
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Abercrombie & Fitch, 47

action, 140

adjacencies, 59

Adner, Ron, 156-157

Amabile, Teresa, 146-147

The Art of Innovation (Kelley), 118

Batchelor, Charles, 8

Battling the Corporate Machine, 74

behavior, 140

Being the Boss (Hill and Lineback), 120, 127

benchmarks, 52

BenQ Corporation, 62

Berners-Lee, Tim, 163

big organizations, innovation in, 69-74

Big Think Strategy (Schmitt), 46, 50-51

Birkinshaw, Julian, 17, 56, 97-98, 111

Blizzard Entertainment, 38-39

Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne), 129-130

Bower, Joseph, 20-21

Brandeau, Greg, 120, 123

Braungart, Michael, 151, 152

Brown, Tim, 11

business, and innovation, 3-5

business model innovation, 137-138, 139

business models, conflicting, 134-136

cell phones, 13

Cerf, Vincent, 163

Chandler, Alfred, 14

Chery, 28

Chesbrough, Henry, 14-15, 17, 61, 63-64

Christensen, Clay, 16

biography, 19-20

ideas, 20-24

Q & A, 24-33

Cinnamon Club, 79-81

Clever (Goffee and Jones), 114

climate change, 162-163

Clinton, William (Bill), 162

co-creation, 16, 37-39

defined, 41

example, 41-42

Collision Course, 73-74

commercialization, 134

and innovation, 10-12

Competing for the Future (Prahalad and Hamel), 35-36, 97

computer industry, 21

consumers, needs of, 59

core competencies, 35

Cradle to Cradle (McDonough and Braungart), 151

cradle-to-cradle, 151-155

creative destruction, 5-6

creativity, 3-4, 122

Csíkszentmihályi, Mihaly, 114-115

cultural differences, 47-48

cultural transformations, 93-94

customer experience management, 47-49


data about, 76-77

innovation with, 46-53

day-to-day execution, 86-87

Deming, W. Edwards, 108

Desso, 152-155

Digital Equipment, 21

discontinuous innovation, 2-3

disruptive innovation, 13, 15, 23-24

defined, 25-27

and education, 30-31

and healthcare, 30-31

disruptive technologies, 20-21

doing things differently, 6

drastic action, 131-132

economic progress, and management innovation, 101-102

Edison, Thomas Alva, 6-10, 107

education, and disruptive innovation, 30-31

efficiency, vs. innovation, 82-83

efficiency innovation, 13

See also steady-state innovation

efficiency trap, 150

Einstein, Albert, 127

employee engagement, 146

employee-focused problem solving, 107-108

The End of Management (Hamel), 103

execution, types of, 86-87

fair process, 130

fashion, 13

fast fashion, 13

Fast Second (Markides and Geroski), 10

fast seconds, 133-134

fear of failure, 74-76

financial analysis, misapplied measures of, 32

first-mover advantage, 133

Florida, Richard, 163

flow, 114-115

Ford, 28

redesign of River Rouge facility, 152

Ford, Henry, 111

The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid (Prahalad), 36

Fuji, 12

The Future of Competition (Prahalad and Ramaswamy), 36

Gandhi, Mahatma, 45

Gardner, Howard, 127

General Electric, 88-89, 92-96

and management innovation, 98

and Thomas Edison, 107

General Motors, 28, 107

Geroski, Paul, 10

Getzels, Jacob, 122

Ghemawat, Pankaj, 163

global mindset, 94-95

global network institutions, 161

Global Solution Networks, 158

glocalization, 89-90, 92

Goffee, Rob, 114

Google, 41-42, 123

governance networks, 160

Govindarajan, Vijay, 81, 88-89

Q & A, 82-88, 89-96

Grove, Andy, 23, 28-29

Hamel, Gary, 17, 36, 97-103

Q & A, 104-110

Hancock, Heather, 149-150


co-creation, 42-44

and disruptive innovation, 30-31

growing availability of personal data, 39

Hill, Linda, 120-127

Hyundai, 28

IBM, 21

ideas, 143

IDEO, 11, 117-119

Immelt, Jeff, 89, 93-94, 95

implementation, 138-140

incrementalism, 99-100

Industrial Revolution, 5-6

inner work life, 147

Innosight, 20


and business, 3-5

business model innovation, 137-138, 139

and commercialization, 10-12

with customers, 46-53

defined, 1-2, 83, 88

discontinuous innovation, 2-3

disruptive innovation, 13, 15, 23-27, 30-31

vs. efficiency, 82-83

efficiency innovation, 13

leading innovation, 17, 113-117, 127

management innovation, 17, 97-99

vs. management innovation, 105-106

management innovation, 105-108

open innovation, 17, 56-65, 108

and organizational environment, 141

organizing for, 117-119

principles that allow large organizations to deliver on, 83-84

process innovation, 139

product innovation, 138, 139

and R&D, 10-11

radical product innovation, 138

reverse innovation, 17, 89-93

steady-state innovation, 16

and strategy, 136-137, 142

sustaining innovation, 13

teaching, 87

technological innovation, 139

why innovation should come before strategy, 137

why it matters, 1-3

innovation execution, 86-87

innovator, defined, 142

innovator’s dilemma, 16, 21-24, 27-28

The Innovator’s Dilemma (Christensen), 20

Intel, 28-30

Invisible Children, 159

invisible hand, 5

Ioannou, Ioannis, 148, 150-151, 155

Isaacson, Walter, 23

Jager, Dirk, 56-57, 58

Jobs, Steve, 23

Jones, Gareth, 114

Jones, Reg, 95

Kelley, David, 117

Kia, 28

Kim, W. Chan, 129-130

Kingdon, Matt, 66-67

Q & A, 67-78

knowledge networks, 160

Kodak, 12, 16

Kony, Joseph, 159

Kony 2012, 159

Kramer, Steven, 146-147

Kranendijk, Stef, 152-155

Krishnan, M.S., 39

Kruesi, John, 8

Lafley, A.G., 57-59, 60

leadership, 45-46, 52-53, 123-127

and the performance engine, 84-85

leading change, vs. leading innovation, 127

leading innovation, 17

by creating open spaces, 114-117

vs. leading change, 127

overview, 113-114

Leading the Revolution (Hamel), 103

Lefferts, Marshall, 8

Lineback, Kent, 120, 123

Making It Real, 72-73


ceasing to evolve, 110

rescuing, 110-111

management as a technology, 104-105, 109

management innovation, 17, 97-98

examples, 107-108

General Electric, 98

ingredients, 98-99

vs. innovation, 105-106

Management Innovation Lab, 105

Mandela, Nelson, 123, 124

marginal costs, 32

Markides, Constantinos, 10

Markides, Constantinos (Costas), 88, 131-136

Q & A, 136-143

Martin, Roger, 117, 163

mass production, 11-12

Mauborgne, Renée, 129-131

McDonough, William, 151

Mercedes, 28

metrics, 100

Microsoft, 133, 135

MLab, 105

Moggridge, Bill, 117

moral authority, 46

motivation, 31

Motorola, 62

N = 1, 41, 44

nation-states, 161-163

Neelands, Jonothan, 6, 114-117

The New Age of Innovation (Prahalad and Krishnan), 39-40

New York Times Company, 82

Nintendo, 135

nonnegotiables, 45-46

nuclear-reactor industry, and open innovation, 64

Nuttall, Mike, 117

Open Business Models (Chesbrough), 64

open innovation, 17, 61, 108

and business sectors, 62-63

industries that haven’t migrated to open innovation, 64-65

and Procter & Gamble, 56-60

today, 63-64

Open Innovation (Chesbrough), 63

Open Services Innovation (Chesbrough), 64

open spaces, 114-117

open-mindedness, 65

organizational environment

and innovation, 141

thinking outside the organizational box, 142-143

organizational life, 146-147

organizing for innovation, 117-119

original-design manufacturers (ODMs), 62

outside-industry benchmarking, 52

outsourcing, 63

performance engine, 84

and leadership, 84-85

personal data, growing availability of, 39

Peters, Tom, 117

Pfizer, 66, 69

pharmaceutical industry, 13

challenges of R&D, 55-56

Pixar, 73-74, 125

platforms, 160

playfulness, 115-116

policy networks, 160

Pope, Frank L., 8

Porter, Michael, 86

Prahalad, C.K., 16, 35-40

Q & A, 40-46

process innovation, 139

Procter & Gamble, 36

Connect + Develop initiative, 17, 59-60

and open innovation, 56-59

product innovation, 138, 139

profits, and sustainability, 155-156

The Progress Principle (Amabile and Kramer), 146-147

Protagonists, 70-71

Quest for Innovation, 71-72

R = G, 42, 44

R&D, 55-56

radical innovation, 101, 102-103

radical product innovation, 138

Ramaswamy, Venkat, 36

Refinity, 153

retrenchment, 99

reverse innovation, 17

blockers in large organizations, 92-93

defined, 89

example, 90-91

Rigby, Darrell, 62

sacred cows, 51-52

scaling up, 133-134

Schmitt, Bernd, Q & A, 46-53

Schumpeter, Joseph, 5

The Science of Serendipity (Kingdon), 67

second to market, 88

serendipity, 66-68

silos, 52

Singh, Vivek, 79-81

skunkworks, 84, 85

Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 163

Sloan, Alfred, 107, 111

Smith, Adam, 5

social innovation, 145, 148-151

Sony, 135

standards networks, 160

steady-state innovation, 16

See also efficiency innovation; sustaining innovation

strategy, 86, 99

and innovation, 136-137, 142

studio, 118-119

sustainability, 151

impact on profits, 155-156

See also cradle-to-cradle

sustaining innovation, 13

See also steady-state innovation

Tapscott, Don, 157-158

Q & A, 158-164

Taylor, Frederick, 108

teaching innovation, 87

technological innovation, 139

technology entrepreneurs, 60

technology game boards, 59

telegraphy, 7-8

Tesla, Nikola, 9

ticking the boxes trap, 150

togetherness, 116-117

Toyota, 28, 107

Trimble, Chris, 89

Truelove, Emily Stecker, 120, 123

Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, 55

ultrasound machines, 90-91

Unger, William, 8

upcycling, 154

See also cradle-to-cradle

value innovation, defined, 130-131

vertical integration, 14-15

Viagra, 66, 68-69

Walmart, 36

watchdogs, 160

Welch, Jack, 95

The Wide Lens (Adner), 156

Xerox PARC, 10

Zara, 13

Zook, Chris, 62

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