
I have no doubt that the ideas, distinctions, and methodologies that underlie what Steve and Dave so expertly present will have a substantial impact on the world. I'm honored to be invited to write this foreword.

When I was first introduced to some of the ideas contained in this book I saw the extraordinary impact they made on the audience. I was struck by the enormous potential, relevance, and applicability of this approach to transforming human beings and organizations. But from my worldview I could not understand how this dramatic impact occurred. Since then I have spent considerable time and energy researching these ideas on my own and in collaboration with Steve and Dave with the intention to see them become universally available. It has not been a simple task. This book takes a substantial step toward accomplishing this aspiration. My congratulations!

I contacted Steve early in my efforts to get to the bottom of these ideas and to fully grasp their ability to dramatically influence the power and productivity of people and organizations. Much of my research and writing is now devoted to these efforts. In 1997 I was hitting the wall as a leader with my Faculty Unit at the Harvard Business School. To be blunt I was failing. I asked Steve to help and he generously agreed to work with me and my group (the Organizations and Markets Group at HBS). That two days of work (during which he undertook a task that most of us thought impossible in such a short time) put us, as a group, back on the track to becoming a formally sanctioned unit of HBS. For that, and for being the teacher, counselor, partner, and colleague that Steve has been for me, I am deeply grateful.

Steve has a proven track record over decades of designing and implementing large-scale initiatives that elevate organizational performance, and that talent was truly required to bring the Organizations and Markets Group at HBS to its current status. In addition to witnessing his successful work with my group, I've been fortunate to both observe and work with Steve in designing and delivering programs in other client and academic settings. He is a master.

I met Dave Logan through the Barbados Group (see Authors' Note). Dave has deep expertise in researching and designing programs that synthesize organizational change, management, and leadership. I have been privileged to work with him in delivering sessions of an executive development program for a large multinational company. I am always amazed at Dave's ability to penetrate to the core of what it takes to bring about progress. I recall one particularly difficult situation I faced when Dave coached and guided me in a way that quickly turned this situation around. Dave is also a master.

I must recognize the members of the Barbados Group; in particular, Werner Erhard, for being the catalyst that brought these extraordinary thinkers together and for his superb leadership of the group's discussions. I am deeply grateful for the contribution these conversations have made to me personally and to this book.

I especially invite all readers to be open to what may occur as an unfamiliar and perhaps even strange way to think about people and organizational issues.

There is much to learn and the payoffs are huge.

Michael C. Jensen

Jesse Isidor Straus, Professor of Business Emeritus

Harvard Business School

Sharon, Vermont

September 2008

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