

ABC Program

Access to care: MAPP process identifying issue of; Osceola County securing FQHC for; relationship between expenditures and

Accountability: IOM's recommendations for; need for improved public health professional

Adaptive leadership

Administrative leadership

Advancing the State of the Art in Community Benefit (ASACB)

Adverse selection

Affordable Care Act (2010)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


American cancer Society

American Hospital Association

American Medical Association (AMA)

American Public Health Association (APHA)

American Red Cross

American Thoracic Society

Analytical epidemiology: description of; examples of; sample matrix displaying study outcomes

Armed conflicts/wars

Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health (APEXPH)

Association of American Medical Colleges


Behavioral medicine practice

Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System

Blue Cross

Brown v. Board of Education

Bureaucracies: description of; health care


Case definition of

Case studies. See Public health case studies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): addressing gaps in public health care performance; community partnerships report by; cost-utility analysis to evaluate health interventions by; on food-borne outbreaks; The Guide to Community Preventive Services of; Healthy People 2010 and 2020 initiatives of; on importance of communication strategies; on increased U.S. life expectancy; on infections acquired in health care settings; leadership development programs of the; on major public health threat response preparation; on medical costs of chronic diseases; National Public Health Performance Standards Program launched by; Prevention Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grants of; Promoting Preventive Services for Adults 50–64: Community and Clinical Partnerships report by; Public Health Practice Program Office (CDC) of; on rates of chronic disease; surveillance systems used by; on world's climate

CER (comparative effectiveness research)

Chadwick, Edwin

Chain of infection

Change: leadership for the new public health; managing public health system; Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle for; policy and institutional practices as key levers for; public health disruption and; visioning the new public health. See also Health care reform; Innovation; Quality improvement

Cholera outbreak (London, 1854)

Chronic Care Model

Chronic diseases: challenge of; costs associated with; developing new perspectives on preventing; epidemic of; health education programs preventing; high-risk behaviors associated with; need for investment in preventing; need for partnerships to combat; obesity and. See also Diseases

Climate change: CDC's priority health actions for; definition of; health consequences of

Collaborative partnerships

Collective intelligence

Colorectal cancer (CRC) education programs

The Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System

Communicable diseases: description and transmission of; epidemiology of; need for prioritizing prevention of; threat of. See also Diseases; H1 N1 influenza

Communication strategies: CDC on importance of; community partnerships and role of; IOM recommendations on; leadership skills and; risk communication

Community: advancing equity strategies for; community-wide partnerships improving health in; definition of; health equity requiring prevention strategies for; LHD goal to enhance health in

Community benefit

Community health: factors of; improving infant health in Stanislus County; role of partnerships in improving. See also Health

Community health factors: clusters making up; equitable opportunity; health care services; people; place

Community health workers (CHWs): definition of; health equity by expanding use of; HHS identification of roles by; services provided by. See also Public health workers

Community intervention logic model

Community partnerships: advantages and disadvantages of; between LPHAs and NGOs; building successful; combating chronic diseases through; communication role in; description of; ecological model of health for building; improving infant health in Stanislus County using; preparing for H1 N1 through; WHO's Verona Benchmark on. See also MAPP (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships); Public health partnerships

Community prevention: health equity requiring strategies for; quality health care system and

Community Vision

Competencies (public health worker)

Complex adaptive systems

Complexity leadership theory: collective or distributed intelligence cornerstone of; description of; managing change using

Conflict management

Consensus Statement on Quality in the Public Health System (HHS)

Continuous quality improvement (CQI)

Core functions of public health

Cost. See Health care expenditures

Cost-utility analysis

Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice

Culture: how to nurture; influence and importance of; informal leader role in formation of; performance-based; performance-enhancing. See also Public health culture

Culture audit


Data management: description of; health outcome; Osceola County securing FQHC through effective; resource; risk factor

Descriptive epidemiology: chain of infection concept of; description of; health care delivery role of; list of reportable diseases; triad of disease concept of

Determinants of health: description of; health inequalities and; as public health practice challenge

Development disabilities programs: case study (student version) on; case study (teacher version) on

Direct transmission

Diseases: chain of infection; emerging infections; list of reportable; Millennium Development Goals (UN) to combat; triad of. See also Chronic diseases; Communicable diseases

Disruptive innovation

Distributed intelligence


Ecological model of health: building community-wide partnerships using; description of; examples of partners for each domain of

Emerging infections epidemiology

Emerson Report of 1945 (APHA)

Empowerment: definition of true employee; of expertise as power; how new competencies create; by leadership; Millennium Development Goals (UN) on women and; of workers in public health

Enabling leadership


Epidemic of chronic diseases

Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)

Epidemiology: analytical; application to health care; case definition of; CDC use of; of communicable diseases; data management component of; description and functions of; descriptive; of emerging infections; managerial; surveillance systems component of

Ethical Public Health Codes

Evidence-based public health practice

Expertise as power



Federally qualified health center (FQHC) [Osceloa County]

501(c)(3) nonprofit status

Florida Department of Health

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Food-borne outbreaks

Framingham study

The Future of Public Health in the 21st Century (IOM)

The Future of Public Health (IOM)


Get Up & Go campaign (St. Clair)

Global Public Health Security in the 21st Century (WHO)

Global public health security

Global warming

Globalization spread of disease

Good Health Counts: A 21st Century Approach to Health and Community for California study (2007)

Government: Affordable Care Act (2010) passed by; health care crisis role played by; leadership of quality improvement in public health by; minimal political appreciation of public health by

Great Basin Public Health Leadership Institute

The Guide to Community Preventive Services (CDC)


H1 N1 influenza: community partnership preparation for; epidemiology of; HHS announcement on emergency caused by; morbidity and mortality caused by; pandemic (2009); public health agencies efforts to control; public health distribution of vaccine for. See also Communicable diseases

Health: climate change effects on; as defined by Institute of Medicine (IOM); defining and modeling; determinants of; ecological model of; natural environment relationship to good; obesity epidemic consequences for. See also Community health

Health behaviors: CDC on increase of high-risk; chronic disease associated with; efforts to change poor; health care crisis due to high-risk; health promotion focus on

Health care delivery: cause of cost escalation in; development of power in; epidemiology role in; innovations in; leadership and politics in; new model of; opportunity to improve; quality improvement of

Health care expenditures: access to care relationship to; by category (1960 to 2006); cause of cost escalation in health care delivery; chronic disease and associated; consequences of high; economic evaluation methods to control; GDP percentage of; obesity associated with increasing; projections (2010, 2015, and 2016) for; source of funds (2005) and; 2 trillion dollars annual U.S.

Health care reform: Affordable Care Act (2010) attempt at; CER (comparative effectiveness research) used in; IOM on failures (1993) of; pressure for health insurance; public health leadership required for; why we are failing in. See also Change

Health care services: changes in providers of; health equity solutions through; investing in personal; IOM's definition of quality; quality nexus of public health and. See also Public health services

Health care system: causes and factors of failures; failures to reform; a new model of health care delivery; possible solutions to problems in; problems in our; threat of communicable diseases for

Health care system problems: cost, access, and health levels; end of the primary care physician as; epidemic of medical errors as; failure of reforms efforts; government entities contributing to; health insurance industry contributing to; high-risk health behaviors contributing to; increase in lobbyist activity contributing to; minimal political appreciation of public health as; providers of health care services contributing to; public health as potential solution to

Health care system solutions: businesses and employers providing; innovation in health care services delivery as

Health disparities. See also Health inequities

Health education programs: expansion of; innovation in colorectal cancer; innovative approaches to; largely ignored by medicine; preventing chronic diseases through; quality improvement through

Health equity: challenges of achieving through practices and policy; critical needs for achieving; finding solutions to achieve; local solutions for advancing safety and; opportunities for achieving through practices and policy; a time of opportunity for achieving

Health equity needs: community prevention strategies; sustainable health care system

Health Equity and Prevention Primer (Prevention Institute)

Health equity solutions: community level; health care service level; overarching; systems level

Health inequities: definition of; determinants of health as factor in; finding solutions to; four-pronged solution to; Life and Death from Unnatural Causes: Health and Social Inequity in Alameda County (2008) addressing; trajectory of. See also Health disparities

Health insurance: adverse selection concept of; description and functions of; moral hazard concept of; pressure to reform

Health interventions: cost-utility analysis to evaluate; economic evaluation methods of

Health levels

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)

Health outcomes. See Public health outcomes

Health promotion: largely ignored by medicine; quality improvement through education and

Health promotion programs: financing; IRS tax-exempt status to nonprofit



Healthy Birth Outcomes program (Stanislaus County)

Healthy People 2010

Healthy People 2020

Healthy Start Coalitions

High-risk behaviors: analytical epidemiology studies on; CDC on increase of; chronic disease associated with; health care crisis due to; health promotion focus on changing; injection drug use (IDU) study on


HIV/AIDS: as chronic disease; improving quality of public health services for; increasing rates of; legacy concept used in public health approach to; Millennium Development Goals (UN) to combat; public health strategies on

Hospital-acquired infections: CDC on problem of; Staphylococcal aureus (MRSA) as

Hot, Flat, and Crowded (Friedman)

Hurricane Katrina (2005)


Indirect transmission

Infant health improvement partnership

Infectious diseases. See Communicable diseases

Influenza. See H1 N1 influenza

Informal leader

Information asymmetry

Information technology: IOM recommendations for; public health use of; risk communication use of

Injection drug use (IDU) study

Innovation: colorectal cancer education programs; disruptive; in health care delivery; in health education programs; process of; public health leadership finding solutions through. See also Change

The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care (Christensen, Grossman, and Hwang)

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

Institute of Medicine (IOM): accountability system recommended by; on community-wide public and private partnerships; on failures of government reform efforts (1993); The Future of Public Health in the 21st Century by; The Future of Public Health by; health as defined by; LEAD framework of; leadership programs recommended by; medical errors as defined by; on mission of public health; on MPH degree; on need for quality improvement; on public health core functions; public health definition by; on public health political appointees; on public health system partnerships; quality in health care as defined by; recommendations on communication skills; recommendations on using information technology; on six major areas of action for change; To Err Is Human by

Institutional practices: addressing health inequalities related to; as levers for change

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Intersectoral public health


Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations


Koch, Robert


LEAD framework (IOM)

Leadership: adaptive, enabling, and administrative; communication skills of; complexity; credibility of; definition of; empowering; formation of culture and role of; mentorship by; servant; styles of; systems view of executive; traits of; transformational style of. See also Management; Public health Leadership

Leadership traits

Legacy concept: definition of; public health HIV strategy as example of; public health and significance of

Life and Death from Unnatural Causes: Health and Social Inequity in Alameda County (2008)

Life expectancy

Local health departments (LHDs): change needed due to limitations of; characteristics of; community partnerships with; core functions and essential services of; description of; financing health promotion programs of; functions of; gaps in quality of services; managing change in; NACCHO survey on; partnerships between NGOs and; planning and performance improvement of; political appointees as leaders of; primary goal to enhance health in community; ten most frequent services used at. See also Public health system

Local public health agencies (LPHAs): accreditation of; definition of a functional; limitations of ten essential services framework for; primary care and primary prevention in; quality characteristics of a well-functioning; student on primary prevention services of

Local public health systems

London cholera epidemic (1854)

Luzerne County Colorectal Cancer Task Force



Management: bureaucratic; conflict. See also Leadership

Managerial epidemiology

MAPP (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships): Osceloa County securing FQHC through; St. Clair's Get Up & Go campaign using; Stanislaus County Health Services Agency use of. See also Community partnerships; Public health partnerships

MDR-TB (multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis)

Mectizan Donation Program (MDP)

Medicaid: federal budget percentage paid for Medicaid; increasing costs of

Medical errors: epidemic of; improving health care system to avoid; IOM's definition of. See also Physicians; Quality improvement

Medical home

Medicare: federal budget percentage paid for; fraud related to; increasing costs of

Medicine: behavioral; epidemic of medical errors in; forging partnership between public health and; population-based; prevention, health education and promotion largely ignored by


Mid-American Regional Public Health Institute

Millennium Development Goals (UN)

Mission of public health: definition of; gap between current practice and

Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)

Moral hazard

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

Morbidity rates: data management on; health care reform by changing patterns of; as health outcome measure

Mortality rates: CABG-related; data management on; health care reform by changing patterns of; as health outcome measure; Millennium Development Goals (UN) to reduce child; number of deaths/leading causes of death (1900); number of deaths/leading causes of death (2000); ten leading causes of death (2004)

MRSA (Staphylococcal aureus)

Multi-State Learning collaborative (MLC I, II, and III)


National Association of County and City Health Officers (NACCHO)

National Association of County and City Health Officer's profile study (2008)

National Association of County and City Health Officer's profile study (2010)

National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

National Commission on Prevention Priorities

National Committee for Quality Assurance

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

National Institutes of Health

National Profile of Local Health Departments

National Public Health Leadership Development Network

National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP)

National Quality Forum for Health Care Measurement

The Nation's Health

New public health: leadership for the; vision for the

New York Times

Nonprofit nongovernmental organizations (NGOs): IRS tax-exempt status to; LPHA partnerships with; public health leaders found in

North Carolina Comprehensive Assessment for Tracking Community Health (NC-CATCH)

Northern New England Cardiovascular Disease Study Group (NNECDSG)


Obesity epidemic: description and health consequences of; health care costs associated with

Office of Programs for People with Disabilities (OPPD): case study (student version) on; case study (teacher version) of

Operational Definition of a Functional Local Health Department (NACCHO)

Optimum Health

Osceloa County health center


Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District

The Partnering Toolbook (Tennyson)

Partnerships. See Community partnerships; Public health partnerships

Pasteur, Louis

Performance-based culture

Performance-enhancing culture

Personal health care services

Physicians: epidemic of medical errors by; prevention, health education and promotion largely ignored by; primary care; resistance to new model of health care delivery by. See also Medical errors

Pioneering Health Communities initiative (YMCA)

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle


Points of Distribution (POD)


Population-based medicine

Population-centered service organization

Poverty: communicable diseases as effects of; Millennium Development Goals (UN) to eradicate

Power: abuse of; definition and types of; empowerment of sharing; expertise as form of; health care delivery and development of; position and personal sources of; public health leaders and

Preparedness: CDC on major public health threat response; community partnerships for H1 N1; health care system focus on

Prevention: Affordable Care Act (2010) response to; California return on investment of ten dollars per person; community intervention logic model for; health equity requiring community; investing in chronic diseases; lack of medical focus on; national return on investment of ten dollars per person; need for prioritizing; new perspectives on chronic disease; primary; quality health care system and community; value of programs for

Prevention Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grants

Prevention for a Healthier California report (2008)

Prevention Institute

Primary care physicians: decreasing number of; efforts to increase number of

Primary prevention: local public health agencies (LPHAs) services for; local public health services; multiplier effects of; public health services related to

Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health (Public Health Leadership Society)

Priority Areas for Improvement of quality in Public Health (HHS)

Promoting Preventive Services for Adults 50–64: Community and Clinical Partnerships report (CDC)

Public health: as change agent; defining and modeling health focus of; definitions of; determinants of health addressed by; at the federal, state, and local levels; forging partnership between medicine and; history and its impact on services; information management benefits for; intersectoral; legacy concept of; minimal political appreciation of; mission of; population-centered health services of; as potential solution to health care crisis; quality characteristics of a well-functioning local; tipping point in; urgent need for system change in; vision for. See also Quality public health

Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB)

Public health case studies: community partnerships to prepare for H1 N1; development disabilities programs; health promotion programs; innovation in colorectal cancer education programs; municipal health department leadership; Osceloa County secures federally qualified health center; partnering for improved infant health in Stanislaus County; St. Clair's Get Up & Go campaign using MAPP

Public Health Code of Ethics

Public health culture: change process and resistance by; important role of; leadership and; performance-based; performing a culture audit of; thick culture of. See also Culture

Public Health Institute

Public health leadership: adaptive, enabling, and administrative; case study on municipal health department leadership; challenges facing; as change agent; communication skills of; complexity leadership theory on; conflict management by; credibility of; culture audit by; empowering; formation of culture and role of; health care delivery politics and; health care reform role of; innovation embraced by; mentorship by; need for developing; for the new public health; political appointees as; power and power base of; public health culture and; quality improvement and; traits and styles of; transformational style of. See also Leadership

Public Health Leadership Institute

Public Health Leadership Society

Public Health Leadership Society (PHLS)

Public health organizations: current quality improvement efforts in; developing outcomes orientation in; ecological model of health for community partnerships with; global challenges facing; mission of; not for profit status of; ten organizational practices of; urgent need for system change; value of partnerships for

Public health outcomes: continuous quality improvement (CQI) approach to; data on; definition of; HHS priority areas for improving; mortality and morbidity measures of; Oscelola County FQHC and; primary and secondary drivers of; road map to improve public; Stanislaus County partnering for improved infant health. See also Quality public health

Public health partnerships: building successful; collaborative; community health improved through; different types of; ecological model of health for building; historic public health role of; improving infant health in Stanislus County using; Osceloa County secures FQHC through; value for public health organizations. See also Community partnerships; MAPP (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships)

Public health practice: accreditation for; definition of functional local; determinants of health challenge of; ethical principles of; evidence-based; gap between mission and current; need for improvements in; quality characteristics to guide

Public health practice challenges: climate change as; determinants of health as; obesity epidemic as; war and armed conflicts as

Public Health Practice Program Office (CDC)

Public Health Quality Forum

Public health services: case studies on development disabilities; as community health factor; core functions of; ecological model to improve quality of; future direction of; gaps in quality of; historic impact on; minimal political appreciation of; preparedness focus of; primary care and primary prevention in local; ten essential. See also Health care services

Public health system: changing for the future; creating partnerships to combat chronic disease; health equity solutions through; managing change in the; public perceptions of; ten remarkable accomplishments of; thick culture nature of; unobtainable goals as major weakness in. See also Local health departments (LHDs)

Public health workers: change process and resistance by; conflict management of; critical shortage of; culture of; empowerment of; mentorship of; need for improved accountability of; new competencies developed by; numbers and types of; professional development of. See also Community health workers (CHWs)

Public-Private Partnership for Hand Washing with Soap


Quality improvement: hospital-acquired infections and need for; IOM on need and recommendations for; need for; public health education and health promotion programs for; public health leadership and; six major areas of action for; Stanislaus County partnering for infant health. See also Change; Medical errors

Quality public health: application of national quality aims for; community prevention supporting; continuous quality improvement (CQI) approach to; criteria used to establish priority areas of; current efforts to create; definition of; federal leadership of creating; focusing on core functions/essential services of; gaps in; IOM's definition of; nexus of health care and. See also Public health; Public health outcomes


Report of the Sanitary Commission (Shattuck)

Reportable diseases

Resource data

Risk communication: development and use of; use of technology in

Risk factor data

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)


St. Clair County Health Department

St. Clair Health Care Commission

St. Clair's Get Up & Go campaign

SARS (sever acute respiratory syndrome)

SCHIP (State's Children's Health Insurance Program)

Seattle School District, Parents Involved in Community Schools v.

September 11, 2001 attacks

Servant leadership

Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Program

Shattuck, Lemuel

Shewhart cycle


Snow, John

Stanislaus County infant health partnership

Staphylococcal aureus (MRSA)

Surveillance systems: description and uses of; Epi-X; Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)

Swine flu. See H1 N1 influenza

System. See Public health system


Ten leading causes of death (2004)

Terrorism attacks


Thick culture of public health system

Tipping point

To Err Is Human (IOM)

Transformational style of leadership

Transmission: Communicable diseases; direct; indirect

Trust for America's Health

Trust for America's Health report (2009)


Turning Point initiative



Union for International Cancer Control

United Nations Millennium Development Goals

United States: comparing global health status to the; critical needs for achieving equitable health in the; health care expenditures by category (1960 to 2006); health care expenditures as GDP percentage in the; health care expenditures projections (2010, 2015, and 2016) for; ten leading causes of death (2004) in the

UnitedHealth Group

University of Michigan School of Public Health

Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? (PBS documentary series)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): on characteristics of quality in public health; community partnerships endorsed by; concerns with public health quality; Consensus Statement on Quality in the Public Health System of; emergency announcement on H1 N1 influenza by; primary operating divisions and mission; Priority Areas for Improvement of quality in Public Health by; priority areas for improving public health outcomes; on roles of CHWs; on social determinant of health

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

U.S. General Accounting Office


Venereal Disease Control Program

Verona Benchmark (WHO)

Vision for public health


Wagner's Chronic Care Model

Wars/armed conflicts

Winslow, Charles-Edward A.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

World Health Organization (WHO): Global Public Health Security in the 21st Century effort by; global public health security campaign led by; health as defined by; Verona Benchmark on partnerships by; work plan on climate change by

World Health Report 2000—Health Systems: Improving Performance


XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis)


Years of potential life lost (YPLL)

YMCA's Pioneering Health Communities initiative

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