22 Tic-Tac-Toe redux: An interactive version with type hints

In this last exercise, we’re going to revisit the Tic-Tac-Toe game from the previous chapter. That version played one turn of the game by accepting an initial --board and then modifying it if there were also valid options for --player and --cell. It printed the one board and the winner, if any. We’re going to extend those ideas into a version that will always start from an empty board and will play as many turns as needed to complete a game, ending with a winner or a draw.

This program will be different from all the other programs in this book because it will accept no command-line arguments. The game will always start with a blank “board” and with the X player going first. It will use the input() function to interactively ask each player, X and then O, for a move. Any invalid move, such as choosing an occupied or non-existing cell, will be rejected. At the end of each turn, the game will decide to stop if it determines there is a win or a draw.

In this chapter you will

  • Use and break out of an infinite loop

  • Add type hints to your code

  • Explore tuples, named tuples, and typed dictionaries

  • Use mypy to analyze code for errors, especially misuse of types

22.1 Writing itictactoe.py

This is the one program where I won’t provide an integration test. The program doesn’t take any arguments, and I can’t easily write tests that will interact dynamically with the program. This also makes it difficult to show a string diagram, because the output of the program will be different depending on the moves you make. Still, figure 22.1 is an approximation of how you could think of the program starting with no inputs and then looping until some outcome is determined, or the player quits.

Figure 22.1 This version of Tic-Tac-Toe accepts no arguments and will play in an infinite loop until some conclusion like a win, draw, or forfeit.

I encourage you to start off by running the solution1.py program to play a few rounds of the game. The first thing you may notice is that the program clears the screen of any text and shows you an empty board, along with a prompt for the X player’s move. I’ll type 1 and press Enter:

| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X, what is your move? [q to quit]: 1

Then you will see that cell 1 is now occupied by X, and the player has switched to O:

| X | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player O, what is your move? [q to quit]:

If I choose 1 again, I am told that cell is already taken:

| X | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Cell “1” already taken
Player O, what is your move? [q to quit]:

Note that the player is still O because the previous move was invalid. The same happens if I put in some value that cannot be converted to an integer:

| X | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Invalid cell “biscuit”, please use 1-9
Player O, what is your move? [q to quit]:

Or if I enter an integer that is out of range:

| X | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Invalid cell “10”, please use 1-9
Player O, what is your move? [q to quit]:

You should be able to reuse many of the ideas from chapter 21’s version of the game to validate the user input.

If I play the game to a conclusion where one player gets three in a row, it prints the winning board and proclaims the victor:

| X | O | 3 |
| 4 | X | 6 |
| 7 | O | X |
X has won!

22.1.1 Tuple talk

In this version, we’ll write an interactive game that always starts with an empty grid and plays as many rounds as necessary to reach a conclusion with a win or a draw. The idea of “state” in the last game was limited to the board--which players were in which cells. This version requires us to track quite a few more variables in our game state:

  • The cells of the board, like ..XO..X.O

  • The current player, either X or O

  • Any error, such as the player entering a cell that is occupied or that does not exist or a value that cannot be converted to a number

  • Whether the user wishes to quit the game early

  • Whether the game is a draw, which happens when all the cells of the grid are occupied but there is no winner

  • The winner, if any, so we know when the game is over

You don’t need to write your program exactly the way I wrote mine, but you still may find yourself needing to keep track of many items. A dict is a natural data structure for that, but I’d like to introduce a new data structure called a “named tuple,” as it plays nicely with Python’s type hints, which will figure prominently in my solution.

We’ve encountered tuples throughout the exercises. They’ve been returned by something like match.groups() when a regular expression contains capturing parentheses, like in chapters 14 and 17; when using zip to combine two lists, like in chapter 19; or when using enumerate() to get a list of index values and elements from a list. A tuple is an immutable list, and we’ll explore how that immutability can prevent us from introducing subtle bugs into our programs.

You create a tuple whenever you put commas between values:

>>> cell, player
(1, 'X')

It’s most common to put parentheses around them to make it more explicit:

>>> (cell, player)
(1, 'X')

We could assign this to a variable called state:

>>> state = (cell, player)
>>> type(state)
<class 'tuple'>

We index into a tuple using list index values:

>>> state[0]
>>> state[1]

Unlike with a list, we cannot change any of the values inside the tuple:

>>> state[1] = 'O'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

It’s going to be inconvenient remembering that the first position is the cell and the second position is the player, and it will get much worse when we add all the other fields. We could switch to using a dict so that we can use strings to access the values of state, but dictionaries are mutable, and it’s also easy to misspell a key name.

22.1.2 Named tuples

It would be nice to combine the safety of an immutable tuple with named fields, which is exactly what we get with the namedtuple() function. First, you must import it from the collections module:

>>> from collections import namedtuple

The namedtuple() function allows us to describe a new class for values. Let’s say we want to create a class that describes the idea of State. A class is a group of variables, data, and functions that together can be used to represent some idea. The Python language itself, for example, has the str class, which represents the idea of a sequence of characters that can be contained in a variable that has some len (length), and which can be converted to uppercase with str.upper(), can be iterated with a for loop, and so forth. All these ideas are grouped into the str class, and we’ve used help(str) to read the documentation for that class inside the REPL.

The class name is the first argument we pass to namedtuple(), and the second argument is a list of the field names in the class. It’s common practice to capitalize class names:

>>> State = namedtuple('State', ['cell', 'player'])

We’ve just created a new type called State!

>>> type(State)
<class 'type'>

Just as there is a function called list() to create a list type, we can now use the State() function to create a named tuple of the type State that has two named fields, cell and player:

>>> state = State(1, 'X')
>>> type(state)
<class '__main__.State'>

We can still access the fields with index values, like any list or tuple:

>>> state[0]
>>> state[1]

But we can also use their names, which is much nicer. Notice that there are no parentheses at the end, as we are accessing a field, not calling a method:

>>> state.cell
>>> state.player

Because state is a tuple, we cannot mutate the value once it has been created:

>>> state.cell = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: can't set attribute

This is actually good in many instances. It’s often quite dangerous to change your data values once your program has started. You should use tuples or named tuples whenever you want a list- or dictionary-like structure that cannot be accidentally modified.

There is a problem, however, in that there’s nothing to prevent us from instantiating a state with the fields out of order and of the wrong types --cell should be an int, and player should be a str!

>>> state2 = State('O', 2)
>>> state2
State(cell='O', player=2)

In order to avoid that, you can use the field names, so that their order no longer matters:

>>> state2 = State(player='O', cell=2)
>>> state2
State(cell=2, player='O')

Now you have a data structure that looks like a dict but has the immutability of a tuple!

22.1.3 Adding type hints

We still have a big problem in that there’s nothing preventing us from assigning a str to the cell, which ought to be an int, and vice versa for int and player:

>>> state3 = State(player=3, cell='X')
>>> state3
State(cell='X', player=3)

Starting in Python 3.6, the typing module allows you to add type hints to describe the data types for variables. You should read PEP 484 (www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/) for more information, but the basic idea is that we can use this module to describe the appropriate types for variables and type signatures for functions.

I’m going to improve our State class by using the NamedTuple class from the typing module as the base class. First we need to import from the typing module the classes we’ll need, such as NamedTuple, List, and Optional, the last of which describes a type that could be None or some other class like a str:

from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional

Now we can specify a State class with named fields, types, and even default values to represent the initial state of the game where the board is empty (all dots) and player X goes first. Note that I decided to store the board as a list of characters rather than a str:

class State(NamedTuple):
    board: List[str] = list('.' * 9)
    player: str = 'X'
    quit: bool = False
    draw: bool = False
    error: Optional[str] = None
    winner: Optional[str] = None

We can use the State() function to create a new value that’s set to the initial state:

>>> state = State()
>>> state.board
['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']
>>> state.player

You can override any default value by providing the field name and a value. For instance, we could start the game off with player O by specifying player='O'. Any field we don’t specify will use the default:

>>> state = State(player='O')
>>> state.board
['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']
>>> state.player

We get an exception if we misspell a field name, like playre instead of player:

>>> state = State(playre='O')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __new__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'playre'

22.1.4 Type verification with Mypy

As nice as all the above is, Python will not generate a runtime error if we assign an incorrect type. For instance, I can assign quit a str value of 'True' instead of the bool value True, and nothing at all happens:

>>> state = State(quit='True')
>>> state.quit

The benefit of type hints comes from using a program like Mypy to check our code. Let’s place all this code into a small program called typehints.py in the repo:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Demonstrating type hints """
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional
class State(NamedTuple):
    board: List[str] = list('.' * 9)
    player: str = 'X'
    quit: bool = False            
    draw: bool = False
    error: Optional[str] = None
    winner: Optional[str] = None
state = State(quit='False')       

quit is defined as a bool, which means it should only allow values of True and False.

We are assigning the str value 'True' instead of the bool value True, which might be an easy mistake to make, especially in a very large program. We’d like to know this type of error will be caught!

The program will execute with no errors:

$ ./typehints.py
State(board=['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], player='X', 
quit='False', draw=False, error=None, winner=None)

But the Mypy program will report the error of our ways:

$ mypy typehints.py
typehints.py:16: error: Argument "quit" to "State" has incompatible type "str"; expected "bool"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

If I correct the program like so,

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Demonstrating type hints """
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional
class State(NamedTuple):
    board: List[str] = list('.' * 9)
    player: str = 'X'
    quit: bool = False              
    draw: bool = False
    error: Optional[str] = None
    winner: Optional[str] = None
state = State(quit=True)            

Again, quit is a bool value.

We have to assign an actual bool value in order to pass muster with Mypy.

now Mypy will be satisfied:

$ mypy typehints2.py
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

22.1.5 Updating immutable structures

If one of the advantages of using NamedTuples is their immutability, how will we keep track of changes to our program? Consider our initial state of an empty grid with the player X going first:

>>> state = State()

Imagine X takes cell 1, so we need to change board to X........ and the player to O. We can’t directly modify state:

>>> state.board=list('X.........')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: can't set attribute

We could use the State() function to create a new value to overwrite the existing state. That is, since we can’t change anything inside the state variable, we could instead point state to an entirely new value. We did this in the second solution in chapter 8, where we needed to change a str value, because they are also immutable in Python.

To do this, we can copy all the current values that haven’t changed and combine them with the changed values:

>>> state = State(board=list('X.........'), player='O', quit=state.quit, 
    draw=state.draw, error=state.error, winner=state.winner)

The namedtuple._replace() method, however, provides a much simpler way to do this. Only the values we provide are changed, and the result is a new State:

>>> state = state._replace(board=list('X.........'), player='O')

We overwrite our state variable with the return from state._replace(), just as we have repeatedly overwritten string variables with new values:

>>> state
State(board=['X', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], player='O', 
      quit=False, draw=False, error=None, winner=None)

This is much more convenient than having to list all the fields--we only need to specify the fields that have changed. We are also prevented from accidentally modifying any of the other fields, and we are likewise prevented from forgetting or misspelling any fields or setting them to the wrong types.

22.1.6 Adding type hints to function definitions

Now let’s look at how we can add type hints to our function definitions. For an example, we can modify our format_board() function to indicate that it takes a parameter called board, which is a list of string values, by adding board: List[str]. Additionally, the function returns a str value, so we can add -> str after the colon on the def to indicate this, as in figure 22.2.

Figure 22.2 Adding type hints to describe the type of the parameter and the return value

The annotation for main() indicates that the None value is returned, as shown in figure 22.3.

Figure 22.3 The main() function accepts no parameters and returns None.

What’s really terrific is that we can define a function that takes a value of the type State, and Mypy will check that this kind of value is actually being passed (see figure 22.4).

Figure 22.4 We can use custom types in type hints. This function takes and returns a value of the type State.

Try playing my version of the game and then writing your own that behaves similarly. Then take a look at how I wrote an interactive solution that incorporates these ideas of data immutability and type safety.

22.2 Solution

This is the last program! I hope that writing the simpler version in the previous chapter gave you ideas for making this work. Did the type hints and unit tests also help?

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Interactive Tic-Tac-Toe using NamedTuple """
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional                                 
class State(NamedTuple):                                                      
    board: List[str] = list('.' * 9)
    player: str = 'X'
    quit: bool = False
    draw: bool = False
    error: Optional[str] = None
    winner: Optional[str] = None
# --------------------------------------------------
def main() -> None:
    """Make a jazz noise here"""
    state = State()                                                           
    while True:                                                               
        if state.error:                                                       
        elif state.winner:                                                    
            print(f'{state.winner} has won!')
        state = get_move(state)                                               
        if state.quit:                                                        
            print('You lose, loser!')
        elif state.draw:                                                      
            print("All right, we'll call it a draw.")
# --------------------------------------------------
def get_move(state: State) -> State:                                          
    """Get the player's move"""
    player = state.player                                                     
    cell = input(f'Player {player}, what is your move? [q to quit]: ')        
    if cell == 'q':                                                           
        return state._replace(quit=True)                                      
    if not (cell.isdigit() and int(cell) in range(1, 10)):                    
        return state._replace(error=f'Invalid cell "{cell}", please use 1-9') 
    cell_num = int(cell)                                                      
    if state.board[cell_num - 1] in 'XO':                                     
        return state._replace(error=f'Cell "{cell}" already taken')           
    board = state.board                                                       
    board[cell_num - 1] = player                                             2#
    return state._replace(board=board,                                       2$
                          player='O' if player == 'X' else 'X',
                          draw='.' not in board,
# --------------------------------------------------
def format_board(board: List[str]) -> str:                                   2%
    """Format the board"""
    cells = [str(i) if c == '.' else c for i, c in enumerate(board, 1)]
    bar = '-------------'
    cells_tmpl = '| {} | {} | {} |'
    return '
        cells_tmpl.format(*cells[:3]), bar,
        cells_tmpl.format(*cells[3:6]), bar,
        cells_tmpl.format(*cells[6:]), bar
# --------------------------------------------------
def find_winner(board: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:                          2^
    """Return the winner"""
    winning = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7],
               [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]]
    for player in ['X', 'O']:
        for i, j, k in winning:
            combo = [board[i], board[j], board[k]]
            if combo == [player, player, player]:
                return player
    return None
# --------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':

Import the classes we’ll need from the typing module.

Declare a class that is based on the NamedTuple class. Define field names, types, and defaults for the values this class can hold.

Instantiate the initial state as an empty grid and the first player as X.

Start an infinite loop. When we have a reason to stop, we can break out of the loop.

Print a special sequence that most terminals will interpret as a command to clear the screen.

Print the current state of the board.

Print any errors, such as the user not choosing a valid cell.

If there is a winner, proclaim the victor and break out of the loop.

Get the next move from the player. The get_move() function accepts a State type and returns one too. We overwrite the existing state variable each time through the loop.

If the user has decided to withdraw from the game prematurely, insult them, and break from the loop.

If the game has reached a stalemate where all cells are occupied but there is no winner, declare a draw and break from the loop.

Define a get_move() function that takes and returns a State type.

Copy the player from the state, since we’ll refer to it several times in the function body.

Use the input() function to ask the player for their next move. Tell them how to quit the game early so they don’t have to use Ctrl-C to interrupt the program.

First check if the user wants to quit.

If so, replace the quit value of the state with True and return with the new state. Note that no other values in the state are modified.

Check if the user entered a value that can be converted to a digit using str.isdigit() and if the integer version of the value is in the valid range.

If not, return an updated state that has an error. Note that the current state and player remain unchanged so that the same player has a retry with the same board until they provide valid input.

After we have verified that cell is a valid integer value, convert it to an integer.

See if the board is open at the indicated cell.

If not, return an updated state with an error. Again, nothing else about the state is changed, so we retry the round with the same player and state.

Copy the current board because we need to modify it and state.board is immutable.

2# Use the cell value to update the board with the current player.

2$ Return a new state value with the new board value, the current player switched to the other player, and if there is a winner or a draw.

2% The only change from the previous version of this function is the addition of type hints. The function accepts a list of string values (the current board) and returns a formatted grid of the board state.

2^ This is also the same function as before, but with type hints. The function accepts the board as a list of strings and returns an optional string value, which means it could also return None.

22.2.1 A version using TypedDict

New to Python 3.8 is the TypedDict class, which looks very similar to a NamedTuple. Let’s look at how using this as the base class changes parts of our program. One crucial difference is that you cannot (yet) set default values for the fields:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Interactive Tic-Tac-Toe using TypedDict """
from typing import List, Optional, TypedDict     
class State(TypedDict):                          
    board: str
    player: str
    quit: bool
    draw: bool
    error: Optional[str]
    winner: Optional[str]

Import TypedDict instead of NamedTuple.

Base State on a TypedDict.

We have to set our initial values when we instantiate a new state:

def main() -> None:
    """Make a jazz noise here"""
    state = State(board='.' * 9,

Syntactically, I prefer using state.board with the named tuple rather than the dictionary access of state['board']:

while True:
    if state['error']:
    elif state['winner']:
        print(f"{state['winner']} has won!")
    state = get_move(state)
    if state['quit']:
        print('You lose, loser!')
    elif state['draw']:
        print('No winner.')

Beyond the convenience of accessing the fields, I prefer the read-only nature of the NamedTuple to the mutable TypedDict. Note how in the get_move() function, we can change the state:

def get_move(state: State) -> State:
    """Get the player's move"""
    player = state['player']
    cell = input(f'Player {player}, what is your move? [q to quit]: ')
    if cell == 'q':
        state['quit'] = True                                          
        return state
    if not (cell.isdigit() and int(cell) in range(1, 10)):
        state['error'] = f'Invalid cell "{cell}", please use 1-9'     
        return state
    cell_num = int(cell)
    if state['board'][cell_num - 1] in 'XO':
        state['error'] = f'Cell "{cell}" already taken'
        return state
    board = list(state['board'])
    board[cell_num - 1] = player
    return State(
        player='O' if player == 'X' else 'X',
        draw='.' not in board,

Here we are directly modifying the TypedDict, whereas the NamedTuple version used state._replace() to return an entirely new state value.

Another place where the state is directly modifiable. You may prefer this approach.

In my opinion, a NamedTuple has nicer syntax, default values, and immutability over the TypedDict version, so I prefer it. Regardless of which you choose, the greater lesson I hope to impart is that we should try to be explicit about the “state” of the program and when and how it changes.

22.2.2 Thinking about state

The idea of program state is that a program can remember changes to variables over time. In the previous chapter, our program accepted a given --board and possible values for --cell and --player that might alter the board. Then the game printed a representation of the board. In this chapter’s interactive version, the board always begins as an empty grid and changes with each turn, which we modeled as an infinite loop.

It is common in programs like this to see programmers use global variables that are declared at the top of the program outside of any function definitions so that they are globally visible throughout the program. While common, it’s not considered a best practice, and I would discourage you from ever using globals unless you can see no other way. I would suggest, instead, that you stick to using small functions that accept all the values required and return a single type of value. I would also suggest you use data structures like typed, named tuples to represent program state, and that you guard the changes to state very carefully.

22.3 Going further

  • Incorporate spicier insults. Maybe bring in the Shakespearean generator?

  • Write a version that allows the user to start a new game without quitting and restarting the program.

  • Write other games like Hangman.


  • Type hints allow you to annotate variables as well as function parameters and return values with the types of the values.

  • Python itself will ignore type hints at runtime, but Mypy can use type hints to find errors in your code before you ever run it.

  • A NamedTuple behaves a bit like a dictionary and a bit like an object but retains the immutability of tuples.

  • Both NamedTuple and TypedDict allow you to create a novel type with defined fields and types that you can use as type hints to your own functions.

  • Our program used a NamedTuple to create a complex data structure to represent the state of our program. The state included many variables, such as the current board, the current player, any errors, the winner, and so on, each of which was described using type hints.

While it is difficult to write integration tests for an interactive program, we can still break a program into small functions (such as format_board() or get_winner()) for which we write and run unit tests.

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