The Thom Hartmann Reader

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The editor and the publisher are grateful to include the following copyrighted material in this collection.

“The Edison Gene,” “How to Raise a Fully Human Child” from The Edison Gene by Thom Hartmann, copyright © 2003 by Thom Hartmann, published by Inner Traditions International,

“Older and Younger Cultures,” “Life in a Tipi,” “Starting Salem in New Hampshire,” “Uganda Sojourn,” “Russia: A New Seed Planted among Thorns” from The Prophet’s Way by Thom Hartmann, copyright © 1997, 2004 by Thom Hartmann, published by Inner Traditions International,

“Walking the Blues Away” from Walking Your Blues Away by Thom Hartmann, copyright © 2006 by Thom Hartmann, published by Inner Traditions International,

“Younger-Culture Drugs of Control,” “The Secret of ‘Enough,’” “The Death of the Trees,” “Something Will Save Us” from The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hartmann, copyright © 1998, 1999, 2004 by Mythical Research, Inc. Used by permission of Harmony Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

“Democracy Is Inevitable” from What Would Jefferson Do?: A Return to Democracy by Thom Hartmann, copyright © 2004 by Mythical Research, Inc. Used by permission of Harmony Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

“The Atmosphere,” “Caral, Peru: A Thousand Years of Peace,” “Sociopathic Paychecks” from Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture by Thom Hartmann, copyright © 2009 by Thom Hartmann. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. For on-line information about other Penguin Group (USA) books and authors, see the Internet website at

“After the Crash” reprinted from Imagine, edited by Marianne Williamson. Copyright © 2000 by Global Renaissance Alliance. Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098.

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