This Book Won’t Work for You If . . .

As mentioned in the previous chapter, there are two things that will dramatically affect whether or not this book has a positive effect on you and your business.

The first, which we just discussed, is the shift in consumer buying patterns and how it has affected sales and marketing as we know it. If you do not believe there is a change in the way consumers behave, there really is no reason to continue reading at this point.

The second element that will affect what you get out of this book is much more personal, and it comes down to a specific mind-set.

You see, as I travel the world and discuss the future of sales and marketing and what businesses must do to be prepared for said future, I find two types of people—two types you’ve likely also seen time and time again.

The first person (or business), when they hear a new idea, suggestion, or business strategy, responds with:

“Sure, I can see how that’s possible.”

“I think we might be able to apply that to our business.”

“I could see how that would be used within our industry.”

And the second, as you may have guessed, is the opposite of the first.

“Nope. Won’t work.”

“Couldn’t be done.”

“That’s not how our customers buy in our industry.”

And on and on.

For the latter, the reason for such a mind-set is simple, and it comes down to one somewhat comical (and sad) belief:

“But you see, Marcus, the stuff you’re talking about here may have worked for you and your swimming pool businesses, but at my company, we’re different.”

Ahh yes, the “we’re different” phenomenon.

Funny thing is, I’ve polled live audiences all over the world, asking thousands of people this one simple question:

“How many of you, by a show of hands, believe your business is quite different than the rest of those in the room?”

And what do you think the results of this question are?

If you guessed 100 percent, you’re right.

Everyone thinks their business is different.


Oddly, no one ever says, “Actually, Marcus, we’re just like that company over there. . . .”

If one looks at the psychology of this response, the reason why 100 percent of people truly believe their business is different is because they want to feel special.

Whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not, this need to feel special runs deep in the world of business.

But, that’s the thing. We’re not special, at least in the most fundamental sort of the word. Case in point: When I was busy leading the life of a pool guy, my business and sales success were, ultimately, built on one thing: consumer (buyer) trust.

Then, after I moved on from being full time with River Pools and Spas (to become what is today a silent partner) and started my sales and marketing company, the Sales Lion, once again, I found my business and sales success was built on that same factor: trust.

Fact is, every business has a single tie that binds them all together when it comes to consumers and buyers, and that is trust. And the companies that embrace this reality, and let go of the obsession that “we’re different” and instead focus on the fact that they are fundamentally the same, that’s when great things are brought to pass.

To further make this point, my consulting company, the Sales Lion, has worked with businesses and brands all over the world to help them overcome their digital sales and marketing problems. More than half of these organizations have been B2B. Many have been serviced based. But for each one of them, the big picture doesn’t change. We obsess over gaining consumer trust, no matter what title the person has on the other end. In fact, you’ll see many of their case studies throughout this book.

So this is my challenge to you: This book will, certainly at times, challenge the way you have done business in your space or industry. When this occurs, don’t push aside what is being suggested and automatically dismiss its merits. Instead, ask yourself the simple question, “But is it possible?”

If you do, I can promise you the information found within these pages will have a dramatic impact on your business, and maybe even your life.

So whether you’re B2B or B2C, local or national, a service or a product, or whether you’re big or small: don’t put yourself in the “different” corner.

Bring it back to the basics. Bring it back to trust.

That’s the business we’re all in.

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