Chapter 10. Security

Deploying Trino at scale, discussed in Chapter 5, is an important step toward production usage. In this chapter, you learn more about securing Trino itself as well as the underlying data.

In a typical Trino cluster deployment and use, you can consider securing several aspects:

  • Transport from user client to the Trino coordinator

  • Transport within the Trino cluster, between coordinator and workers

  • Transport between the Trino cluster and each data source, configured per catalog

  • Access to specific data within each data source

In Figure 10-1, you can see how the different network connections of Trino need to be secured. The connection to your client—for example, Trino CLI or an application using the JDBC driver—needs to be secured. The traffic within the cluster needs to be secured. And the connections with all the different data sources need to be secured.

Let’s explore these needs in more detail in the following sections, starting with authenticating to Trino as a user.

Network connections of Trino usage to secure
Figure 10-1. Network connections of Trino usage to secure


Authentication is the process of proving an identity to a system. Authentication is essential to any secure system. A variety of authentication methods are supported by computer systems, including Kerberos, password with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and certificate authentication. It is up to each system to support the particular authentication method. In Trino, clients commonly authenticate to the Trino cluster via one of following methods:

By default, no authentication is configured in Trino. Anyone who can access the coordinator can connect and therefore issue queries and perform other operations. In this chapter, you learn details about LDAP and certificate authentication mechanisms, since they are the most commonly used.

However, authentication is just one piece. Once the principal is authenticated, they are assigned the privileges that determine what the user is able to do. What you can do is referred to as authorization and is governed by the SystemAccessControl and ConnectorAccessControl. We describe this in more detail in “Authorization”. For now, let’s assume that once authenticated, the user can perform any action. By default, this is true for accessing anything at the system level, such as querying the system catalog.

Password and LDAP Authentication

Password authentication is an authentication method you probably use every day. By providing a username and password to the system, you are proving who you say you are by providing something you know. Trino supports this basic form of authentication by using its password authenticator. The password authenticator receives the username and password credentials from the client, validates them, and creates a principal. The password authenticator is designed to support custom password authenticators deployed as a plug-in in Trino.

Currently, password authentication supported by Trino uses the LDAP authenticator, and therefore an LDAP service.


Password file authentication is a less commonly used, simple, and supported authentication mechanism.

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, an industry-standard application protocol for accessing and managing information in a directory server. The data model in the directory server is a hierarchical data structure that stores identity information. We won’t elaborate on too many more details about what LDAP is or how it works. If you are interested in learning more, there is plenty of information available in books or on the web.

When using the LDAP authenticator, a user passes a username and password to the Trino coordinator. This can be done from the CLI, JDBC driver, or any other client that supports passing the username and password. The coordinator then validates these credentials with an external LDAP service and creates the principal from the username. You can see a visualization of this flow in Figure 10-2. To enable LDAP authentication with Trino, you need to add to the file on the Trino coordinator:


By setting the authentication type to PASSWORD, we are telling the Trino coordinator to use the password authenticator to authenticate.

In addition, you need to configure the LDAP service with the additional file in the etc directory:
LDAP authentication to Trino using an external LDAP service
Figure 10-2. LDAP authentication to Trino using an external LDAP service

The specifies to use the LDAP plug-in for the password authenticator. The following lines configure the LDAP server URL and the pattern to locate the user record. The preceding bind pattern is an example usage with Active Directory. Other LDAP servers or configurations define a user ID (UID):


In LDAP, several operation types interact with the LDAP directory, such as add, delete, modify, search, and bind. Bind is the operation used to authenticate clients to the directory server and is what Trino uses for supporting LDAP authentication. In order to bind, you need to supply identification and proof of identity such as a password. LDAP allows for different types of authentication, but user identity, also known as the distinguished name, and password is the main supported method by Trino for LDAP authentication.

A secondary method, which was recently added, is to authenticate and authorize with a LDAP service user. Check the Trino documentation for configuration tips.


Trino requires using secure LDAP, which is referred to as LDAPS. Therefore, you need to make sure you have TLS enabled on your LDAP server. In addition, ensure that the URL for the ldap-url property uses ldaps:// and not ldap://. Because this communication occurs over TLS, you need to import the LDAP server TLS certificate to the truststore used by the Trino coordinator. Or if the LDAP server is using a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA), you need to make sure that the CA chain is in the truststore.

To securely use the LDAP authenticator, you also need to configure HTTPS access to the Trino coordinator. This ensures that the password sent from the client is not in clear text over an unsecure network. We discuss this setup in “Encryption”.

Once the LDAP configuration is in place, you can test it with the Trino CLI:

trino --user matt --password

Specifying --password causes the CLI to prompt you to enter the password. When you configure the LDAP password authenticator, you have set the user bind pattern.

When the username and password are passed to the Trino coordinator from the client, the CLI in our example, Trino replaces this username in the bind pattern and sends this as a security principal, and the password as the security credentials, as part of the bind request for LDAP. In our example, the principal used to match the distinguished name in the directory structure is uid=matt,OU=people,DC=example,DC=com. Each entry in the LDAP directory may consist of multiple attributes. One such attribute is userPassword, which the bind operation uses to match the password sent.

Trino can further restrict access based on group memberships. You learn more about the importance of groups in the following authorization sections. By using groups, you can assign privileges to a group, so the users in that group inherit all the privileges of that group rather than having to manage privileges individually. Say, for example, you want to allow only people in the engineering group to authenticate with Trino. In our example, we want users matt and maria to be able to authenticate to Trino, but not user jane.

To further restrict users based on group membership, Trino allows you to specify additional properties in the file.


In our example, the preceding filter restricts users from the base distinguished name and allows only users who belong to the developers group in LDAP. If user jane tries to authenticate, the bind operation succeeds since jane is a valid user, but the user is filtered out of the results because she does not belong to the developers group.


In the previous section you learned about authentication, or proving to Trino who you are. However, in an environment with many users and sensitive data, you do not want any user who can authenticate to access any data.

To restrict access, you need to configure authorization of what a user can do. Let’s first examine the SQL model in Trino in terms of what access controls exist. Then you learn how to control access to Trino at the system and connector level.

System Access Control

System access control enforces authorization at the global Trino level and allows you to configure access for catalogs and rules for the principals used.

Lower-level rights and restrictions within a catalog have to be configured with connector access control; see “Connector Access Control”.

As you learned in the authentication section, security principals are the entity used to authenticate to Trino. The principal may be an individual user or a service account. Trino also separates the principal for authentication from the user who is running queries. For example, multiple users may share a principal for authenticating, but run queries as themselves. By default, Trino allows any principal who can authenticate to run queries as anyone else:

$ trino --krb5-principal [email protected] --user bob

This is generally not what you would want to run in a real environment, since it potentially elevates the access granted to one user, bob, beyond his authorization. Changing this default behavior requires additional configuration. Trino supports a set of built-in system access control configurations.

By default, Trino allows any authenticated user to do anything. This is the least secure and not recommended when deploying in a production environment. While it is the default, you can set it explicitly by creating within the etc directory.

Read-only authorization is slightly more secure in that it allows only any operation that is reading data or metadata. This includes SELECT queries, but not CREATE, INSERT, or DELETE queries:

Using this method to set access control to read-only is a very fast, simple, and effective way to reduce risk from Trino usage to the underlying data. At the same time, read access is completely suitable to analysis usage, and you can easily create a dedicated Trino cluster with read-only access to allow anybody in your company access to a large amount of data for analysis, troubleshooting, or simply exploration or learning more about Trino.

To configure system access control beyond simple allow-all or read-only, you can use a file-based approach. This allows you to specify access control rules for catalog access by users and what users a principal can identify as. These rules are specified in a file that you maintain.

When using file-based system access control, all access to catalogs is denied unless there is a matching rule for a user that explicitly gives them permission. You can enable this in the file in the etc configuration directory:

The security.config-file property specifies the location of the file containing the rules. It must be a JSON file using the format detailed in the following code. Best practice is to keep it in the same directory as all other configuration files:

  "catalogs": [
      "user": "admin",
      "catalog": "system",
      "allow": true
      "catalog": "hive",
      "allow": true
      "user": "alice",
      "catalog": "postgresql",
      "allow": true
      "catalog": "system",
      "allow": false

Rules are examined in order, and the first rule that matches is used. In this example, the admin user is allowed access to the system catalog, whereas all other users are denied because of the last rule. We mentioned earlier that all catalog access is denied by default unless there is a matching rule. The exception is that all users have access to the system catalog by default.

The example file also grants access to the hive catalog for all users, but only the user alice is granted access to the postgresql catalog.


System access controls are very useful for restricting access. However, they can be used to configure access only at the catalog level. More fine-grained access cannot be configured with it.

As we mentioned earlier, authenticated principal can run queries as any user by default. This is generally not desirable, as it allows users to potentially access data as someone else. If the connector has implemented a connector access control, it means that a user can authenticate with a principal and pretend to be another user to access data they should not have access to. Therefore, it is important to enforce an appropriate matching between the principal and the user running the queries.

Let’s say we want to set the username to that of the LDAP principal:

  "catalogs": [
      "allow": "all"
  "principals": [
      "principal": "(.*)",
      "principal_to_user": "$1",
      "allow": "all"

This can be further extended to enforce the user to use exactly their Kerberos principal name. In addition, we can match the username to a group principal that may be shared:

  "principals": [
      "principal": "([^/]+)/?.*",
      "principal_to_user": "$1",
      "allow": "all"
      "principal": "[email protected]",
      "user": "alice|bob",
      "allow": "all"

Therefore, if you want a different behavior, you must override the rule; in this case, the users bob and alice can use the principal [email protected] as well as their own principals, [email protected] and [email protected].

Connector Access Control

Recall the set of objects Trino exposes in order to query data. A catalog is the configured instance of a connector. A catalog may consist of a set of namespaces called schemas. And, finally, the schemas contain a collection of tables with columns using specific data types and rows of data. With connector access control, Trino allows you to configure fine-grained rights within a catalog.

Trino supports the SQL standard GRANT to grant privileges on tables and views to a user or role, and also to grant user membership to a role. Today, Trino supports a subset of privileges defined by the SQL standard. In Trino, you can grant the following privileges to a table or view:


Equivalent to read access


Equivalent to create access, or write access for new rows


Equivalent to delete access, or removal of rows


As of this writing, only the Hive connector supports roles and grants. Because this depends on the connector implementation, each connector needs to implement the ConnectorAccessControl to support this SQL standard functionality.

Let’s look at an example:


The user running this query is granting to user matt the SELECT privilege on table flights that is in the ontime schema of the hive catalog.

Optionally, you can specify the WITH GRANT OPTION that allows the grantee matt to grant the same privileges to others. You can also specify more than one privilege by separating commas or by specifying ALL PRIVILEGES to grant SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE to the object:


To grant privileges, you must possess the same privileges and the GRANT OPTION. Or you must be an owner of the table or view, or member of the role that owns the table or view. At the time of this writing, there is no way in Trino to alter the owner of the object, so that must be done by the underlying data source. For example, you can run the following SQL statement:


A role consists of a collection of privileges that can be assigned to a user or another role. This makes administering privileges for many users easier. By using roles, you avoid the need to assign privileges directly to users. Instead, you assign the privileges to a role, and then users are assigned to that role and inherit those privileges. Users can also be assigned multiple roles. Using roles to manage privileges is generally the best practice.

Let’s reuse our example of the flights table and use roles:

GRANT admin TO USER matt, martin;

Now let’s say you wish to remove privileges from a user. Instead of having to remove all the privileges on an object granted to a user, you can simply remove the role assignment from the user:

REVOKE admin FROM USER matt;

In addition to removing users from a role, you can also remove privileges from a role so that all users with the role no longer have that privilege:


In this example, we revoked the DELETE privileges on the flights table from the admin role. However, the admin role and its members still have the SELECT privilege.

Users may belong to multiple roles, and those roles may have distinct or an intersection of privileges. When a user runs a query, Trino examines the privileges that the user has either assigned directly or through the roles. If you wish to use only the privileges of a single role you belong to, you can use the SET ROLE command. For example, say you belong to both an admin role and the developer role, but you want to be using only the privileges assigned to the developer role:

SET ROLE developer;

You can also set the role to ALL so that Trino examines your privileges for every role you belong to. Or you can set it to NONE.


Encryption is a process of transforming data from a readable form to an unreadable form, which is then used in transport or for storage, also called at rest. At the receiver end, only authorized users are able to transform data back to a readable form. This prevents any malicious attacker who intercepts the data from being able to read it. Trino uses standard cryptographic techniques to encrypt data in motion and at rest, and you can see a comparison between the plain text and the encrypted version in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Comparison of an equivalent text in plain and encrypted format
Plain text Encrypted text

SSN: 123-45-6789


Encrypted data in motion includes the following data transfers and is displayed in Figure 10-3:

  • Between the client, such as a JDBC client or the Trino CLI, and the Trino coordinator (at left in the figure)

  • Within the Trino cluster, between the coordinator and workers (center)

  • From the data sources, configured in the catalogs, to the workers and the coordinator in the cluster (at right)

Encryption options for data in transit
Figure 10-3. Encryption options for data in transit

Encryption of data at rest includes the following locations and is displayed in Figure 10-4:

  • Data sources, so outside the Trino cluster (right)

  • Storage on the workers and/or coordinator used for the spilling to disk functionality, so inside the Trino cluster (left)

Encryption options for data at rest
Figure 10-4. Encryption options for data at rest

Each of these can be configured in Trino independently. S3 is used as an example for a connected data source.

These different encryption usages can be combined. For example, you can configure Trino to encrypt client-to-coordinator communication and intercluster communication, but leave data at rest unencrypted and therefore not secured. Or you may choose to configure Trino only for encrypted client-to-coordinator communication.

While each combination is possible to configure, some combinations do not make much sense. For example, configuring only intercluster communication but leaving client-to-coordinator communication unencrypted does not make sense because it leaves any data accessed by queries from a Trino client open to attacks.

As you’ve learned, external and internal communication in Trino happens exclusively over HTTP. To secure communication between the client and coordinator and intercluster communication, Trino can be configured to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) on top of HTTP, referred to as HTTPS. TLS is a cryptographic protocol for encrypting data over a network, and HTTPS uses TLS to secure the HTTP protocol.


TLS is the successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and sometimes the terms are used interchangeably. SSL is an older protocol with known vulnerabilities and is considered insecure. Because of the prominence and name recognition of SSL, when someone refers to SSL, they often are referring to TLS.

You are probably familiar with HTTPS from visiting websites because most sites use HTTPS now. For example, if you are logged into your online bank account, HTTPS is used to encrypt data between the web server and your web browser. On modern web browsers, you typically see the padlock icon in the address line, indicating the data transfer is secured and the server you are connected to is identical to the one identified in the certificate.

Encrypting Trino Client-to-Coordinator Communication

It’s important to secure the traffic between the client and Trino for two reasons. First, if you are using LDAP authentication, the password is in clear text. And with Kerberos authentication, the SPNEGO token can be intercepted as well. Additionally, any data returned from queries is in plain text.

Understanding the lower-level details of the TLS handshake for encryption algorithms is not crucial to understanding how Trino encrypts network traffic. But it is important to understand more about certificates, since you need to create and configure certificates for use by Trino. Figure 10-5 depicts communications between a client web browser and web server secured over HTTPS. This is exactly how HTTPS communication is used between the Trino coordinator and a Trino client such as the Trino Web UI, the Trino CLI, or the JDBC driver, displayed in Figure 10-6.

Secured communication over HTTP between Trino clients and the Trino coordinator
Figure 10-6. Secured communication over HTTP between Trino clients and the Trino coordinator

A TLS certificate relies on public-key (asymmetric) cryptography using key pairs:

  • A public key, which is available to anyone

  • A private key, which is kept private by the owner

Anyone can use the public key to encrypt messages that can be decrypted only by those who have the private key. Therefore, any message encrypted with the public key should be secret, as long as only the owner of the key pair does not share or have its private key stolen. A TLS certificate contains information such as the domain the certificate was issued for, the person or company it was issued to, the public key, and several other items. This information is then hashed and encrypted using a private key. The process of signing the certificate creates the signature to include in the certificate.

These certificates are often signed by a trusted certificate authority such as DigiCert or GlobalSign. These authorities verify that the person requesting a certificate to be issued is who they say they are and that they own the domain as stated in the certificate. The certificate is signed by the authority’s private key, for which their public keys are made widely available and typically installed by default on most operating systems and web browsers.

The process of signing the certificate is important during the TLS handshake to verify authenticity. The client uses the public key of the pair to decrypt the signature and compare to the content in the certificate to make sure it was not tampered with.

Now that you understand the basics of TLS, let’s look at how we can encrypt data between the Trino clients and coordinator. To enable HTTPS on the Trino coordinator, you need to set additional properties in the file (see Table 10-2).

Table 10-2. Configuration properties for HTTPS communication
Property Description


Set this to true to enable HTTPS for Trino. Defaults to false.


Set this to false to disable HTTP for Trino. Defaults to true.


Specify the HTTPS port to use. 8443 is a common default port for HTTPS for Java application servers.


Specify the path to the Java keystore file that stores the private key and certificate used by Trino for TLS.


Specify the Java keystore password Trino needs to access the keystore.


Even though you are configuring Trino to use HTTPS, by default HTTP is still enabled as well. Enabling HTTPS does not disable HTTP. If you wish to disable HTTP access, this needs to be configured. However, you may want to keep HTTP enabled until you have completed configuring the secured Trino environment. Testing how or if something works over HTTP may be a good way to debug an issue if you run into complications during configurations.

Take, for example, the following lines to add to your


Remember to restart the Trino coordinator after you update the properties file.

Creating Java Keystores and Java Truststores

The Java keytool, a command-line tool for creating and managing keystores and truststores, is available as part of any Java Development Kit (JDK) installation. Let’s go over a simple example for creating a Java keystore and truststore. For simplicity, we use self-signed certificates.

Let’s first create the keystore to be used by the Trino coordinator. The following keytool command creates a public/private key pair and wraps the public key in a certificate that is self-signed:

$ keytool -genkeypair 
    -alias trino_server 
    -dname CN=* 
    -validity 10000 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 
    -keystore keystore.jks 
    -keypass password
    -storepass password

The generated keystore.jks file needs to be used on the server and specified in the http-server.https.keystore.path property. Similar usage applies for the storepass password in the http-server.https.keystore.key property.

In this example, you are using a wildcard certificate. We specify the common name (CN) to be * This certificate can be shared by all the nodes on the Trino cluster, assuming they use the same domain; this certificate works with,,, and so on. The disadvantage to this approach is that any node under the domain can use the certificate.

You can limit the subdomains by using a subject alternative name (SubjectAltName), where you list the subdomains. This allows you to create a single certificate to be shared by a limited, specific list of hosts. An alternative approach is to create a certificate for each node, requiring you to explicitly define the full domain for each. This adds an administrative burden and makes it challenging when scaling a Trino cluster, as the new nodes require certificates bound to the full domain.

When connecting a client to the coordinator, the coordinator sends its certificate to the client to verify its authenticity. A truststore is used to verify the authenticity by containing the coordinator certificate if self-signed, or a certificate chain if signed by a CA. Later, we discuss how to use a certificate chain of a CA. Because the keystore also contains the certificate, you could simply copy the keystore to the client machine and use that as the truststore. However, that is not secure, as the keystore also contains the private key that we want to keep secret. To create a custom truststore, you need to export the certificate from the keystore and import it into a truststore.

First, on the coordinator where your keystore was created, you export the certificate:

$ keytool --exportcert 
    -alias trino_server 
    -file trino_server.cer 
    -keystore keystore.jks 
    -storepass password

This command creates a trino_server.cer certificate file. As a next step, you use that file to create the truststore:

$ keytool --importcert 
    -alias trino_server 
    -file trino_server.cer 
    -keystore truststore.jks 
    -storepass password

Since the certificate is self-signed, this keytool command prompts you to confirm that you want to trust this certificate. Simply type yes and the truststore.jks is created. Now you can safely distribute this truststore to any machine from which you use a client to connect the coordinator.

Now that we have the coordinator enabled with HTTPS using a keystore and we’ve created a truststore for the clients, we can securely connect to Trino such that the communication between the client and coordinator is encrypted. Here is an example using the Trino CLI:

$ trino --server 
      --truststore-path ~/truststore.jks 
      --truststore-password password

Encrypting Communication Within the Trino Cluster

Next let’s look at how to secure the communication between the workers, and the workers and the coordinator, all within the Trino cluster, by using HTTP over TLS again as shown in Figure 10-7.

While the client-to-coordinator communication may be over an untrusted network, the Trino cluster is generally deployed on a more secure network, making secured intercluster communication more optional. However, if you’re concerned about a malicious attacker being able to get onto the network of the cluster, communication can be encrypted.

As with securing client-to-coordinator communication, cluster internal communication also relies on the same keystore. This keystore you created on the coordinator must be distributed to all worker nodes.

Secured communication over HTTPS between the nodes in the Trino cluster
Figure 10-7. Secured communication over HTTPS between nodes in the Trino cluster

The same method of performing the TLS handshake to establish trust between the client and server, and create an encrypted channel, works for the intercluster communication. Communication in the cluster is bidirectional, meaning a node may act as a client sending the HTTPS request to another node, or a node can act as a server when it receives the request and presents the certificate to the client for verification. Because each node can act as both client and server for different connections, it needs a keystore that contains both the private key and the public key wrapped in the certificate.

All nodes need to enable HTTPS in, including for internal communication:




Remember to restart the workers after you update the properties file. Now you have entirely secured the internal and external communication and secured it against eavesdroppers on the network trying to intercept data from Trino.


Once you have everything working, it’s important to disable HTTP by setting http-server.http.enabled=false in; otherwise, a user can still connect to the cluster using HTTP.

Certificate Authority Versus Self-Signed Certificates

When you try out Trino for the first time and work to get it configured securely, it’s easiest to use a self-signed certificate. In practice, however, it may not be allowed in your organization as they are much less secure and susceptible to attacks in certain situations. Therefore, you may use a certificate that was digitally signed by a CA.

Once you have created the keystore, you need to create a certificate signing request (CSR) to send to the CA to get the keystore signed. The CA verifies you are who you say you are and issues you a certificate signed by them. The certificate is then imported into your keystore. This CA signed certificate is presented to the client instead of the original self-signed one.

An interesting aspect is related to the use of the Java truststore. Java provides a default truststore that may contain the CA already. In this case, the certificate presented to the client can be verified by the default truststore. Using the Java default truststore can be cumbersome because it may not contain the CA. Or perhaps your organization has its own internal CA for issuing organizational certifications to employees and services. So if you’re using a CA, it is still recommended that you create your own truststore for Trino to use. However, you can import the CA certificate chain instead of the actual certificates being used for Trino. A certificate chain is a list of two or more TLS certificates, where each certificate in the chain is signed by the next one in the chain. At the top of the chain is the root certificate, and this is always self-signed by the CA itself. It is used to sign the downstream certificates known as intermediate certificates. When you are issued a certificate for Trino, it is signed by an intermediate certificate, which is the first one in the chain. The advantage to this is that, if there are multiple certificates for multiple Trino clusters or if certificates are reissued, you don’t need to reimport them into your truststore each time. This reduces the need for the CA to reissue an intermediate or root certificate.

The scenario in Figure 10-8 shows the use of a certificate issued by a CA. The truststore contains only the intermediate and root certificates of the CA. The TLS certificate from the Trino coordinator is verified using this certificate chain in the client truststore.

Trino using a certificate issued by a CA
Figure 10-8. Trino using a certificate issued by a CA

Let’s say you had your Trino certificate signed by a CA. In order for the client to trust it, we need to create a truststore containing the intermediate and root certificates. As in the earlier example in which we imported the Trino self-signed certificate, you perform the same import of the CA certificate chain:

$ keytool --importcert 
    -alias trino_server 
    -file root-ca.cer 
    -keystore truststore.jks 
    -storepass password

After the root CA certificate is imported, you continue to import all necessary intermediate certificate from the chain:

$ keytool --importcert 
    -alias trino_server 
    -file intermediate-ca.cer 
    -keystore truststore.jks 
    -storepass password

Note that there may be more than a single intermediate certificate and that we’re using a single one here for simplicity.

Certificate Authentication

Now that you’ve learned about TLS, certificates, and the related usage of the Java keytool, you can have a look at using these tools for authenticating clients connecting to Trino with TLS. This certificate authentication is displayed in Figure 10-9.

As part of the TLS handshake, the server provides the client a certificate so that the client can authenticate the server. Mutual TLS means that the client, as a part of the handshake, provides a certificate to the server to be authenticated. The server verifies the certificate in the same way you have seen the client verify the certificate. The server requires a truststore that contains the CA chain, or the self-signed certificate for verification.

Certificate authentication for Trino clients
Figure 10-9. Certificate authentication for Trino clients

To configure the Trino coordinator for mutual TLS authentication, you need to add some properties to the file on the coordinator. Let’s look at a complete configuration:






The property http-server.authentication indicates the type of authentication to use. In this case, Trino is using CERTIFICATE authentication. This causes the Trino coordinator to use the full TLS handshake for mutual authentication. In particular, the server-side coordinator sends a certificate request message as part of the full TLS handshake to the client to provide the signed certificate for verification. In addition, you need to configure the truststore on the coordinator in order to verify the certificate presented by the client.

Let’s use our command to connect with the CLI to Trino:

$ trino --server 
      --truststore-path ~/truststore.jks 
      --truststore-password password
      --user matt
trino> SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes;
Error running command: Authentication failed: Unauthorized

You’ll find that authentication failed, because the client does not use the keystore that has the certificate to provide the client certificate to the coordinator for mutual authentication.

You need to modify your command to include a keystore. Note that this keystore is different from the keystore on the cluster. This keystore specifically contains the key pair for the client. Let’s first create our keystore on the client side:

$ keytool -genkeypair 
    -alias trino_server 
    -dname CN=matt 
    -validity 10000 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 
    -keystore client-keystore.jks 
    -keypass password
    -storepass password

In this example, you see that we set the CN to user matt. In this case, it’s more than likely that this is a self-signed certificate or that an organization has its own internal CA. Let’s specify the client keystore in the CLI command:

$ trino --server 
      --truststore-path ~/truststore.jks 
      --truststore-password password
      --keystore-path ~/client-keystore.jks 
      --keystore-password password
      --user matt
trino> SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes;
Query failed: Access Denied:
Authenticated user AuthenticatedUser[username=CN=matt,principal=CN=matt]
cannot become user matt

Now that we have authenticated, authorization is failing. Recall that authentication proves who you are, and authorization controls what you can do.

In the case of certificate authentication, Trino extracts the subject distinguished name from the X.509 certificate. This value is used as the principal to compare to the username. The username defaults to the operating system username unless it is specified explicitly using the --user option in the CLI. In this case, the user matt is compared to the distinguished common name in the certificate CN=matt. One workaround is to simply pass the option to the CLI as --user CN=matt. Alternatively, you can leverage the built-in file-based system access control you learned about earlier for some customization.

First, you need to create a file in the Trino installation directory etc/, on the Trino coordinator.

Next we need to create the rules.json file on the coordinator as the path location specified in the file and define the mapping from principal to user to include CN=:

  "catalogs": [
      "allow": true
  "principals": [
      "principal": "CN=(.*)",
      "principal_to_user": "$1",
      "allow": true

We are matching a principal regex with a capturing group. We then use that capturing group to map the principal to the user. In our example, the regex matches CN=matt, where matt is part of the capturing group to map to the user. Once you create these files and restart the coordinator, both the certificate authentication and authorization of that subject principal to the user work:

SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------------------------------------------
node_id      | i-0779df73d79748087
http_uri     |
node_version | 312
coordinator  | true
state        | active
-[ RECORD 2 ]+--------------------------------------------------------
node_id      | i-0d3fba6fcba08ddfe
http_uri     |
node_version | 312
coordinator  | false
state        | active


The network authentication protocol Kerberos is widely used. Support for Kerberos in Trino is especially critical for users of Trino, who are using the Hive connector (see “Hive Connector for Distributed Storage Data Sources”), since Kerberos is a commonly used authentication mechanism with HDFS and Hive.


The Kerberos documentation can be a useful resource for learning about the protocol and the related concepts and terms. In this section, we assume that you are sufficiently familiar with these aspects or that you have gone off and read some of the documentation and other resources available.

Trino supports clients to authenticate to the coordinator by using the Kerberos authentication mechanism. The Hive connector can authenticate with a Hadoop cluster that uses Kerberos authentication.

Similar to LDAP, Kerberos is an authentication protocol, and a principal can be authenticated using a username and password or a keytab file.


Kerberos needs to be configured on the Trino coordinator, which needs to be able to connect to the Kerberos key distribution center (KDC). The KDC is responsible for authenticating principals and issues session keys that can be used with Kerberos-enabled services. KDCs typically use TCP/IP port 88.

Using MIT Kerberos, you need to have a [realms] section in the /etc/krb5.conf configuration file.

Kerberos Client Authentication

To enable Kerberos authentication with Trino, you need to add details to the file on the Trino coordinator. You need to change the authentication type, configure the location of the keytab file, and specify the user name of the Kerberos service account to use:


No changes to the worker configuration are required. The worker nodes continue to connect to the coordinator over unauthenticated HTTP.

To connect to this kerberized Trino cluster, a user needs to set up their keytab file, their principal, and their krb5.conf configuration file on the client and then use the relevant parameters for the Trino CLI or the properties for a JDBC connection. You can find all the details including a small wrapper script in the Trino documentation.

Cluster Internal Kerberos

If you want to secure the cluster internal communication, the Kerberos authentication must be enabled on workers, and internal communication needs to be changed to use SSL/TLS; see “Encrypting Communication Within the Trino Cluster”. This requires specifying valid Kerberos credentials for the internal communication.

Trino itself, as well as any users connecting to Trino with Kerberos, need a Kerberos principal. You need to create these users in Kerberos by using kadmin. In addition, the Trino coordinator needs a keytab file.

When using Kerberos authentication, client access to the Trino coordinator should use HTTPS; see “Encrypting Trino Client-to-Coordinator Communication”.

You can optionally set the Kerberos hostname for the coordinator, if you want Trino to use this value in the host part of the Kerberos principal instead of the machine’s hostname. You can also specify an alternate location of the Kerberos configuration file krb5.conf, different from the default /etc/krb5.conf:

For securing cluster internal communication with Kerberos, you need to specify valid Kerberos credentials for the internal communication and enable it:


Make sure that you’ve also set up Kerberos on the worker nodes. The Kerberos principal for internal communication is built from http.server.authentication​.krb5.service-name after appending it with the host name of the node where Trino is running and the default realm from the Kerberos configuration.

Data Source Access and Configuration for Security

Another aspect of securing the data available to Trino users is visible in Figure 10-10. Each catalog configured in Trino includes the connection string as well as the user credentials used to connect to the data source. Different connectors and target data source systems allow different access configurations.

A user first authenticates to the coordinator. The Trino connector issues requests to the data sources, which typically require authentication as well.

Data source security configuration impacting data for users
Figure 10-10. Data source security configuration impacting data for users

Authentication from the connectors to the data sources are dependent on the connector implementation. In many connector implementations, Trino authenticates as a service user. Therefore, for any user who runs a query using such a connector, the query is executed in the underlying system as that service user.

For example, if the user credentials to the target data source do not include the rights to perform any write operations, you effectively restrict all Trino users to read-only operations and queries. Similarly, if the user does not have access rights to a specific schema, database, or even table, Trino usage has the same restrictions.

To provide a more fine-grained access control, you can create several service users with different permissions. You can then have multiple catalog configurations with the same connector to the same data source, but using different service users.

Similar to using different service users, you can also create catalogs with different connections strings. For example, the PostgreSQL connection string includes a database name, which means you can create different catalogs to separate access to these databases running on the same PostgreSQL server. The MS SQL Server connections string allows an optional configuration of a database.

Details such as connection strings, user credentials, and other aspects are discussed in Chapter 6.

Beyond the schema and database level, you can even push access rights and data content configuration all the way down to the database itself. For example, if you want to limit access to certain columns in a table or certain rows in a table, you can limit access to the source tables and instead create views with the desired content. These are then available in Trino like traditional tables and therefore implement your security. The extreme case of this scenario is the creation of a separate database or data warehouse using ETL tools, including even Trino itself. These target databases with the desired data can then be configured for access in Trino with separate catalogs as well.

If you end up having multiple catalogs defined on your Trino deployment using some of the preceding logic, and you want to allow access to these catalogs to specific users, you can take advantage of the system access control discussed in “System Access Control”.

A relatively new feature available in some connectors from Trino, as well as some commercially available connectors, is end-user impersonation. This allows the end-user credentials in the Trino CLI or other tools to be passed through all the way to the data source. The access rights in Trino then reflect the configured access rights in the database.

One common example of data source security configuration is the use of Kerberos with HDFS and therefore with the Hive connector; see “Hive Connector for Distributed Storage Data Sources”. Let’s look at the details now.

Kerberos Authentication with the Hive Connector

After learning about Kerberos configuration and data source security in general earlier, let’s now look at the combination of Kerberos, HDFS/Hive, and the Hive connector.

By default, no authentication is enabled for Hive connector use. However, the connector does support Kerberos authentication. All you need to do is configure the connector to work with two services on the Hadoop cluster:

  • The Hive metastore Thrift service

  • The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)


If your krb5.conf location is different from /etc/krb5.conf, you must set it explicitly using the JVM property in the jvm.config file:

Hive Metastore Thrift Service Authentication

In a kerberized Hadoop cluster, Trino connects to the Hive metastore Thrift service by using Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) and authenticates by using Kerberos. You can easily enable Kerberos authentication for the metastore service in your catalog properties file:

hive.metastore.service.principal=hive/[email protected]
hive.metastore.client.principal=[email protected]

This setting activates the use of Kerberos for the authentication to HMS. It also configures the Kerberos principal and keytab file location that Trino uses when connecting to the metastore service. The keytab file must be distributed to every node in the cluster.


hive.metastore.service.principal can use the _HOST placeholder in the value. When connecting to the HMS, the Hive connector substitutes this with the hostname of the metastore server it is connecting to. This is useful if the metastore runs on multiple hosts. Similarly, hive.metastore.client.principal can have the _HOST placeholder in its value. When connecting to the HMS, the Hive connector substitutes this with the hostname of the worker node Trino is running on. This is useful if each worker node has its own Kerberos principal.

Trino connects as the Kerberos principal specified by the property hive.metastore.client.principal and authenticates this principal by using the keytab specified by the hive.metastore.client.keytab property. It verifies that the identity of the metastore matches hive.metastore.service.principal.


The principal specified by hive.metastore.client.principal must have sufficient privileges to remove files and directories within the hive/warehouse directory. Without this access, only the metadata is removed, and the data itself continues to consume disk space. This occurs because the HMS is responsible for deleting the internal table data. When the metastore is configured to use Kerberos authentication, all HDFS operations performed by the metastore are impersonated. Errors deleting data are silently ignored.

HDFS Authentication

Enabling Kerberos authentication to HDFS is similar to metastore authentication, with the following properties in your connectors properties file. When the authentication type is KERBEROS, Trino accesses HDFS as the principal specified by the hive.hdfs.trino.principal property. Trino authenticates this principal by using the keytab specified by the hive.hdfs.trino.keytab property:

hive.hdfs.trino.principal=[email protected]

Cluster Separation

Another large-scale security option is the complete separation of the data sources and configured catalogs by using them on separate Trino clusters. This separation can make sense in various scenarios:

  • Isolating read-only operations from ETL and other write operation use cases

  • Hosting clusters on completely different infrastructure because of regulatory requirements for the data; for example, web traffic data as compared to heavily regulated data such as medical or financial or personal data

This separation of clusters can allow you to optimize the cluster configuration for the different use cases and data, or locate the clusters closer to the data. Both situations can achieve considerable performance as well as cost advantages, while at the same time satisfying security needs.


Now you can feel safe about your data and the access Trino provides to it. You know about the many options you have to secure Trino access and the exposed data. This is a critical part of running Trino and has to be augmented by other activities such as monitoring, discussed in Chapter 12.

But first you need to learn about numerous tools to use with Trino to achieve some amazingly powerful results. Check it out in our next chapter, Chapter 11.

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