
This book was a lot of work. Even though I was prepared mentally, it was still much more work than I could ever have imagined.

A big “thank you” to Sam Zaydel, Alessandro Campeis, Frances Buran, Tiffany Taylor, and especially Marina Michaels, whose invaluable feedback helped shape the book and made me a better writer along the way. Thanks also to everyone else at Manning who worked on this book in production and behind the scenes.

I’d also like to thank the reviewers who took the time to read my manuscript at various stages during its development and who provided valuable feedback: Aaron Barton, Alessandro Campeis, Conor Redmond, Dror Helper, Greg Wright, Hemant Koneru, Jeremy Lange, Jorge Ezequiel Bo, Jort Rodenburg, Mark Nenadov, Marko Umek, Markus Matzker, Srihari Sridharan, Stephen John Warnett, Sumant Tambe, Tim van Deurzen, and Vladimir Kuptsov.

Above all, I would like to thank my wife Nina, who supported me during the whole process.

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