Appendix B

TouchDevelop Services

This appendix reproduces material found on the TouchDevelop website at It is provided here to make the book more self-contained. Appendix B covers the objects (known as resources or services) provided by the API. The datatypes are covered in Appendix C.

B.1    bazaar

Browse and review scripts from the bazaar.

ast of(id: String): Json Object Returns Abstract Syntax Tree JSON object for specified script
leaderboard score: Number Gets the current score for the current script
post leaderboard score(score: Number) Posts the current game score to the script leaderboard
post leaderboard to wall Posts the current game leaderboard to the wall
script id(which: String): String Returns an identifier for either the top-level script or the current library

B.2    box

Access current box element on the page.

edit(style: String, value: String, changehandler: Text Action) Display editable text, with the given binding
on tapped(handler: Action) Set what happens when the box is tapped
page height: Number Get the total height of the page
page width: Number Get the total width of the page
pixels per em: Number Get the number of pixels in an em
set background(color: Color) Sets the background color
set border(color: Color, width: Number) Set the color and width of the border
set border widths(top: Number, right: Number, bottom: Number, left: Number) Set the width of each border
set font size(font size: Number) Set font size in this box
set foreground(color: Color) Sets the foreground color of elements
set height(height: Number) Set the height of this box
set height range(min width: Number, max width: Number) Set lower and upper limits on the width of this box
set horizontal align(arrange: String) Specify how to arrange the content of this box; arrange is “left” “center” “right” or “justify”
set horizontal stretch(elasticity: Number) Specify how to compute box width (0 = shrink to fit content, 1 = stretch to fit frame, 0.5 = stretch to half width
set margins(top: Number, right: Number, bottom: Number, left: Number) Set the margins of this box (to leave space around the outside of this box)
set padding(top: Number, right: Number, bottom: Number, left: Number) Set the padding of this box (to leave space around the contents of this box)
set scrolling(horizontal scrolling: Boolean, vertical scrolling: Boolean) Specify whether to use scrollbars when box contents overflow
set text wrapping(wrap: Boolean, minimumwidth: Number) Set whether to break long lines, and specify what length is too short for breaking
set vertical align(arrange: String) Specify how to arrange the content of this box; arrange is “top” “bottom” “center” or “baseline”
set vertical stretch(elasticity: Number) Specify how to compute box height (0 = shrink to fit content, 1 = stretch to fit frame, 0.5 = stretch to half height)
set width(width: Number) Set the width of this box
set width range(min width: Number, max width: Number) Set lower and upper limits on the width of this box
use horizontal layout Arrange boxes inside this box from left to right
use overlay layout Arrange boxes inside this box as layers on top of each other
use vertical layout Arrange boxes inside this box from top to bottom; this is the default

B.3    collections

Create collections of items.

create link collection: Link Collection Creates an empty link collection
create location collection: Location Collection Creates an empty location collection
create message collection: Message Collection Creates an empty message collection
create number collection: Number Collection Creates an empty number collection
create number map: Number Map Creates an empty number map
create place collection: Place Collection Creates an empty place collection
create string collection: String Collection Creates an empty string collection
create string map: String Map Creates an empty string map (case and culture sensitive)

B.4    colors

Access predefined colors or create new colors.

accent: Color Gets the accent color in the current theme
background: Color Gets the background color in the current theme
black: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF000000
blue: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF0000FF
brown: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFA52A2A
chrome: Color Gets the chrome color in the current theme (control background)
cyan: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF00FFFF
dark gray: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFA9A9A9
foreground: Color Gets the foreground color in the current theme
from ahsb(alpha: Number, hue: Number, saturation: Number, brightness: Number): Color Creates a color from the alpha, hue, saturation, brightness channels (0.0-1.0 range)
from argb(alpha: Number, red: Number, green: Number, blue: Number): Color Creates a color from the alpha, red, green, blue channels (0.0-1.0 range)
from hsb(hue: Number, saturation: Number, brightness: Number): Color Creates a color from the hue, saturation, brightness channels (0.0-1.0 range)
from rgb(red: Number, green: Number, blue: Number): Color Creates a color from the red, green, blue channels (0.0-1.0 range)
gray: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF808080
green: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF008000
is light theme: Boolean Indicates if the user is using a light theme in his phone
light gray: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFD3D3D3
linear gradient(c1: Color, c2: Color, alpha: Number): Color Computes an intermediate color
magenta: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF00FF
orange: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFA500
purple: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF800080
random: Color Picks a random color
red: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFF0000
sepia: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FF704214
subtle: Color Gets the subtle color in the current theme (light gray)
transparent: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #00FFFFFF
white: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFFFF
yellow: Color Gets the color that has the ARGB value of #FFFFFF00

B.5    contract

Statements that test whether correctness requirements are satisfied.

assert(condition: Boolean, message: String) Checks for a condition; if the condition is false, execution fails. Does nothing for published scripts.
requires(condition: Boolean, message: String) Specifies a precondition contract for the action; if the condition is false, execution fails. Does nothing for published scripts.

B.6    invalid

Create an invalid value for any datatype.

Action: Action Creates an invalid Action instance
appointment: Appointment Creates an invalid Appointment instance
appointment collection: Appointment Collection Creates an invalid Appointment Collection instance
board: Board Creates an invalid Board instance
boolean: Boolean Creates an invalid Boolean instance
camera: Camera Creates an invalid Camera instance
color: Color Creates an invalid Color instance
contact: Contact Creates an invalid Contact instance
contact collection: Contact Collection Creates an invalid Contact Collection instance
datetime: DateTime Creates an invalid DateTime instance
device: Device Creates an invalid Device instance
device collection: Device Collection Creates an invalid Device Collection instance
form builder: Form Builder Creates an invalid Form Builder instance
json builder: Json Builder Creates an invalid Json Builder instance
json object: Json Object Creates an invalid Json Object instance
link: Link Creates an invalid Link instance
link collection: Link Collection Creates an invalid Link Collection instance
location: Location Creates an invalid Location instance
location collection: Location Collection Creates an invalid Location Collection instance
map: Map Creates an invalid Map instance
Matrix: Matrix Creates an invalid Matrix instance
media link: Media Link Creates an invalid Media Link instance
media link collection: Media Link Collection Creates an invalid Media Link Collection instance
media player: Media Player Creates an invalid Media Player instance
media player collection: Media Player Collection Creates an invalid Media Player Collection instance
media server: Media Server Creates an invalid Media Server instance
media server collection: Media Server Collection Creates an invalid Media Server Collection instance
message: Message Creates an invalid Message instance
message collection: Message Collection Creates an invalid Message Collection instance
message collection action: Action Creates an invalid Message Collection Action instance
motion: Motion Creates an invalid Motion instance
number: Number Creates an invalid Number instance
number collection: Number Collection Creates an invalid Number Collection instance
number map: Number Map Creates an invalid Number Map instance
oauth response: OAuth Response Creates an invalid OAuth Response instance
page: Page Creates an invalid Page instance
page button: Page Button Creates an invalid Page Button instance
page collection: Page Collection Creates an invalid Page Collection instance
picture: Picture Creates an invalid Picture instance
picture album: Picture Album Creates an invalid Picture Album instance
picture albums: Picture Albums Creates an invalid Picture Albums instance
pictures: Pictures Creates an invalid Pictures instance
place: Place Creates an invalid Place instance
place collection: Place Collection Creates an invalid Place Collection instance
playlist: Playlist Creates an invalid Playlist instance
playlists: Playlists Creates an invalid Playlists instance
position action: Action Creates an invalid Position Action instance
song: Song Creates an invalid Song instance
song album: Song Album Creates an invalid Song Album instance
song albums: Song Albums Creates an invalid Song Albums instance
songs: Songs Creates an invalid Songs instance
sound: Sound Creates an invalid Sound instance
sprite: Sprite Creates an invalid Sprite instance
sprite action: Action Creates an invalid Sprite Action instance
sprite set: Sprite Set Creates an invalid Sprite Set instance
sprite set action: Action Creates an invalid Sprite Set Action instance
string: String Creates an invalid String instance
string collection: String Collection Creates an invalid String Collection instance
string map: String Map Creates an invalid String Map instance
text action: Action Creates an invalid Text Action instance
textbox: TextBox Creates an invalid TextBox instance
vector3: Vector3 Creates an invalid Vector3 instance
vector action: Action Creates an invalid Vector Action instance
web request: Web Request Creates an invalid Web Request instance
web response: Web Response Creates an invalid Web Response instance
webresponse action: Action Creates an invalid WebResponse Action instance
xml object: Xml Object Creates an invalid Xml Object instance

B.7    languages

Translation, and speech to text services.

current language: String Gets the current language code, to be used in the 'translate' method
detect language(text: String): String Automatically detects the language of a given text using Bing.
picture to text(lang: String, pic: Picture): String Extracts text in the picture using Project Hawaii from Microsoft Research
record text: String Converts the microphone dictation to text using Project Hawaii from Microsoft Research
speak(lang: String, text: String): Sound Speaks the text in the specified language using Bing
speech to text(lang: String, speech: Sound): String Converts a sound to a text using Project Hawaii from Microsoft Research
translate(source lang: String, target lang: String, text: String): String Translates some text between two languages using Bing. Empty source language to auto-detect

B.8    locations

Geo coordinates services.

create location(latitude: Number, longitude: Number): Location Creates a new geo coordinate location
create location list: Location Collection Creates an empty list of locations
describe location(location: Location): String Looks for an address near a location using Bing
search location(address: String, postal code: String, city: String, country: String): Location Looks for the coordinate of an address using Bing

B.9    maps

Maps, location to address and address to location services.

create full map: Map Creates a full screen Bing map. Use 'post to wall' to display it.
create map: Map Creates a Bing map. Use 'post to wall' to display it.
directions(from: Location, to: Location, walking: Boolean): Location Collection Calculates the directions between two coordinates using Bing.
open directions(start search: String, start loc: Location, end search: String, end loc: Location) Shows the directions in the Bing map application. If search term is provided, location is ignored. Provide search term or location for start and end.
open map(center: Location, search: String, zoom: Number) Opens the Bing map application. zoom between 0 (close) and 1 (far)

B.10    math

Mathematical constants, operators, and functions such as cos, sin etc.

∞₋: Number Returns negative infinity
∞₊: Number Returns positive infinity
abs(x: Number): Number Returns the absolute value of a number
acos(x: Number): Number Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number
asin(x: Number): Number Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number
atan(x: Number): Number Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number
atan2(y: Number, x: Number): Number Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers
ceiling(x: Number): Number Returns the smallest integral value greater than or equal to the specified number
cos(angle: Number): Number Returns the cosine of the specified angle
cosh(angle: Number): Number Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle
create matrix(rows: Number, columns: Number): Matrix Creates a matrix of zeros of a given size
create vector3(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number): Vector3 Creates a 3D vector
deg to rad(degrees: Number): Number Converts degrees into radians
e: Number Returns the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, e
ε: Number Returns the machine epsilon, the smallest positive number greater than zero
exp(x: Number): Number Returns e raised to the specified power
floor(x: Number): Number Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number
gravity: Number Returns the value of standard gravity (9.80665) in meters/sec2
ieee remainder(x: Number, y: Number): Number Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number
is ∞(x: Number): Boolean Indicates whether number evaluates to negative or positive infinity
is ∞₋(x: Number): Boolean Indicates whether number evaluates to negative infinity
is ∞₊(x: Number): Boolean Indicates whether number evaluates to positive infinity
is nan(x: Number): Boolean Indicates that value cannot be represented as a number, i.e. Not-a-Number. This usually happens when the number is the result of a division by zero.
log(x: Number, base: Number): Number Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base
log10(x: Number): Number Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number
loge(x: Number): Number Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number
max(x: Number, y: Number): Number Returns the larger of two numbers
min(x: Number, y: Number): Number Returns the smaller of two numbers
mod(x: Number, y: Number): Number Returns the modulus resulting from the division of one number by another number
π: Number Returns the constant pi
pow(x: Number, y: Number): Number Returns a specified number raised to the specified power
rad to deg(radians: Number): Number Converts rad into degrees
random(max: Number): Number Returns a random integral number x: 0 ≤ x < max
random normalized: Number Returns a random floating-point number x: 0 ≤ x < 1
round(x: Number): Number Rounds a number to the nearest integral value
round with precision(x: Number, digits: Number): Number Rounds a number to a specified number of fractional digits.
sign(x: Number): Number Returns a value indicating the sign of a number
sin(angle: Number): Number Returns the sine of the specified angle
sinh(angle: Number): Number Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle
sqrt(x: Number): Number Returns the square root of a specified number
tan(angle: Number): Number Returns the tangent of the specified angle
tanh(angle: Number): Number Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle

B.11    media

Pictures and music.

choose picture: Picture Chooses a picture from the media library
choose song: Song Chooses a song from the media library (planned addition to the API)
create board(height: Number): Board Creates a new game board
create landscape board(width: Number, height: Number): Board Creates a new game board in landscape mode. On rotatable devices it will take the entire screen when posted.
create picture(width: Number, height: Number): Picture Creates a new picture of the given size
create portrait board(width: Number, height: Number): Board Creates a new game board in portrait mode. On rotatable devices it will take the entire screen when posted.
picture albums: Picture Albums Gets the picture albums
pictures: Pictures Gets the pictures on the phone
playlists: Playlists Gets the playlists on the phone
saved pictures: Pictures Gets the saved pictures on the phone
search marketplace(terms: String, type: String) Searches the Windows Phone Marketplace (type in applications or music)
song albums: Song Albums Gets the song albums on the phone
songs: Songs Gets the songs on the phone

B.12    phone

Phone numbers, vibrate, etc.

choose address: Link Chooses an address from the contacts
choose phone number: Link Chooses a phone number from the contact list
dial phone number(number: String) Starts a phone call
power source: String Indicates if the phone is on 'battery' or 'external' power source.
save phone number(phone number: String) Allows the user to save the phone number
vibrate(seconds: Number) Vibrates the phone for a number of seconds (0.02 minimum)

B.13    player

Play, stop or resume songs

active song: Song Gets the active song if any
is muted: Boolean Indicates if the player is muted
is paused: Boolean Indicates if the player is paused
is playing: Boolean Indicates if the player is playing a song
is repeating: Boolean Indicates if the player is repeating
is shuffled: Boolean Indicates if the player is shuffled
is stopped: Boolean Indicates if the player is stopped
next Moves to the next song in the queue of playing songs
pause Pauses the currently playing song
play(song: Song) Plays a Song
play home media(media: Media Link) Plays an audio/video file from the home network
play many(songs: Songs) Plays a collection of songs
play position: Number Gets the position in seconds within the active song
previous Moves to the previous song in the queue of playing songs
resume Resumes a paused song
set repeating(repeating: Boolean) Sets the repeating on and off
set shuffled(shuffled: Boolean) Sets the shuffling on and off
set sound volume(x: Number) Sets the sound volume level from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)
sound volume: Number Gets the sound volume for sounds from 0 (silent) to 1 (current volume)
stop Stops playing a song

B.14    senses

Camera, location, microphone and other sensors.

acceleration quick: Vector3 Gets filtered accelerometer data using a combination of a low-pass and threshold triggered high-pass on each axis to eliminate the majority of the sensor low amplitude noise while trending very quickly to large offsets (not perfectly smooth signal in that case), providing a very low latency. This is ideal for quickly reacting UI updates.
acceleration smooth: Vector3 Gets filtered accelerometer data using a 1 Hz first-order low-pass on each axis to eliminate the main sensor noise while providing a medium latency. This can be used for moderately reacting UI updates requiring a very smooth signal.
acceleration stable: Vector3 Gets filtered and temporally averaged accelerometer data using an arithmetic mean of the last 25 'optimally filtered' samples, so over 500ms at 50Hz on each axis, to virtually eliminate most sensor noise. This provides a very stable reading but it has also a very high latency and cannot be used for rapidly reacting UI.
battery level: Number Gets the charge level of the battery between 0 (discharged) and 1 (fully charged). Returns invalid if this information is not available.
camera: Camera Gets the primary camera
current location: Location Gets the current phone location. The phone optimizes the accuracy for power, performance, and other cost considerations.
current location accurate: Location Gets the current phone location with the most accuracy. This includes using services that might charge money, or consuming higher levels of battery power or connection bandwidth.
front camera: Camera Gets the front facing camera
has gyroscope: Boolean Indicates if the gyroscope is available on the device
heading: Number Gets the compass heading, in degrees, measured clockwise from the Earth’s geographic north.
is device stable: Boolean Indicates whether the device is 'stable' (no movement for about 0.5 seconds)
motion: Motion Gets the current phone motion that combines data from the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope.
orientation: Vector3 Gets the current orientation in degrees if available. (x,y,z) is also called (pitch, roll, yaw) or (alpha, beta, gamma).
record microphone: Sound Records audio using the microphone
rotation speed: Vector3 Gets the gyroscope rotational velocity around each axis of the device, in degrees per second.
take camera picture: Picture Takes a picture and returns it. This picture does not contain the gps location.

B.15    social

Emails, sms, contacts, and calendar services.

choose contact: Contact Chooses a contact from the contact list
choose email: Link Chooses an email from the contact list
create contact(nickname: String): Contact Creates a new contact
create message(message: String): Message Creates a message to share
create place(name: String, location: Location): Place Creates a place
link email(email address: String): Link Creates a link from an email
link phone number(phone number: String): Link Creates a link from a phone number
save contact(contact: Contact) Saves a new contact
save email(email address: String) Allows the user to save the email address (email)
search(network: String, terms: String): Message Collection Searches for recent messages in a social network (twitter, facebook)
search appointments(start: DateTime, end: DateTime): Appointment Collection Searches for appointments in a given time range
search contacts(prefix: String): Contact Collection Searches for contacts by name.
search places nearby(network: String, terms: String, location: Location, distance: Number): Place Collection Searches for places nearby. The distance is in meters.
send email(to: String, subject: String, body: String) Opens the mail client
send sms(to: String, body: String) Opens the short message client (to, body)

B.16    tags

2D barcodes, QR codes and NFC tags..

send nfc(value: String, type: String) Sends a url or text using NFC
tag text(text: String, size: Number, bw: Boolean): Picture Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the text using Microsoft Tag. text must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches.
tag url(url: String, size: Number, bw: Boolean): Picture Generates a 2D barcode pointing to the url using Microsoft Tag. url must be less than 1000 character long and size must be between 0.75 and 5 inches

B.17    tile

Windows 8 and Windows phones have tiles displayed on the start screen which initiate an application program when tapped. A tile may be associated with a TouchDevelop script through use of this service. Note: this resource replaces the Tile datatype which is no longer supported.

pin default prompt the user whether a tile should be pinned to the start screen
set default counter(n: Number) Set a counter (a number) which is displayed on the tile; only values in the range 1 to 99 are displayed; other values are hidden
set default text(title: String, text: String) Displays a short title and a longer piece of text on the tile

B.18    time

Time and date operations.

create(year: Number, month: Number, day: Number, hour: Number, minute: Number, second: Number): DateTime Creates a new date instance
fail if not(condition: Boolean) Aborts the execution if the condition is false.
log(message: String) Appends this message to the debug log. Does nothing when the script is published.
now: DateTime Gets the current time
sleep(seconds: Number) Waits for a specified amount of seconds
stop Stops the execution and stays on the wall.
today: DateTime Gets today's date without time
tomorrow: DateTime Gets tomorrow's date without time

B.19    wall

Ask for or display values on the wall.

add button(icon: String, text: String): Page Button Add a new button. icon must be the name of a built-in icon, text must be non-empty.
ask boolean(text: String, caption: String): Boolean Prompts the user with ok and cancel buttons
ask number(text: String): Number Prompts the user to input a number
ask string(text: String): String Prompts the user to input a string
button icon names: String Collection Gets the list of available page button names.
clear Clears the background, buttons and entries
clear background Clears the background color, picture and camera
clear buttons Clears the application bar buttons and hides the bar
create text box(text: String, font size: Number): TextBox Creates an updatable text box
current page: Page Gets the current page displayed on the wall
display search(on: Boolean) Indicates whether to show or hide the search icon
pages: Page Collection Returns the current back stack of pages, starting from the current page to the bottom page.
pick date(text: String, caption: String): DateTime Prompts the user to pick a date. Returns a datetime whose date is set, the time is 12:00:00.
pick string(text: String, caption: String, values: String Collection): Number Prompts the user to pick a string from a list. Returns the selected index.
pick time(text: String, caption: String): DateTime Prompts the user to pick a time. Returns a datetime whose time is set, the date is undefined.
pop page: Boolean Pops the current page and restores the previous wall page. Returns false if already on the default page.
prompt(text: String) Prompts the user with an ok button
push new page: Page Pushes an empty page on the wall
screenshot: Picture Takes a screenshot of the wall
set background(color: Color) Sets the wall background color
wall→set background camera(camera: Camera) Sets the wall background camera
set background picture(picture: Picture) Sets the wall background picture. The picture will be resized and clipped to the screen background as needed
set foreground(color: Color) Sets the wall foreground color of elements
set reversed(bottom: Boolean) Reverses the elements on the wall and inserts new ones at the bottom.
set subtitle(title: String) Sets the subtitle of the wall
set title(title: String) Sets the title of the wall
set transform matrix(m11: Number, m12: Number, m21: Number, m22: Number, offsetx: Number, offsety: Number) Sets the 3x3 affine matrix transformation applied to the wall

B.20    web

Search and browse the web.

base64 decode(text: String): String Decodes a string that has been base64-encoded
base64 encode(text: String): String Converts a string into an base64-encoded string
browse(url: String) Opens a web browser to a url
connection name: String Gets a name of the currently connected network servicing Internet requests
connection type: String Gets the type of the network servicing Internet requests (unknown, none, ethernet, wifi, mobile)
create form builder: Form Builder Create a form builder
create json builder: Json Builder Creates a json builder
create request(url: String): Web Request Creates a web request
csv(text: String, delimiter: String): Json Object Parses a Command Separated Values document into a JsonObject where the headers is a string array of column names; records is an array of rows where each row is itself an array of strings. The delimiter is inferred if not specified.
download(url: String): String Downloads the content of an internet page (http get)
download json(url: String): Json Object Downloads a web service response as a JSON data structure (http get)
download picture(url: String): Picture Downloads a picture from internet
download song(url: String, name: String): Song Create a streamed song file from internet (download happens when playing)
download sound(url: String): Sound Downloads a WAV sound file from internet
feed(value: String): Message Collection Parses the newsfeed string (RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0) into a message collection
html decode(html: String): String Decodes a string that has been HTML-encoded
html encode(text: String): String Converts a text string into an HTML-encoded string
is connected: Boolean Indicates whether any network connection is available
json(value: String): Json Object Parses the string as a json object
json array: Json Object Returns an empty json array
json object: Json Object Returns an empty json object
link image(url: String): Link Creates a link to an internet image
link media(url: String): Link Creates a link to an internet audio/video
link url(name: String, url: String): Link Creates a link to an internet page
oauth v2(oauth url: String): OAuth Response Authenticate with OAuth 2.0 and receive the access token or error. (See oauthv2 for more information on which Redirect URI to choose.)
open connection settings(page: String) Opens a connection settings page (airplanemode, bluetooth, wiki, cellular)
play media(url: String) Plays an internet audio/video in full screen
search(terms: String): Link Collection Search the web using Bing
search images(terms: String): Link Collection Search for images using Bing
search images nearby(terms: String, location: Location, distance: Number): Link Collection Search for images near a location using Bing. Distance in meters, negative to ignore.
search nearby(terms: String, location: Location, distance: Number): Link Collection Searching the web near a location using Bing. Distance in meters, negative to ignore.
search news(terms: String): Link Collection Search for news using Bing
search news nearby(terms: String, location: Location, distance: Number): Link Collection Search for news near a location using Bing. Distance in meters, negative to ignore.
upload(url: String, body: String): String Uploads text to an internet page (http post)
upload picture(url: String, pic: Picture): String Uploads a picture to an internet page (http post)
url decode(url: String): String Decodes a string that has been url-encoded
url encode(text: String): String Converts a text string into an url-encoded string
xml(value: String): Xml Object Parses the string as a xml element
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