
This book is the embodiment of the message within it—that serving others begins where we are. Mindi McKenna of Kansas City heard us talk about serving others, and she served us by offering to open a door to Ken Blanchard. Ken then introduced us to Martha Lawrence, a superb editor, who encouraged us and told us we had a message that needed to be heard. Martha introduced us to Steve Piersanti of Berrett-Koehler Publishing Co. Steve pushed and prodded and challenged us to make the message better. If our message has clarity, it is in large part thanks to the thorough and careful treatment from Steve. If it is unclear, that responsibility is strictly our own. Thank you Mindi, Ken, Martha, and Steve.

Both of us have spouses who understand the meaning of serving others. In many respects, they taught us how to serve. Books like this take a long time to gather information and to write. That often comes at the great personal expense of time together. So, Vickie and Marcia, thank you for seeing the value in this project, and thank you for understanding the time it took to produce.

Gary Morsch and Dean Nelson

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