Author's Acknowledgments

This book would not have been possible without the patience, love, and encouragement of my wonderful wife, harlee. She was beside me through the whole journey, proofreading every word, acting as my sounding board, and being my emotional rock during those tight deadlines. Thank you Shar. I love you!

To all of my friends and family who put up with my social absence during the writing of this book, thank you for your encouragement and for enthusiastically accepting me back into your lives when I crawled out of my writing cave, back into the daylight.

Thanks to Chris Treadaway for introducing me to Katie Feltman. Katie, you are a wonderful project editor and writer's therapist. Thank you for guiding me through this wonderful experience.

Pat O'Brien, thank you for your professionalism and editing expertise.Somehow you and Debbye Butler anaged to make even my writing publishable.

Thank you Jaisen Mathai (@jmathai) and Abraham Williams (@abraham) for your technical help with OAuth. You are both masters of your trade and exceptionally generous with your knowledge. Follow them on Twitter and pay attention to what they have to say about Twitter API happenings.

Thank you for reading. I hope this book brings value to your endeavors.

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