How Instructors Can Use this Encyclopedia

Instructors have found the Encyclopedia of Operations Management (EOM) to be a valuable “field manual” for a variety of courses and training programs. These include:

Case courses without textbooks – The EOM is an authoritative supplement for a case course. The EOM provides a precise “language” for supply chain and operations management to help students learn key terms in the context of a teaching case.

Case or lecture courses with textbooks – Even if your course uses a textbook, the EOM is a valuable supplement to provide precise definitions for important terms that are not always defined in standard textbooks. No textbook can provide the depth and breadth found in the EOM. The extensive linked lists help the reader develop a complete mental map of the field.

Lean sigma training courses – The EOM defines nearly all terms used in lean sigma, lean six sigma, and lean training programs. Many EOM entries include examples and references that go well beyond what is offered in any other lean sigma book available on the market today. The EOM is an indispensable reference for lean sigma training programs and is the only reference that pulls together all major tools and concepts in a precise and easy-to-use “field manual.”

Instructors have found practical ways to use the Encyclopedia of Operations Management, including:

• Use the terms in the context of class discussions and refer students to the EOM for precise definitions.

• Assign key terms to be studied as a part of the syllabus, case studies, and homework assignments.

• Hold students accountable for mastering the key terms used in classroom discussions, exams, and homework assignments. Use homework assignments and exams to test student understanding of the terms and concepts and their ability to apply concepts and tools to solve practical problems.

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