechner, Frederick, attaining true peace,   34

AIDS Clinic,   46
conditions in,   17
Heart to Heart airlifts to,   23

Camp Bondsteel,   29

Campbell, Joseph
aim of the quest,   1
search for meaning in life,   6

Campolo, Tony
loving anyway,   98
organizing a birthday party for a stranger,   70

Catholic Worker Movement,   10

change, one act of service,   66

charter school, King-Chavez,   48

Cheadle, Don, in Hotal Rwanda,   77

Chernobyl, Heart to Heart International,   111

China, bringing western medical education to,   87

Choosing Against War (Roth),   101

displacing worry,   95
See also Jesus of Nazareth

Christmas Mass, Kosovo,   27

churches, Healing Waters International,   82

City of Joy, Patrick Swayze in,   6

Cleaver, Eldridge, Black Panther Party,   56

Cleaver, Mayor Emmanuel, Kansas City,   60

clothing, for the needy,   57

Coffin, William Sloan, failing in love,   17

Coles, Robert, motive for serving others,   10

Colson, Charles, life after Watergate,   88

community, joining the BK,   133

company, keeping a stranger,   72

compassion, transformation,   90

computer classes, South African Community Center growth,   62

conversation, quiet,   50

Coors, Adolph 4, forgiving your enemies,   98

Costco, Hurricane Katrina response,   16

courage, loving anyway,   101

crisis, helping a stranger in,   72

Cutler, Howard with His Holiness
The Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness,   3,   88,   90

Day, Dorothy, motives for serving others,   10

decorations, hospital and nursing home room,   10

democracy, participating in the process,   85

depression, recovering from,   103

corporate response to natural,   6
flaws in emergency preparedness response,   13
Hurrican Katrina,   11
precision aid,   113

Docs Who Care, Iraq,   91

Dominican Republic
Healing Waters International,   81,   90
purification of contaminated water,   82

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, Brothers Karamazov,   7

dysentery, Calcutta,   18

Edison, Thomas, process of invention,   86

bringing western medicine to China,   87
computer classes in South Africa,   62

Eisenberg, Nancy and C. Daniel
Batson, altruistic behavior studies,   3

humanity of your,   100
loving your,   96

enough, having,   62

eyeglasses, Lions Clubs,   37

learning from,   87
risking,   86

Father Joe (Hendra)
pastoral influence,   72
true courage,   101

Hurricane Katrina response,   16
tsunami relief efforts,   43
Vietnam airlift,   44

feet, Jesus of Nazareth washing his disciples’,   22

Feltner, Mat, Jayber Crow character,   50

Feuerstein, Aaron, rebuilding of Malden Mills,   79

focus, changing from inward to outward,   103

forgiveness, replacing hatred with,   98

Fowler, James, on Mother Teresa,   78

Frankl, Victor, nothing to lose,   81

fulfillment, attaining,   99

garbage, disposal in Calcutta,   19

generosity, of soldiers to Shabiu family in Kosovo,   36

gifts, sharing your,   62

giving, vs. getting,   97

Gladwell, Malcolm, The Tipping Point,   106

God, love in Iraq,   94

God’s Politics (Wallis),   22

Gore, Vice-President Al, re volunteerism,   4

Great Souls (Aikman),   28

Gretzky, Wayne, regarding shots not taken,   85

  1960’s revolutionary,   56
reading,   134

guests, showing true hospitality,   76

Harvey, Randy and Lycia, revisiting the Shabiu family with,   41

hate, vs. forgiveness,   98

headstone, creating Merita Shabiu’s,   34

Healing Waters International,   82,   90

Heart to Heart International Airlift,   111

assocation with Pete O’Neal,   61
Chernobyl,   111
global operations,   112
global response,   6
humanitarian network,   113
impact on others, 10
Iraq,   91

for the needy,   2
not waiting for organized,   15–   16
our own need for,   16

Hendra, Tony, Father Joe,   72,   101

Hersant, Madame Babette, need to serve others,   29

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler, The Art of Happiness,   3,   88,   90

fundamental attitude,   38
Shabiu family,   32,   41
true,   75

Hotel Rwanda, the character Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle) in,   77

House of Dying Destitutes,   17

How Good Do We Have to Be? (Kushner),   63

humanity, common,   3

Hurricane Katrina, volunteer response,   11

icon, Black Madonna,   26

innovation, risking failure,   87

instincts, survival,   3

invention, process of,   86

Iraq, assignment to,   91

Jayber Crow (Berry),   50,   96,   99

Jesus of Nazareth
admonition to live generously,   97
love,   91
washing the feet of his disciples,   22
See also Christ

Johnson & Johnson, tsunami relief efforts.,   43

Karamazov, Alyosha, love before logic,   21

Keating, Thomas, service without boundaries,   60

Keith, Kent, Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments,   102

Kelly, Clarence, U.S. Senate confirmation hearings,   55

Kennedy, Robert F., achieving greatly,   86

King-Chavez charter school, improving student performance,   48

Kishner, Rabbi Harold, Living a Life That Matters,   79

Kmart, Hurricane Katrina response,   16

Christmas Mass,   27
military deployment to,   29
sharing your “space”,   74

Kushner, Rabbi Harold
How Good Do We Have to Be?,   63
making a difference,   69

Kushner, Rabbi Lawrence, carrying pieces of life’s puzzle,   108

Lamb’s Club, x

Lamott, Anne
healing after a great loss,   37
loving your enemies,   97
results of isolation,   53
start by helping others,   109
Traveling Mercies,   72

Larson, Tom and Dana, volunteering
to work in the Dominican Republic,   81,   90,   109

laws, universal regarding sharing your gifts,   62

leaders, community, Pete and Charlotte O’Neal,   53

L’Engle, Madeleine, recognizing the needs of those around us,   107

reaching out to lepers in clinics,   72
recognizing the isolation of lepers,   69

having meaning,   5
love for others,   1

lines, crossing cultural and economic,   69

Lions Clubs, eyeglasses for Kosovo,   37

Living a Life That Matters (Kushner),   79

before logic,   21
doing small things with great,   20
giving away our,   63
God in Iraq,   94

Malcolm 10, The Autobiography of Malcolm X,   60

Malden Mills, rebuilding,   79

Marxism, applied philosophy of,   64

“Master and Man” (Tolstoy), attaining fulfillment,   99

Mayflower Compact,   4

meals, skipping to raise money for tsunami relief,   47

medicine, donated,   17

melancholy, curing,   4

Mercury, Freddy, Queen lead singer,   46

military. See U.S. military

Monroe, Kristen, recognizing common humanity,   3

Morsch, Gary
about the author,   129
editorial voice, 11
Heart to Heart International, x

Moses, demanding freedom for the slaves of Israel,   38

Mother Teresa
childhood in Macedonia,   26
creating space for the abandoned in Calcutta,   78
House of Dying Destitutes,   17
the power of helping others,   109
serving others,   9

motivation, mixed,   9

Mount Kilimanjaro, climbing,   59

Mudhouse Sabbath (Winner),   76

needs, of local communities,   23

in aftermath of Katrina,   11
the Good Samaritan,   59
helping your,   16

Nelson, Blake, childhood injury,   49

Nelson, Dean, about the author,   130

network, Heart to Heart International humanitarian,   113

New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina,   11

Newton, Huey, Black Panther Party,   56

Nixon, President Richard, Watergate scandal,   88

nothing, can be something,   45

Nouwen, Henri
Adam,   23
he human condition,   38
true hospitality,   75

obstacles, to serving others,   9

Oliner, Samuel, altruistic behavior study,   3

O’Neal, Pete
the power of helping others,   109
visiting his father,   66

O’Neal, Pete and Charlotte, fugitives living in Africa,   53,   57

opportunity, to help those in need,   2

options, choosing alternative,   103

Peck, Scott, recovering from depression,   103

Perezic, Drita, seeking help for the Shabiu family in their grief,   31

pharmaceutical companies, generosity during disasters,   6,   16

social systems,   64
Wayne Gretzky,   85

Pirsig, Robert, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,   85

playtime, with a confined infant,   49

point of view, God’s,   79

Pointless (Point Loma Nazarene University), tsunami relief efforts,   47

politics, campaigning,   85

power, helping others,   109

prayers, answering,   39

presence, “being there” for someone,   73

prison, lessons learned in,   88

Prison Fellowship,   90

prisoners of war, transporting in Iraq,   93

programs, community
Black Panther Party,   57
Pete and Charlotte O’Neal,   57

prostitute, celebrating the birthday of a Hawaiian,   70

publishers, about Berrett-Koehler,   133134

purpose, need for a sense of,   65

puzzle, pieces of life’s,   108

QRF (Quick Reaction Forces) Team, security in Iraq,   95

Queen (rock band), working with an AIDS hospice,   46

quest, to feel alive,   6

questions, to the angel in “What Men Live By”,   1

reconciliation, crimes against blacks in South Africa,   101

resistance, out point of greatest,   22

trusting you will have enough,   62
using available,   15,   39

revolution, Black Panthers and the U.S. government in the   60’s and   70’s,   56

Ronald McDonald House, volunteering at,   25

Rotary Club, response to challenge,   5

Roth, John, Choosing Against War,   101

Rwanda, the Hutu and Tutsi tribe conflict,   77

school, King-Chavez charter,   48

Schwartz, Morrie
compassion and responsibility,   11
Tuesdays with Morrie,   8,   108

Camp Bondsteel,   29
RF Team protection in Iraq,   95

self-interest, vs. altruism,   3

face-to-face,   6
start by thinking small,   66
third world countries,   4

Shabiu, Hamdi and Remzije
loving anyway,   104
overcoming the loss of Merita,   31

Shabiu, Merita, creating a suitable memorial for,   31

Shakyamuni, the Buddha, removing the arrow,   105

Shingler, Gail, Ronald McDonald House volunteer,   25

Sister Priscilla, House of Dying Destitutes,   19

Sisters of Charity, House of Dying Destitutes,   17

slavery, living for yourself,   65

Smith, Fred, CEO of FedEx,   45

Smith, Huston
dominant “isms” of the   60’s and   70’s,   64
finding your purpose,   8

social systems, philosophies of various,   64

socialism, life under,   64

Sodexho, raising money for tsunami relief,   47

Solzenitsyn, Alexander, lessons learned in prison,   89

something, doing nothing can be,   45

sorrow, overwhelming,   100

soul, maturing of the,   89

South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission,   101

making room for others,   77
sharing your,   74

Sri Lanka, tsunami relief in Idonesia and,   43

stewardship, Berrett-Koehler publishers,   133

studies, altruistic behavior,   3

success, and failure,   87

bonding behavior,   3
group,   4
instinct,   3

Swayze, Patrick, in City of Joy,   6

Tanzania, Pete and Charlotte
O’Neal’s contributions to,   59

tasks, performed with great love,   20

terrorist attacks, response to September   11,   2001,   44

The Art of Happiness (Cutler and His Holiness The Dalai Lama),   3,   88,   90

The Autobiography of Malcolm 10 (Malcolm X),   60

The Grapes of Wrath, x

The Message, living generously,   97

The New York Times, x

The Tipping Point (Gladwell),   106

Tolstoy, Leo
“Master and Man”,   99
“What Men Live By”,   1

Traveling Mercies (Lamott),   72

Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa,   101

tsunami, relief efforts,   43,   47

Tuesdays with Morrie (Albom),   8,   108

United African American Community Center, Heal the Community program,   59

Uphaus, Mattie, giving to the poor,   107

U.S. military
generosity of soldiers to Shabiu family,   36
QRF (Quick Reaction Forces) Team,   95
transporting POWs in Iraq,   93
tsunami relief efforts in Sri Lanka and Indonesia,   44

U.S. State Department, delivering goods to disaster areas,   6

Vietnam, Heart to Heart airlift,   44

visitors, showing true hospitality,   76

vocation, fulfillment of our human,   24

after the hurricanes of   2005,   14
Ronald McDonald House,   25
transformation,   22
value of,   4

Wallace, Mike, interview with Charles Colson,   88

Wallis, Jim, God’s Politics,   22

Walton, John, supporting the King-Chavez charter school,   48

Warrillow, Father Joe, working to love others,   43

water, purification of contaminated drinking,   82

Watergate, lessons learned from,   88

websites,   134
www.bkcommunity–,   134,   133–   134

Wilson, Linda, surival instinct,   3

Winner, Lauren, Mudhouse Sabbath,   76

world, power to change, ixxi

worldview, God’s,   79

worry, displacing,   95

Yellow Freight, tsunami relief efforts,   43

YMCA, Belize,   5

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirsig),   85

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