

Every day, I am lucky to help other organizations learn how to best use Twitter. Biz Stone and his vision for changing the world got me here, and dozens of other Twitter employees have given of their time and energy to boost me at various stages in my role leading corporate social innovation, causes, and philanthropy at Twitter. Thanks to many, including @biz, @ev, @dickc, @jack, @katies, @jbuckhouse, @abdur, @jennadawn, @laura, @sg, @mgrooves, @cpen, @jillyface, @choppedonion, @del, @francesca, @elizabeth, @jess, @goldman, @chloes, @adambain, @mgrooves, @cpen, @bakari, @ali, @omid, @briggles, @crystal, @olivia, @omid, @janetvh, @amac, @mgale, @gregpass, @kris, @anm, @dougw, @kevinthau, @kevinweil, @seacue, and many, many more.

Twitter is a fabulous company, and I could not be prouder to work here as it grows and changes, even if I do sometimes lament the demise of the Monday breakfast burrito.

Outside of Twitter, amazing support came from many individuals who contributed thoughts, essays, and quotes to the text about their experiences changing the world on Twitter. Thanks to JohnWood, Darren Rowse, Nick Kristof, Amalia McGibbon, Amanda Rose, Beth Kanter, Leila Janah, Mark Horvath, Luke Renner, April Rinne, Alec Ross, Marlon Parker, Christie George, Craig Newmark, Rebecca Hankin, Tim Ferriss, Kelly Creeden, Melanie Mathos, Katie Dowd, Lynette Camara, Lara Vogel, Deanna Zandt, Christie George, Jessica Shortall, Samuel Ikua Gachagua, Laura Vanderkam, Patrick Meier, Chrysi Philalithes, Laura Adams, Tara Roth McConaghy, Patrick Meier, Jon Gosier, Scott Stratten, Catherine Connors, Suzanne Hall, Abby Falik, Wil Keenan, Gretchen Steidle Wallace, Raymond Nasr, Adam Rugel, Cindy Tanaka, James Kondo, Carrie Isaac, Ron Conway, and Chris Sacca. I would not be where I am today were it not for generous support from both the Skoll Foundation and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford University's Said Business School. Thanks to Jeff Skoll, Sally Osberg, Pamela Hardigan, Alex Nichols, and Kim Alter, among others.

Many thanks go to those behind this book-making machine. The wise counsel of Byrd Leavell at the Waxman Agency has made these five years fly by and has given me reason to be glad I ever tried my hand at this whole writing thing. My excellent editor, Karen Murphy at Jossey-Bass, turned my harried words into wise teachings, and made South by Southwest a joy, to boot. Mary Garrett and John Maas also did much to help. Ellen Gerstein of Wiley sparked it all.

Although this was not my first book, it was my fastest. The swift writing journey could not have happened without the selflessness of José Díaz Ortiz to step up as CEO of our new family during a frighteningly busy season. I wrote; he did everything else. Love and humble thanks abound.

Like all good teenagers, Sammy sent me snow day pictures when he should have been studying for finals. Like all good guardians, Lara gave him menacing looks on my behalf. (Brava!)

Barb and Lance were gracious last-minute hoteliers, never failing to ask, after a long hard day, “How's the tweeting?” Court was a hygienic chauffeur to my solo writing retreat, and Little Tony, in true form, stole my kombucha.

All errors are mine, although I'd rather you blame someone else.

If I do say so, it's been a good Tweet.

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