
advancement, job, 14

age or date of birth and resumes, 31

agents or alerts, job boards, 65

answers, theoretical, 110


cover letters, 39

forms, 48-49

assumptive closings, 132

attire, interview, 82-86


checks, 164-165

information, 95-104

behavioral questions, 109-113

body language, 86-90

brag book, 78

building rapport, 94-95

bullets, quantifiable, 28-30

Career Transition

Preparation, 13

check, driving record, 166

chronological resumes, 22

CLASS for problem solving, 140-143

clearance, security, 27

Closing questions and methods, 130-137


assumptive, 132

direct, 133

isolation, 131

set up, 131

subtle, 132

combination resumes, 22-23

common pitfalls, interview, 90-92

common resume format errors, 25

communications, 171-173

commuting and your job, 15

company confidential and resumes, 34

confirming requirements, 104-108

contact information, resume, 25-26

contingency recruiters, 55

contract recruiters, 56

corporate culture, considering the ideal, 16-17

cost of resume writing services, 34-35

cover letter

paragraphs 1-4, 40-43

pitfalls, 44-45

cover letters, 38-45

types of, 39-40

date of availability and resumes, 33

date of birth or age and resumes, 31

DD-214 Form, 46

description, position, 28

development, professional, 14

Different Types of Interviews, 139

digital pictures, 47-48

documentation, being prepared with your, 20-21

door, watching the, 89

drinks, social interview, 150-154

driver’s license, 78

driving record check, 166

drug screening, 165-166

ECIR method, 134-137

education on resume, treatment of, 30-31

e-mail accounts when interviewing, 26

employer job board posts, 64

errors, common resume format, 25

executive resumes, mid- to senior-level, 36

eye contact, 89-90

Facebook, 73-74

finalizing your resume, 37-38

financial research, 54-55

flash drive, 78

follow up, 167-186

font choice, resume, 24

free resume reviews, 35-36

functional resumes, 22

geography, considering, 17-18

headers and footers and whether to use them, 23-24

health status, height/weight and, 32-33

helping others in your job, 14

illegal questions, 101-102

IMPRESS, 143-144

improvement, areas for, 111

independence in your job, 16

industry knowledge, 52-54

information, background, 95-104

inquiry cover letters, 39


attire, 82-86

common pitfalls, 90-92

do’s and don’ts, 81-82

mechanics, 75-92


phases of the, 93-137

what to bring to the, 77-78


different types of, 139-166

problem-solving, 139-143

social, 148-154

telephone, 143-146

video conference, 146-148

isolation closings, 131

job aggregator sites, 64

job boards, 63-67

leadership style, describing your, 111

leisure, 15

length and margins, resume, 24-25

letter of recommendation, 38

linkedin, 69-71

margins and length, resume, 24-25

meals, social interview, 149-150

military and educational records, 46-47

networking cover letters, 40

notes from sales managers, 50

objective statements and resumes, 33

offers and negotiations, 174-186

online applications, 49

organizer, professional, 77

panel social interview, 154-156

paper, type of resume, 24

phases of the interview, 93-137

pictures and resumes, 34


common interview, 90-92

cover letter, 44-45

position description, 28

posting your resume, 65-67


employer, 64

recruiter, 64

power in your job, 16

presentations, 156-159

prestige, job, 14

problem-solving interviews, 139-143

professional experience, 28

purple sock, 106

Questions for the interviewer, 125-129


answering behavioral, 112-113

behavioral, 109-113

illegal, 101-102

race and resumes, 33

rapport building, 94-95

reading list, 53-54

recognition events, 50

recommendation, letter of, 38

records, military and educational 46-47

recruiter job board posts, 64


selecting a, 59-61

why use a, 56


other topics when dealing with, 62-63

questions to ask, 61-62

types of, 55-56

references and resumes, 33


contact information, 25-26

format errors, common, 25

length and margins, 24-25

paper, 24

resume writing services, 34-36

cost of, 34-35


finalizing your, 37-38

font 24

posting your, 65-67

what NOT to put on your, 31-34


and age or date of birth, 31

and company confidential, 34

and desired salaries, 32

and health status, 32-33

and objective statements, 33

and pictures, 34

and race, 33

and references, 33

and scholarship information, 31

and spouse’s of children’s names, 32

and your date of availability, 33


chronological, 22

combination, 22-23

functional, 22

social security number and, 33

types of, 22-23

retained recruiters, 56

salary, resumes and desired, 32

sales awards, 50

sales rankings, 50

scholarships, resumes including, 31

screening, drug, 165-166

security clearance, 27

security, job, 14

selecting a recruiter, 59-61

services, resume writing, 34-36

set up of resumes, 23-25

signed contracts, 50

skill refinement, 10

SOAR Method, the, 113-24

social interview

drinks, 150-154

meals, 149-150

panel, 154-156

social interviews, 148-154

social networking, 67-74

social security numbers and resumes, 33

spouse’s/children’s name and resumes, 32

stress, how do you handle, 112

style, describing your leadership, 111

subtle closings, 132

telephone interviews, 143-146

templates and whether to use them, 23

tests and assessments, 159-164

thank-you notes, 168-171

theoretical answers, 110

timeline, considering your, 19-20

topics when dealing with recruiters, other, 62-63

traffic check, 51

transcripts, 47-48

travel, 15

turn down, the, 173-174

twitter, 71-72

types of cover letters, 39-40

types of resumes, 22-23

Values and goals, prioritizing, 13

varity and your job, 16

video conference interviews, 146-148

walking fast, 87

working with recruiters, 55-63

writing services, resume, 34-36

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