Praise for The Profitable Consultant

“The number-one complaint my customers have is, ‘I need more business!’ Why? They don't have a great system, best practices, or a methodology for it; or at least not one specifically designed for consultants and coaches. The Profitable Consultant provides a system, a methodology to get more business and faster—if you are a consultant/coach. Most importantly, Jay introduces the powerful psychology every consultant, coach, and expert needs to break through and become a six-figure earner or go from six to seven figures! Do yourself a favor and adopt these concepts. It just might be the best business investment you ever make—period!”

—Mike Koenigs
Founder/CEO, Traffic Geyser

“Jay Niblick has cracked the code when it comes to growing your consulting practice. His method to attract more clients is both simple and amazingly effective. As I read this book, I had one ‘aha’ moment after another. If you want more clients and more time to do what you love, study this book and put Jay's methods to use. It will change your business—and your life.”

—Noah St. John
Bestselling author of The Secret Code of Success

“Having worked with thousands of coaches and consultants, it's heartbreaking how many never achieve success because they never figure out how to generate profits. In The Profitable Consultant, Jay reveals a fascinating but simple strategy to be yourself, enjoy the process, and still dominate your market at will. The first time I saw Jay's work, I immediately realized its sheer power and brilliance. It provides the missing piece that I've never seen anyone else reveal. That's why we now make his work a mandatory part of all our training programs for coaches, consultants, professionals, and entrepreneurs. If you're looking for ways to grow your practice, stop searching—this book is the answer!”

—Greg Habstritt
Founder and President, SimpleWealth Inc.

“It's about time someone stepped up and took on the conventional way consultants have been taught to grow and sell and turned that on its head. The Profitable Consultant challenges you to be you and simply communicate what you do and how you do it, making the ‘hard sell’ not required. Instead of teaching you how to change yourself to become a great salesperson, Jay does not want to change you; he just wants to enhance you and the way you do business.”

—Philip McKernan,
International bestselling author, speaker, and President at Philip McKernan Inc.

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