
Have you ever bought a book about money, personal finance, or wealth and realized that it's basically pep talk with no actual advice? Pages and pages are littered with the same basic motto of “Believe you'll make money, and you will!” over and over and over again.

You get through the first 70% of the book thinking, “Surely it will get better eventually” without it ever getting better? By the end of the book (if you get to the end), you realize there wasn't a drop of practical advice on how to make more money, how to keep more of what you make, or how to become financially free.

If that's you, I feel you.

“Think and get rich” will only take you so far. You also have to “do and get rich” to actually become wealthy and be financially free.

You can't sit on your couch and think “I'll have financial freedom, I'll become wealthy!” and not actually do anything about it.

You don't need another book filled with a bunch of regurgitated fluffy talking points to be convinced you should build wealth—you already want it. What you need to know is how to get there.

Wealth Habits teaches you just that—the habits anyone can develop and use to build real, lasting wealth.

There are dozens of great books out there that will give you motivation, inspiration, and encouragement. That's great if you want to be pumped up and motivated but don't want the actual steps to become wealthy and build financial freedom. Wealth Habits is your road map—a book of actionable steps to get off the hamster wheel of “work to pay bills” once and for all.

Your thoughts and beliefs about money are a part of building wealth, but it is not the only part. Chocolate chip cookies need chocolate chips, but that's not the only thing they need. It's simply one part of the recipe, and you still need other crucial ingredients.

Who Am I to Help You Build Wealth Habits?

There are loads of books written by authors with PhDs, MBAs, and all the other letters in the alphabet—I don't have any of those. I haven't studied a specific topic for the last 10 years. I lived it—for my entire life—and have been applying it on my own for more than 25 years.

I was 19 when I started my first business, but my life experience up until that point was growing up in a little white trailer with my two teenage parents in a rural, blue-collar town with a population of 2,000.

It goes without saying that I didn't have a rich family to teach me lessons about money and building wealth—yet I still found my way to being financially free. And that's the exact reason why I know that anyone who picks up this book—regardless of what's in your bank account, regardless of where you live, regardless of the family you grew up in, and regardless of your current circumstance in life—can build wealth too. That includes you!

I've built several multi-million dollar businesses and have bought, renovated, and flipped countless real estate properties in multiple states, acquired residential and commercial rental properties, and built a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio—with no money, no degree, no corporate background, and no rich parents.

So often I hear from people looking for some flashy “magic bullet” answer. I can see them wanting me to tell them the “one secret” that will unlock riches for them.

Here's the “one secret,” the truth:

I didn't do anything extraordinary. I just did a lot of ordinary things. No magic bullet, no earth-shattering invention, no perfectly timed investment—just ordinary, normal things that anyone can do. Including you.

That's my secret to success, and it's the secret upon which this book is based.

What This book Is Really All About

This is not a flashy book. It's a gritty book. One that will teach you how to do those ordinary things really well to create, grow, and retain wealth over time. You can do the same by following the six proven wealth habits I developed and followed in my own ascent to wealth.

Here are a few things I'll cover as they relate to you creating financial freedom:

  • How the BS you hear could be keeping you broke.
  • How to develop multiple streams of income.
  • How to build a real business—and make more money.
  • How to pay less in taxes and keep more of what you make.
  • How to score with the hat trick of real estate investing.
  • How self-education pays financial dividends.
  • How to protect your finances and your family.
  • How to stop working and retire early—and rich.
  • How to recession-proof your life—and your investments.
  • How contribution creates real wealth—and the science behind it all.

Not only can you build wealth with these habits, but they are also crucial for protecting yourself, and your family, against the unavoidable twists and turns of economic and industry cycles.

One More Thing Before We Start: How to Best Use This Book

Before we begin, I want to give you a couple of tips on how to get the most out of this book. First, this isn't a book of concepts and ideas to ponder—it's a road map to creating financial freedom. The six wealth habits have separate steps and tools within each section and chapter. They can all be used together or can be followed separately.

There is going to be a lot of information, so if you don't quite get something on the first read through, reread that section or chapter because repetition is the secret to building any skill.

Wealth Habits is about your financial future, not your financial past. We will talk about all of the things to do now, not the things you did or didn't do. So if regret or shame pops up, drop them at the door so we can move forward toward the life you deserve.

For anyone who desires financial security and, ultimately, financial freedom—creating wealth habits is no longer a luxury. It's a necessity.

When you don't apply wealth habits, you run the financial risks that come from relying on the other (bad or ineffective) habits most Americans have that keeps them on a perpetual hamster wheel and, ultimately, broke.

These wealth habits are the not-so-obvious secrets of how the wealthy become—and stay—wealthy, which unfortunately isn't taught to the masses.

The good news is that it's not magic, it's not a secret, and it's not even complicated.

It's time to learn how to apply these wealth habits in your life and join the movement by taking control of your future and creating the financial freedom you deserve. Now let's get started!

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