Lessons learned

Life must be understood backwards

but it must be lived forwards.

Diary Journals IV A by Soren Kierkegaard 1840

Chart 2: A comprehensive survey of the lessons according to the different topics.

No Topic Lesson
1 Innovation Innovations are consciously introduced on purpose!
2 Economy The benefit of an innovation is a reward for uniqueness!
3 Improvement Some innovations do not provide a perceptible surplus value!
4 Disruption Some innovations cause a creative destruction!
5 Technology Technology is the framework for innovations!
6 Science Innovations follow the scientific concept of objectivation!
7 Elenctic Innovative ideas need a transformation of unconscious ignorance into conscious knowledge!
8 Entelechy Innovations emerge from a sequence of innumerable intelligent thoughts, much theoretical recognition, some data information and a convincing display!
9 Epistemology Nothing is more certain for an innovation than a believable and justified perception!
10 Categories Innovative approaches can be assessed by a plurality of categories!
11 Management Skilled work, work force, cooperation and work division are still the main duties of innovation management!
12 Project Innovation management is project management with special intentions!
13 Culture The complexity of innovations requires a culture of flexibility!
14 Phases Innovation projects consist of different phases for management and for work!
15 Success The success of innovations is flanked by a triangle of execution, application and business; yet always challenged by coincidences!
16 Promoters An innovation has to be supported by manifold mindsets!
17 Marketing The economic value of an innovation is generated in the market!
18 Barriers Barriers for innovations are useful, yet even more useful if surmounted!
19 Diffusion Innovation progress takes generally an s-shaped course!
20 Design The innovation reward is always due to human appreciation!
21 Opening Openness facilitates innovations, yet by reducing exclusivity!
22 Invention Inventions are just executable ideas for applications!
23 Development Inventions mainly resolve technological problems!
24 Quality Quality management promotes inventions!
25 Checklist Scampering with questions provides inventive solutions!
26 Principles Inventions can be principally derived from an analysis of patents!
27 Morphology A general analysis provides inventive approaches!
28 Research Research concerns a deliberate problematization of the obvious!
29 Falsification The search for illogicality enables an inventive logic!
30 Uncertainty Inventions need a controversial bossiness!
31 Contradiction Inventions are spurred by contradictory aims!
32 Incompleteness Doubts can cause an inventive change!
33 Prognosis Algorithms are the main tool to derive inventive predictions!
34 Prophecy The casting of opinions is a step toward inventive perspectives!
35 Anticipation Inventions can be tracked by future paths of innovations and of technologies!
36 Trend Inventions go by trend settings!
37 Forecast Complex systems have room for inventive scenarios!
38 Creativity The human mind creates inventive ideas all by itself!
39 Inspiration New things are always somehow associated with existing things!
40 Improvisation Necessity is the mother of invention!
41 Interpretation Good conversation does sometimes suffice to obtain an inventive idea!
42 Intuition Inventive ideas come along with some rest and relaxed meditation!
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