Device Drivers

A device driver is a software layer that makes a hardware device respond to a well-defined programming interface. We are already familiar with this kind of interface; it consists of the canonical set of VFS functions (open, read, lseek, ioctl, and so forth) that control a device. The actual implementation of all these functions is delegated to the device driver. Since each device has a unique I/O controller, and thus unique commands and unique state information, most I/O devices have their own drivers.

There are many types of device drivers. They mainly differ in the level of support that they offer to the User Mode applications, as well as in their buffering strategies for the data collected from the hardware devices. Since these choices greatly influence the internal structure of a device driver, we discuss them in Section 13.3.1 and Section 13.3.2.

A device driver does not consist only of the functions that implement the device file operations. Before using a device driver, two activities must have taken place: registering the device driver and initializing it. Finally, when the device driver is performing a data transfer, it must also monitor the I/O operation. We see how all this is done in Section 13.3.3, Section 13.3.4, and Section 13.3.5.

Levels of Kernel Support

The Linux kernel does not fully support all possible existing I/O devices. Generally speaking, in fact, there are three possible kinds of support for a hardware device:

No support at all

The application program interacts directly with the device’s I/O ports by issuing suitable in and out assembly language instructions.

Minimal support

The kernel does not recognize the hardware device, but does recognize its I/O interface. User programs are able to treat the interface as a sequential device capable of reading and/or writing sequences of characters.

Extended support

The kernel recognizes the hardware device and handles the I/O interface itself. In fact, there might not even be a device file for the device.

The most common example of the first approach, which does not rely on any kernel device driver, is how the X Window System traditionally handles the graphic display. This is quite efficient, although it constrains the X server from using the hardware interrupts issued by the I/O device. This approach also requires some additional effort to allow the X server to access the required I/O ports. As mentioned in Section 3.3.2, the iopl( ) and ioperm( ) system calls grant a process the privilege to access I/O ports. They can be invoked only by programs having root privileges. But such programs can be made available to users by setting the fsuid field of the executable file to 0, which is the UID of the superuser (see Section 20.1.1).

Recent Linux versions support several widely used graphic cards. The /dev/fb device file provides an abstraction for the frame buffer of the graphic card and allows application software to access it without needing to know anything about the I/O ports of the graphics interface. Furthermore, Version 2.4 of the kernel supports the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) that allows application software to exploit the hardware of accelerated 3D graphics cards. In any case, the traditional do-it-yourself X Window System server is still widely adopted.

The minimal support approach is used to handle external hardware devices connected to a general-purpose I/O interface. The kernel takes care of the I/O interface by offering a device file (and thus a device driver); the application program handles the external hardware device by reading and writing the device file.

Minimal support is preferable to extended support because it keeps the kernel size small. However, among the general-purpose I/O interfaces commonly found on a PC, only the serial port and the parallel port can be handled with this approach. Thus, a serial mouse is directly controlled by an application program, like the X server, and a serial modem always requires a communication program, like Minicom, Seyon, or a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.

Minimal support has a limited range of applications because it cannot be used when the external device must interact heavily with internal kernel data structures. For example, consider a removable hard disk that is connected to a general-purpose I/O interface. An application program cannot interact with all kernel data structures and functions needed to recognize the disk and to mount its filesystem, so extended support is mandatory in this case.

In general, any hardware device directly connected to the I/O bus, such as the internal hard disk, is handled according to the extended support approach: the kernel must provide a device driver for each such device. External devices attached to the Universal Serial Bus (USB), the PCMCIA port found in many laptops, or the SCSI interface—in short, any general-purpose I/O interface except the serial and the parallel ports—also require extended support.

It is worth noting that the standard file-related system calls like open( ), read( ), and write( ) do not always give the application full control of the underlying hardware device. In fact, the lowest-common-denominator approach of the VFS does not include room for special commands that some devices need or let an application check whether the device is in a specific internal state.

The ioctl( ) system call was introduced to satisfy such needs. Besides the file descriptor of the device file and a second 32-bit parameter specifying the request, the system call can accept an arbitrary number of additional parameters. For example, specific ioctl( ) requests exist to get the CD-ROM sound volume or to eject the CD-ROM media. Application programs may provide the user interface of a CD player using these kinds of ioctl( ) requests.

Buffering Strategies of Device Drivers

Traditionally, Unix-like operating systems divide hardware devices into block and character devices. However, this classification does not tell the whole story. Some devices are capable of transferring sizeable amount of data in a single I/O operation, while others transfer only a few characters.

For instance, a PS/2 mouse driver gets a few bytes in each read operation—they correspond to the status of the mouse button and to the position of the mouse pointer on the screen. This kind of device is the easiest to handle. Input data is first read one character at a time from the device input register and stored in a proper kernel data structure; the data is then copied at leisure into the process address space. Similarly, output data is first copied from the process address space to a proper kernel data structure and then written one at a time into the I/O device output register. Clearly, I/O drivers for such devices do not use the DMAC because the CPU time spent to set up a DMA I/O operation is comparable to the one spent to move the data to or from the I/O ports.

On the other hand, the kernel must also be ready to deal with devices that yield a large number of bytes in each I/O operation, either sequential devices such as sound cards or network cards, or random access devices such as disks of all kinds (floppy, CDROM, SCSI disk, etc.).

Suppose, for instance, that you have set up the sound card of your computer so that you are able to record sounds coming from a microphone. The sound card samples the electrical signal coming from the microphone at a fixed rate, say 44.14 kHz, and produces a stream of 16-bit numbers divided into blocks of input data. The sound card driver must be able to cope with this avalanche of data in all possible situations, even when the CPU is temporarily busy running some other process.

This can be done by combining two different techniques:

  • Use of the DMA processor (DMAC) to transfer blocks of data.

  • Use of a circular buffer of two or more elements, each element having the size of a block of data. When an interrupt occurs signaling that a new block of data has been read, the interrupt handler advances a pointer to the elements of the circular buffer so that further data will be stored in an empty element. Conversely, whenever the driver succeeds in copying a block of data into user address space, it releases an element of the circular buffer so that it is available for saving new data from the hardware device.

The role of the circular buffer is to smooth out the peaks of CPU load; even if the User Mode application receiving the data is slowed down because of other higher priority tasks, the DMAC is able to continue filling elements of the circular buffer because the interrupt handler executes on behalf of the currently running process.

A similar situation occurs when receiving packets from a network card, except that in this case, the flow of incoming data is asynchronous. Packets are received independently from each other and the time interval that occurs between two consecutive packet arrivals is unpredictable.

All considered, buffer handling for sequential devices is easy because the same buffer is never reused: an audio application cannot ask the microphone to retransmit the same block of data; similarly, a networking application cannot ask the network card to retransmit the same packet.

On the other hand, buffering for random access devices (disks of any kind) is much more complicated. In this case, applications are entitled to ask repeatedly to read or write the same block of data. Furthermore, accesses to these devices are usually very slow. These peculiarities have a profound impact on the structure of the disk drivers.

Thus, buffers for random access devices play a different role. Instead of smoothing out the peaks of the CPU load, they are used to contain data that is no longer needed by any process, just in case some other process will require the same data at some later time. In other words, buffers are the basic components of a software cache (see Chapter 14) that reduces the number of disk accesses.

Registering a Device Driver

We know that each system call issued on a device file is translated by the kernel into an invocation of a suitable function of a corresponding device driver. To achieve this, a device driver must register itself. In other words, registering a device driver means linking it to the corresponding device files. Accesses to device files whose corresponding drivers have not been previously registered return the error code -ENODEV.

If a device driver is statically compiled in the kernel, its registration is performed during the kernel initialization phase. Conversely, if a device driver is compiled as a kernel module (see Appendix B), its registration is performed when the module is loaded. In the latter case, the device driver can also unregister itself when the module is unloaded.

Character device drivers using old-style device files[94] are described by a chrdevs array of device_struct data structures; each array index is the major number of a device file. Major numbers range between 1 (no device file can have the major number 0) and 254 (the value 255 is reserved for future extensions), thus the array contains 255 elements, but the first of them is not used. Each structure includes two fields: name points to the name of the device class and fops points to a file_operations structure (see Section 12.2.3).

Similarly, block device drivers using old-style device files are described by a blkdevs array of 255 data structures (as in the chrdevs array, the first entry is not used). Each structure includes two fields: name points to the name of the device class and bdops points to a block_device_operations structure, which stores a few custom methods for crucial operations of the block device driver (see Table 13-3).

Table 13-3. The methods of block device drivers


Event that triggers the invocation of the method


Opening the block device file


Closing the last reference to a block device file


Issuing a ioctl( ) system call on the block device file


Checking whether the media has been changed (e.g., floppy disk)


Checking whether the block device holds valid data

The chrdevs and blkdevs tables are initially empty. The register_chrdev( ) and register_blkdev( ) functions insert a new entry into one of the tables. If a device driver is implemented through a module, it can be unregistered when the module is unloaded by means of the unregister_chrdev( ) or unregister_blkdev( ) functions.

For example, the descriptor for the parallel printer driver class is inserted in the chrdevs table as follows:

register_chrdev(6, "lp", &lp_fops);

The first parameter denotes the major number, the second denotes the device class name, and the last is a pointer to the table of file operations. Notice that, once registered, a device driver is linked to the major number of a device file and not to its pathname. Thus, any access to a device file activates the corresponding driver, regardless of the pathname used.

Initializing a Device Driver

Registering a device driver and initializing it are two different things. A device driver is registered as soon as possible so User Mode applications can use it through the corresponding device files. In contrast, a device driver is initialized at the last possible moment. In fact, initializing a driver means allocating precious resources of the system, which are therefore not available to other drivers.

We already have seen an example in Section 4.6.1: the assignment of IRQs to devices is usually made dynamically, right before using them, since several devices may share the same IRQ line. Other resources that can be allocated at the last possible moment are page frames for DMA transfer buffers and the DMA channel itself (for old non-PCI devices like the floppy disk driver).

To make sure the resources are obtained when needed but are not requested in a redundant manner when they have already been granted, device drivers usually adopt the following schema:

  • A usage counter keeps track of the number of processes that are currently accessing the device file. The counter is incremented in the open method of the device file and decremented in the release method.[95]

  • The open method checks the value of the usage counter before the increment. If the counter is null, the device driver must allocate the resources and enable interrupts and DMA on the hardware device.

  • The release method checks the value of the usage counter after the decrement. If the counter is null, no more processes are using the hardware device. If so, the method disables interrupts and DMA on the I/O controller, and then releases the allocated resources.

Monitoring I/O Operations

The duration of an I/O operation is often unpredictable. It can depend on mechanical considerations (the current position of a disk head with respect to the block to be transferred), on truly random events (when a data packet arrives on the network card), or on human factors (when a user presses a key on the keyboard or when he notices that a paper jam occurred in the printer). In any case, the device driver that started an I/O operation must rely on a monitoring technique that signals either the termination of the I/O operation or a time-out.

In the case of a terminated operation, the device driver reads the status register of the I/O interface to determine whether the I/O operation was carried out successfully. In the case of a time-out, the driver knows that something went wrong, since the maximum time interval allowed to complete the operation elapsed and nothing happened.

The two techniques available to monitor the end of an I/O operation are called the polling mode and the interrupt mode.

Polling mode

According to this technique, the CPU checks (polls) the device’s status register repeatedly until its value signals that the I/O operation has been completed. We have already encountered a technique based on polling in Section 5.3.3: when a processor tries to acquire a busy spin lock, it repeatedly polls the variable until its value becomes 0. However, polling applied to I/O operations is usually more elaborate, since the driver must also remember to check for possible time-outs. A simple example of polling looks like the following:

for (;;) { 
    if (read_status(device) & DEVICE_END_OPERATION) break;
    if (--count == 0) break; 

The count variable, which was initialized before entering the loop, is decremented at each iteration, and thus can be used to implement a rough time-out mechanism. Alternatively, a more precise time-out mechanism could be implemented by reading the value of the tick counter jiffies at each iteration (see Section and comparing it with the old value read before starting the wait loop.

If the time required to complete the I/O operation is relatively high, say in the order of milliseconds, this schema becomes inefficient because the CPU wastes precious machine cycles while waiting for the I/O completion. In such cases, it is preferable to voluntarily relinquish the CPU after each polling operation by inserting an invocation of the schedule( ) function inside the loop.

Interrupt mode

Interrupt mode can be used only if the I/O controller is capable of signaling, via an IRQ line, the end of an I/O operation.

We’ll show how interrupt mode works on a simple case. Let’s suppose we want to implement a driver for a simple input character device. When the user issues a read( ) system call on the corresponding device file, an input command is sent to the device’s control register. After an unpredictably long time interval, the device puts a single byte of data in its input register. The device driver then returns this byte as result of the read( ) system call.

This is a typical case in which it is preferable to implement the driver using the interrupt mode; in fact, the device driver doesn’t know in advance how much time it has to wait for an answer from the hardware device. Essentially, the driver includes two functions:

  1. The foo_read( ) function that implements the read method of the file object

  2. The foo_interrupt( ) function that handles the interrupt

The foo_read( ) function is triggered whenever the user reads the device file:

ssize_t foo_read(struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
    foo_dev_t * foo_dev = filp->private_data;
    if (down_interruptible(&foo_dev->sem)
        return -ERESTARTSYS;
    foo_dev->intr = 0;
    wait_event_interruptible(foo_dev->wait, (foo_dev->intr=  =1));
    if (put_user(foo_dev->data, buf))
        return -EFAULT;
    return 1;

The device driver relies on a custom descriptor of type foo_dev_t; it includes a semaphore sem that protects the hardware device from concurrent accesses, a wait queue wait, a flag intr that is set when the device issues an interrupt, and a single-byte buffer data that is written by the interrupt handler and read by the read method. In general, all I/O drivers that use interrupts rely on data structures accessed by both the interrupt handler and the read and write methods. The address of the foo_dev_t descriptor is usually stored in the private_data field of the device file’s file object or in a global variable.

The main operations of the foo_read( ) function are the following:

  1. Acquires the foo_dev->sem semaphore, thus ensuring that no other process is accessing the device.

  2. Clears the intr flag.

  3. Issues the read command to the I/O device.

  4. Executes wait_event_interruptible to suspend the process until the intr flag becomes 1. This macro is described in Section

After some time, our device issues an interrupt to signal that the I/O operation is completed and that the data is ready in the proper DEV_FOO_DATA_PORT data port. The interrupt handler sets the intr flag and wakes the process. When the scheduler decides to reexecute the process, the second part of foo_read( ) is executed and does the following:

  1. Copies the character ready in the foo_dev->data variable into the user address space.

  2. Terminates after releasing the foo_dev->sem semaphore.

For simplicity, we didn’t include any time-out control. In general, time-out control is implemented through static or dynamic timers (see Chapter 6); the timer must be set to the right time before starting the I/O operation and removed when the operation terminates.

Let’s now look at the code of the foo_interrupt( ) function:

void foo_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
    foo->data = inb(DEV_FOO_DATA_PORT);
    foo->intr = 1;

The interrupt handler reads the character from the input register of the device and stores it in the data field of the foo_dev_t descriptor of the device driver pointed to by the foo global variable. It then sets the intr flag and invokes wake_up_interruptible( ) to wake the process blocked in the foo->wait wait queue.

Notice that none of the three parameters are used by our interrupt handler. This is a rather common case.

[94] As you might suspect, the registration procedure is quite different for the old-style device files and devfs device files. Unfortunately, this means that if both types are in use at the same time, a device driver must register itself twice.

[95] More precisely, the usage counter keeps track of the number of file objects referring to the device file, since clone processes could share the same file object.

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