

& (ampersand), 20, 37

= (equal sign), 37

% (percent sign), 37

+ (plus sign), 20


100 range HTTP status codes, 47, 101

200 range HTTP status codes, 48, 101

300 range HTTP status codes, 48, 101

400 range HTTP status codes, 49-51, 102

500 range HTTP status codes, 51, 102


abs( ), 111

absolute URLs, 91, 111

accept( ), 66-68, 70

Accept header, 56, 177

Accept-Charset header, 177

Accept-Encoding header, 177

Accept-Language header, 178

Accept-Ranges header, 59, 181

add_content( ), 100, 102

Age header, 182

agent( ), 96

Allow header, 184

ampersand (&), 20, 37

application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type, 19, 35-37, 193-194

as_string( ), 98, 100, 103, 113

authorization/authentication, 44, 85

Authorization header, 62-63, 178

digest authentication, 46, 185

LWP functions for, 96

Proxy-Authenticate header, 182

Proxy-Authorization header, 181

WWW-Authenticate header, 62, 184


base( ), 102, 111

BASIC authorization, 62, 178

bind( ), 66-68

body, response (see entity-body)

BottomMargin attribute, 109

browsers, vii, 3

bugs, 6

byte ranges, 45, 59


Cache-Control header, 57, 172

caching, 57-59, 172

CGI programs, 17-20

HTTP codes for errors in, 51, 102

character encoding (see encoding)

character sets, 201

Accept-Language header, 178

Content-Language header, 185

CheckSite package (example), 131-141

checksums, 46

classes, LWP (see modules, LWP)

client requests, 10, 23-24

cache directives, 172

HTTP codes for errors in, 49-51

HTTP module for (LWP), 98-101

request header, 11, 24, 53, 177-181

request methods, 19, 24, 31-41

robots for (examples), 125-131

timeouts, 96

UserAgent module (LWP), 95-97

clients (see web clients)

close( ), 66, 69

code (see source code)

code( ), 101

connect( ), 66-68

Connection header, 46, 55, 173

content( ), 100, 102

Content-Base header, 184

Content-Encoding header, 184

Content-Language header, 185

Content-Length header, 19, 59, 185

Content-Location header, 185

Content-MD5 header, 185

Content-Range header, 60, 185

Content-Transfer-Encoding header, 186

Content-Type header, 19, 40, 56, 186

Cookie header, 63, 179

cookies, 63, 179, 182

CPAN archives, 87

crack( ), 111

credentials( ), 95

current_age( ), 103


date (see time and date)

Date header, 174

Date module (LWP), 105

daytime server, 72

default_port( ), 112

delay( ), 98

delete( ), 108

DELETE method, 40

dictionary client (example), 145-154

digest authentication, 46, 185

directives, caching, 172

document path, 11

documentation, HTTP, 46

documents (see files/documents)


Element module (LWP), 90, 107

encoding, 193-194

Accept-Encoding header, 177

Content-Encoding header, 184

Content-Transfer-Encoding header, 186

Content-Type header, 19, 40, 56, 186, 193

Transfer-Encoding header, 175

encoding URLs (see URL-encoded format)

entity-body, 12

storing at URL, 38-40

entity headers, 24, 54, 184-187

entity tags, 44, 58

env_proxy( ), 97

eparams( ), 112

epath( ), 112

eq( ), 113

equal sign (=), 37

equery( ), 112

error_as_HTML( ), 102

errors, HTTP status codes for, 49-51, 102

Escape module (LWP), 110

ETag header, 59, 186

expanding relative URLs, 91

Expires header, 58, 186

extract_links( ), 90, 108

extracting links from files, 80-84, 90, 121-124


fedex program (example), 125-131

filehandles (see sockets)


caching, 57-59, 172

extracting links from, 80-84, 90, 121-124

publishing on web servers, 20-23

referring, 60, 181

retrieving, 31, 88

with telnet, 16

(see also GET method)

storing at URLs, 38-40

uploading with POST method, 37

FontFamily attribute, 109

FontScale attribute, 109

format( ), 108

FormatPS module (LWP), 108

FormatText module (LWP), 108

forms, HTML, 17-20, 36

frag( ), 113

fresh_until( ), 103

freshness_lifetime( ), 103

from( ), 96

From header, 179

FTP, obtaining examples by, x

full_path( ), 113


gateway systems (see proxy servers)

general headers, 24, 52, 171-176

get( ), 88, 94

get_basic_credentials( ), 96

GET method, 29, 31

Getopts( ), 76

getprint( ), 88, 94

getstore( ), 94

graphical browsers (see browsers)

Graphical User Interface (GUI), 143

graphical user interface (see Tk extension)

graphics (see images)


hcat program (example), 76-80, 118-121

head( ), 94

HEAD method, 33

header( ), 100, 102, 104

headers, 52-64, 171-189

entity headers, 24, 54, 184-187

general headers, 24, 52, 171-176

Headers module for (LWP), 103

identification headers, 61

retrieving, 33

(see also under specific header name)

hgrepurl program (example), 81-84, 121-124

HorizontalMargin attribute, 109

host( ), 112

Host header, 11, 179

host_wait( ), 98

hostnames, 11, 179

multihoming, 44

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 13-15

converting to PostScript, 109

documents (see files/documents)

error explanations in, 102

forms, 17-20, 36

HTML module for (LWP), 89, 106-109

parsing, 89

tag parameters, 84

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 1, 4, 23-25, 28-30

headers (see headers)

HTTP module for (LWP), 98-106

requests (see client requests)

responses (see server responses)

status codes, 30, 47-52, 101, 104

versions of, 29, 41-47, 86, 187

hyperlinks (see URLs)


IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority), 191

identification headers, 61

If-Match header, 59, 180

If-Modified-Since header, 57, 179

If-None-Match header, 59, 180

If-Range header, 60, 180

If-Unmodified-Since header, 58, 180

IGNORE_TEXT flag, 107


images, 13


informational HTTP status codes, 47, 101

initializing sockets, 68

Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), 191

Internet media types (see media types)

is_client_error( ), 104

is_error( ), 95, 102, 104

is_fresh( ), 103

is_info( ), 101, 104

is_protocol_supported( ), 96

is_redirect( ), 101

is_server_error( ), 104

is_success( ), 95, 101, 104


keep-alive connections, 46, 55, 173


languages, 195-200

Accept-Language header, 178

Content-Language header, 185

Last-Modified header, 58, 187

Leading attribute, 109

LeftMargin attribute, 109

listen( ), 70

Location header, 85, 187

LWP library, 5, 65, 87-116

modules of, 92-113

periodic clients (examples), 125-131

recursive clients (examples), 131-141

simple clients (examples), 118-124

LWP module, 88, 93-98


Max-Forwards header, 41, 180

media types, 55, 186, 191-193

MIME-Version header, 174

(see also encoding)

message( ), 102

metainformation, 44, 52, 85

method( ), 100

methods (see request methods)

MIME types (see media types)

MIME-Version header, 174

mirror( ), 94, 96

mnemonics, Status module (LWP), 105

modification time, 12, 57, 187

modules, LWP, 92-113

Mosaic browser, 3

multihoming, 44


netloc( ), 111

Netscape Navigator, 3

cookies, 63, 179, 182

no_proxy( ), 97

no_visits( ), 98


obtaining (see retrieving)

options, 6, 41

OPTIONS method, 41


pack( ), 68

package delivery programs, 125-131, 154-162

PageNo attribute, 109

PaperHeight attribute, 109

PaperSize attribute, 109

PaperWidth attribute, 109

params( ), 112

parse_html( ), 90, 107, 146

parse_htmlfile( ), 107


HTML, 13-15, 89

Parse module for (LWP), 107

URLs, 10, 74

password( ), 112

path( ), 112

paths, document, 11

percent sign (%), 37

periodic clients (examples), 125-131

Perl language

LWP library, 5, 65, 87-116

sockets library, 65

Tk (see Tk extension)

persistent connections, 46, 55, 173

persistent-state cookies, 63, 179, 182

pinging servers, program for, 162-169

pl2bat program, 89

plus sign (+), 20

port( ), 112

POST method, 19, 34-38

PostScript, converting HTML into, 109

Pragma header, 57, 175

print command, 69

proxy( ), 97

proxy servers, 45, 57-59, 97, 115

caching and, 57-59, 172

Pragma header, 57, 175

TRACE method, 41-42

Proxy-Authenticate header, 182

Proxy-Authorization header, 181

Public header, 182

publishing on web servers, 20-23

push_header( ), 104

PUT method, 38-40


query( ), 113


Range header, 45, 60, 181

reading from network connection, 69

recursive clients (examples), 131-141

redirection, 85

HTTP status codes for, 48, 101

Referer header, 60, 181

rel( ), 111

relative URLs, 91, 111

remove_header( ), 104

request( ), 95

request header, 11, 24, 29, 177-181

request methods, 19, 24, 31-41

Request module (LWP), 98-101

requests (see client requests)

response header, 12, 25, 30, 54, 85, 181-184

Response module (LWP), 98, 101-103

responses (see server responses)


example code, x

files/documents, 31, 88

headers, 33

LWP library, 87

with telnet, 16

Retry-After header, 182

RightMargin attribute, 109


periodic clients (examples), 125-131

Robot Exclusion Standard, 7, 203-205

RobotUA module for (LWP), 97, 115

robots.txt file, 204-205

rules( ), 98


saving (see caching)

scheme( ), 111

security (see authorization/authentication)

Server header, 62, 182

server responses, 11, 24

cache directives, 172

response header, 12, 25, 30, 54, 85, 181-184

Response module for (LWP), 101-103

response time, 86

status codes (see status codes, HTTP)

servers (see web servers)

Set-Cookie header, 63, 182

shcat program (example), 79

simple clients (examples), 118-124

Simple module (LWP), 88, 93

socket( ), 66

socket library, 65

sockets, 65-72

connecting client and server, 71-74

socket calls, 66-71

source code

example, obtaining, x

testing, 6

space character, 37

specifications, HTTP, 46

status codes, HTTP, 30, 47-52, 101, 104

Status module for (LWP), 104

str2time( ), 106

strict( ), 111

sysread( ), syswrite( ), 66-68, 69


tag parameters, 84


telnet client, 16

testing source code, 6

text, converting HTML to, 108

time and date

Age header, 182

Date header, 174

Date module (LWP), 105

modification time, 12, 57, 187

request timeouts, 96

server response time, 86

time2str( ), 105

timeout( ), 96

Tk extension, 143-145

dictionary client example, 145-154

package tracking client example, 154-162

pinging servers client example, 162-169

TopMargin attribute, 109

TRACE method, 41-42

tracking packages, example programs for, 125-131, 154-162

Transfer-Encoding header, 175

traverse( ), 146

Treebuilder module (LWP), 90


Upgrade header, 176

uploading files, 37

uri_escape( ), uri_unescape( ), 110

URI header, 187

URI module (LWP), 91, 110-113

url( ), 100

URL-encoded format, 19, 35-37, 193-194

URLs (uniform resource locators), 3

deleting, 40

extracting links from files, 80-84, 90, 121-124

following with recursive clients, 131-141

hyperlinks, 15

options available for, 41

parsing, 10, 74

redirection HTTP status codes, 48, 101

relative, expanding, 91

storing entity-bodies at, 38-40

URL module for (LWP), 91, 111

use_alarm( ), 96

user( ), 112

User-Agent header, 61, 181

UserAgent module (LWP), 95-97, 113-116


Vary header, 183

versions, HTTP, 29, 41-47, 86, 187

VerticalMargin attribute, 109

Via header, 41


WARN flag, 107

Warning header, 183

web clients, 1, 4, 6

caching, 57-59, 172

connecting to server, 71-74

cookies, 63, 179, 182

design considerations, 84


CheckSite, 131-141

hcat, 76-80, 118-121

hgrepurl, 81-84, 121-124

package tracking, 125-131, 154-162

periodic clients, 125-131

recursive clients, 131-141

shcat, 79

simple clients, 118-124

webping, 162-169

xword, 145-154

identification headers for, 61

requests (see client requests)

sockets and (see sockets)

tracing messages from, 41-42

web servers, 4, 6

checking if up (example), 162-169

connecting clients to, 71-74

HTTP error codes for, 51, 102

proxy servers, 41-42, 45, 57-59, 97, 115

publishing documents on, 20-23

responses (see server responses)

sending data to, 34-38

sockets and (see sockets)

uploading files to, 37

when down, 85

webping program (example), 162-169

widgets (see Tk extension)

Windows 95, 5

Windows NT, 5

World Wide Web, 2-4

browsers (see browsers)


to network connection, 69

web clients, 84

WWW-Authenticate header, 44, 62, 184


xword program (example), 145-154

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