Chapter 12

Six months after discovering that they owned historic ground, construction of the first home began for Eric and Max. The first model built perfectly illustrated how the old could be combined with the new in an upscale log cabin home with all the modern conveniences. Once the tentative plans for the site had been released by the press, interest was piqued, and homeowners were drawn to the development. It certainly hadn't been the fast and easy path Eric would have liked to have taken, but he was satisfied with the outcome.

A ceremony was held to dedicate the community building and battlefield. Participating in the ceremony were representatives from veterans groups and the National Guard, all of whom had welcomed the opportunity to share their opinions and provide input on the development. Ultimately, it became a joint venture, but it wouldn't have been possible without Carl and his tokens.

As Carl had told him, luck would have nothing to do with the ultimate success or failure of the development for Eric. Instead, the tokens provided him with everything he needed. That remark enticed Eric to once again pull out and contemplate the tokens and the advice Carl had imparted. There was one token in particular which guided Eric in developing a solution that would respect and honor all parties: Illuminate.

Illuminate: shining light on a problem instead of sweeping it under a rug. If Eric's initial plan to build over the site had actually been realized, it most certainly would have been met with protest. Any attempt to ignore the issue would have caused even bigger problems, to the detriment of the whole project.

Realizing that the only way to resolve the situation was to acknowledge it and, as the developers, accept responsibility for arriving at an acceptable solution, Eric delivered his revised proposal with an air of excitement and compassion. He immediately let it be known that they understood the seriousness of the situation and would entertain any reasonable ideas or alternatives to his proposal. Being willing to cooperate gave all parties the means to work together to reach an amicable solution.

As a result, the problem had been transformed into the focal selling point of the development. Judging by the attendance at the ribbon cutting, the public loved the idea of a new home that was reminiscent of the past, while being part of a patriotic community.

Max opened the event by welcoming all, giving special recognition to military and veteran organizations. Keeping the dedication short and sweet, he provided an overview of the development and how it honored the history of the community and the nation. He was followed by the American Legion members who led the Pledge of Allegiance at the flagpole that marked the entrance to the community building, followed by the traditional playing of “Taps” to honor patriots and fallen soldiers alike.

Then he turned the mike over to Eric, who was not accustomed to being in the limelight and had not come prepared to make a speech.

“Thank you everyone for your support, especially those who have served or are serving our country and freedom. While I do not have a speech prepared, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who made this development possible. First, I'd like to thank my partner, Max, for giving me this opportunity. I'd also like to thank a good friend, Carl, and the other entrepreneurs who provided me with the support and guidance to make it happen. To all of the veterans and their organizations, government officials, and historians, your input and suggestions were crucial and appreciated. My building crew deserves recognition for their skill and craftsmanship in creating the model home you are all invited to tour. While you're there, take note of the furnishings and interior design courtesy of our very talented interior designer, Heather.”

The ribbon was then cut, signifying the official opening, and the public was invited to tour the grounds where plaques honoring the historic battle had been strategically placed, followed by one official ring of the large bronze liberty bell that proudly stood on the lawn outside the community building.

Rather than joining in the outdoor activities, Eric walked to the model home. He had worked diligently with the architect to custom design this home, making sure it contained the detail he had always insisted on, while providing the amenities today's homeowners desired. In the end, even Eric was impressed with the three‐bedroom, two‐bath log home. From every perspective, it offered a different view and vantage point, whether sitting on the large wooden porch or looking down from the upstairs loft. It did not escape his attention, though, that the home wouldn't have been nearly as impressive without the assistance of the interior designer who had staged it so well. Heather had scoured antique shops to find just the right furnishings and accessories to make both new and old join together in a timeless and functional way.

It was everything he'd dreamed it would be, and the public seemed to agree. The months that followed brought with them the sale of many lots, and in less than a year, there was only one lot left. This was a corner lot that Eric had developed an affinity for because it was positioned against homes on one side and the walking trail on the other. The back of the property overlooked the battlefield, which was in the process of being declared a park to preserve its rich history.

Everything had worked out for the best, but Eric knew that it wouldn't have been possible without the generosity and advice of Carl—and he told him so when Carl commended him on the progress he had made.

“I couldn't have done it without you. I think I'd still be slinging a hammer and framing sun porches if I hadn't met you. And I do want to let you know that I haven't forgotten about the cabin—it just got away from me. Now that I have some breathing space, I can focus on completing that. In fact, I wanted to let you know my plans. At first, I wasn't sure how to use all of the material from your cabin, but now I think I'm ready to proceed and complete my renovations. I plan to take your existing frame and use it to build a second‐story loft on my cabin. What do you think?”

“I think it's a fabulous idea, Eric. That's precisely what I wanted—for a piece of the cabin to live on. That's also what I wanted with the experience and knowledge from our mastermind group. You see, knowledge and experience are only valuable if they are used and shared.”

“Yes, the tokens. I will keep them close to me at all times and will value their lessons in everything I do.”

“Speaking of tokens, Eric, there is one last token that I've been saving until you were ready. But I am not going to send it to you—it is already there. You'll find it when you are done with my cabin, along with a few other items of importance.”

“So I have to look for it? A small wooden token among the rubble and remains? What if I overlook it?” Eric asked.

“Don't worry, you won't. For when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Eric, you have always been ready—you just didn't know it. You'll find the token. I'm sure of that.”

After bidding his old friend goodbye, Eric turned to the stack of blueprints on his table. The smaller set represented the addition to his cabin, a project he was anxious to complete in honor of Carl and his grandfather. The second and larger set represented the log cabin house that he was building in Liberty Trails. In the process of developing the site and admiring the homes that had been and were being built, Eric realized that the cabin had a special place in his heart, but it was more appropriate for a weekend or summer home.

Over the course of the last year, he and Heather had started dating and found that they had common interests. When he was entertaining the idea of purchasing one of the lots, he often asked for her opinion in designing the house that would rest on it. By the time the plans were finished, he realized that the plans were a marriage of his ideas with Heather's keen eye and talent. They complemented each other in so many ways that they enjoyed spending as much time together as possible.

Reaching into the box of wooden tokens, he took out another box—a jewelry box that cradled the engagement ring he planned to give her when they broke ground on their new home. He kept the ring with the tokens because to him they were equally special. After all, Eric knew that it was the small old wooden tokens that had made a difference in his life. Without them, there would be no Liberty Trails and he wouldn't have met Heather. In his hands, he held everything he had become and ever would be—in one little box filled with so much.

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