Representing states with numerical values: Markov system

Having learned about fuzzy logic, it may do us well to mix some approaches and probably extend the functionality with finite-state machines. However, fuzzy logic doesn't work directly with values—they have to be defuzzified before they have a meaning within its scope. A Markov chain is a mathematical system that allows us to develop a decision-making system that can be seen as a fuzzy state machine.

Getting ready

This recipe uses the matrix and vector classes that come with Unity to illustrate the theoretical approach and make a working example, but it can be improved with our own matrix and vector classes with the proper implementation of the required member functions, such as vector-matrix multiplication.

How to do it...

  1. Create the parent class for handling transitions:
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class MarkovTransition : MonoBehaviour
        public Matrix4x4 matrix;
        public MonoBehaviour action;
  2. Implement the IsTriggered member function:
    public virtual bool IsTriggered()
        // implementation details here
        return false;
  3. Define the Markov state machine with its member variables:
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class MarkovStateMachine : MonoBehaviour
        public Vector4 state;
        public Matrix4x4 defaultMatrix;
        public float timeReset;
        public float timeCurrent;
        public List<MarkovTransition> transitions;
        private MonoBehaviour action;
  4. Define the Start function for initialization:
    void Start()
        timeCurrent = timeReset;
  5. Implement the Update function:
    void Update()
        if (action != null)
            action.enabled = false;
        MarkovTransition triggeredTransition;
        triggeredTransition = null;
        // next steps
  6. Look for a triggered transition:
    foreach (MarkovTransition mt in transitions)
        if (mt.IsTriggered())
            triggeredTransition = mt;
  7. If found, compute its matrix into the game state:
    if (triggeredTransition != null)
        timeCurrent = timeReset;
        Matrix4x4 matrix = triggeredTransition.matrix;
        state = matrix * state;
        action = triggeredTransition.action;
  8. Otherwise, update the countdown timer and compute the default matrix into the game state, if necessary:
        timeCurrent -= Time.deltaTime;
        if (timeCurrent <= 0f)
            state = defaultMatrix * state;
            timeCurrent = timeReset;
            action = null;

How it works...

We define a game state based on the numerical value of the vector 4 member variable, with each position corresponding to a single state. The values in the game state change according to the matrix attached to each transition. When transitions are triggered, the game state changes, but we also have a countdown timer to handle a default transition and change the game accordingly. This is useful when we need to reset the game state after a period of time or just apply a regular transformation.

See also

For more theoretical insights regarding the Markov process' application to game AI, please refer to Ian Millington's book, Artificial Intelligence for Games.

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