
2% consideration, 22–23

3D tilt option, 66

8-bit images, 76, 156, 220

16-bit images, 8, 180

50% Gray option, 123

80/20 Rule, 36

0521 Rule, 36


Acme Educational, 4

actions, Photoshop, 277

Adams, Ansel, 8, 26, 276, 280

Add Noise filter, 274

Additive Control Point, 53, 55

adjustment commands, 28

adjustment layers

adjustment commands vs., 28

Hue and Saturation, 41–43, 110-111, 264–265

Make Adjustment Layer icon, 147

Photo Filters, 112–114

reason for duplicating, 269

Threshold, 19 See also Curves adjustment layers

Threshold, 20–22, 198

Adjustments panel, 112, 147

Adobe RGB color space, 8, 9

aesthetic choices, 232

aesthetic sharpening, 253–259

High Pass filter for, 253–255

Lab color mode for, 255

Sharpener Pro 3.0 filter for, 256–259

Smart Sharpen Lens Blur filter for, 256

Albers, Joseph, 226

aligning images, 186–189

automatically, 187–189, 235–236

manually, 186–187

registering and, 242

All Channels View, 195

Ambience slider, 79, 84, 91, 98

angle of view, 59

antennae, FocusBug, 66

Aperture panel, 63, 133

Apply last filter command, 144

ArcaSwiss mount, 182

Aristotle, 13


bit depth and, 76

correcting, 100

description of, 22, 100

layers and, 206

minimizing, 22–23, 180

pixels and, 236

sharpening and, 212, 214

atmospheric effects, 162

Auto Align Layers feature, 186, 187–189, 235–236


background color, 32, 33

background lights, 89–97

brushing in, 94–97

creating, 89–94


composite images and, 195–198

coolness added to, 113

warmth added to, 113–114

banding problems, 273–274

base images

copying multiple images on, 183

removing unwanted elements from, 184–185

Bauer, Peter, 37

believable improbability, 13–14

believable probability, 14

bit depth

artifacts and, 76

converting, 76–77, 156, 220

Bjork, xiii

black eyedropper, 25, 124, 198

black layer masks, 47, 155

Black Point Curves adjustment layer

creating, 25–27

eyedropper settings, 198

fine-tuning, 32–34, 124

black points

adjusting, 26, 32–34

finding, 19, 20, 122

Blair, John, 59

blend modes, 44

Color, 202, 263

Difference, 123, 186–187, 190

Luminosity, 73–74, 150–152, 203, 205, 212

Multiply, 216–218

Normal, 73, 186, 194, 267

Overlay, 153

Screen, 154–155, 218–220, 270–271

Soft Light, 153–154

blown-out areas, 100

blue color cast, 46–49, 202

Blue Photo Filter, 112–113


banding of, 273–274

comparison of, 62

contrast vs., 132

creating lens, 63–71

depth of field and, 58

Gaussian, 170, 255

lens design and, 60–61

motion of, 64, 68

Planar, 132, 135–136

quality of, 45, 58, 60–62

removing, 212, 213

Round, 132, 133–134

Blur panel, 64

board-to-board reflecting, 120, 129


comparison of, 62

concept of, 45

depth of field and, 60

lens design and, 60–61

Braque, Georges, 279

Brightness slider, 50, 140, 205

Brightness/Contrast sliders, 206

Brush tool, 32, 38


feathered, 126

opacity setting, 33, 48

sizing/resizing, 32


background light, 94–97

blend mode, 153–156

blur layer, 136–138

color cast, 201

Curves adjustment layer, 126–128

darkening effect, 98–99, 236–238

dark-to-light, 148, 216–218, 267–270

key light, 85–86, 88, 163

light-to-dark, 150–152, 218–220, 270–273

noise layer, 274

opacity calculations, 137

Render Lighting Effects, 222

selective sharpening, 209–210

Skylight filter, 143

smoothing out images, 251

Tonal Contrast, 167–169

butterfly lighting, 120

butterfly shadow, 170–172


Cades Cove images, 230, 231


human eye compared to, 178

power and limitations of, 277

sensor color cast from, 19, 122

SLR vs. view, 130–131

canvas size, 44

Caponigro, John Paul, 33, 179, 277

carbon fiber tripods, 182

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 280

Cates, Challen, 4

CCD/CMOS color cast, 19, 122

Center Point of Rotation, 104–105

Changing Document Profile dialog box, 76


Lab color space, 212, 216, 265

modifying individual, 26–28, 124

chromatic induction, 14

cinematic approach, xiv–xv

circle of confusion, 58, 59

Clarity tool, 165

Clarke, Arthur C., xi

clipped curves, 150–152, 241–242

Clone Stamp tool, 184

CMOS color cast, 19, 122


adding to lights, 157, 159–160

background, 32, 33

cool vs. warm, 113–114

correcting for eyes, 109–110

fine-tuning, 164

foreground, 32, 33

inner-harvesting, 246–250

matching, 195, 234–235

shape and, 226, 227

sharpening by, 208

Color blend mode, 202, 263

color cast

composite images and, 198–199

correcting, 19–28, 46–49, 198–199

digital cameras and, 19, 122

removing from images, 19, 24–28, 122, 124–125, 202

selectively using, 29–31, 200–201

thoughts about, 23

color channels

Lab color space, 212, 216

modifying individual, 26–28, 124

Color Efex Pro, 52

Color Picker, 25, 79, 159

Color Settings dialog box, 12

color space

converting, 76–77, 156, 157, 253

setting in Photoshop, 12

three types of RGB, 8, 9

turning on warnings for, 12

composite image creation, 183–202

adding background details, 195–197

aligning images, 186–189, 235–236, 242

color cast removal, 198–199, 202

color matching process, 195, 234–235

combining multiple images, 183, 233

image map creation, 199–200

removing unwanted elements, 184–185

selective use of color cast, 200–201

swapping image elements, 190–194 See also image harvesting


cropping vs., xv

Isolate Theory of, 229

confusion, circle of, 58, 59

conscious eye, xiv, 16, 252, 276

Content-Aware Fill, 184–185, 242

Content-Aware Spot Healing, 242


adding, 205–206, 261–262

adjusting, 50

artifacts and, 206

blur vs., 132

contrast ratio vs., 203

described, 45, 153, 203

diminishing, 150

enhancing, 153–156

optical lens, 139–142

selective, 49–57, 153–156, 203–204, 260–262

sharpness and, 45, 203, 262

tonal, 165–169, 260–261

Contrast Only filter, 45–57, 139–140, 205–206, 261–262

contrast ratio, 203

Contrast slider, 50, 139

Control Points

function of, 54

types of, 53, 55–56


bit depth, 76–77, 156, 220

color space, 76–77, 156, 157, 253

Convert to Profile dialog box, 76


adding to backgrounds, 113

adding to shadow areas, 172–173


layer masks, 204

shift-click method of, 183

Craik-O’Brien-Cornsweet Edge illusion, 203

Create a New Group icon, 24, 25, 142

Creative Sharpening dialog box, 208, 256

Crop tool, 242

cropping images

aligning and, 242

composing vs., xv

Cross, Dave, 123

Curves adjustment layers

Black Point, 25–27, 32–34, 124

blend modes and, 153–156

clipped curves in, 150–152, 241–242

color cast adjustments, 24–28, 30–34, 38–41, 124–125, 199

contrast adjustments, 206

dark-to-light, 145–148, 153–154, 216–218, 267–270

duplicating, 269

fine-tuning, 125–128

Hue/Saturation, 41–43

light-to-dark, 72–76, 150–152, 154–155, 218–220, 270–273

Midpoint, 28, 41

White Point, 27, 38–41

custom workspace, 10–12


dark isolates, 229

darkening layers, 98–99, 236–238

dark-to-light adjustments, 145–148, 216–218, 267–270

Decker, Lane H., 177

depth of field

bokeh and, 60

creating illusion of, 46–71

dynamic range of focus and, 185

explanation of, 18, 58

focal length and, 59–60

image map of, 17, 19

optical rule for, 58

Photo Filters and, 112–114

selective, 58–71, 132–144

Destination Profile list, 76

Difference blend mode, 123, 186–187, 190

digital cameras

human eye compared to, 178

power and limitations of, 277

sensor color cast from, 19, 122

SLR vs. view, 130–131

directional light, 78

distortion problems

face widening corrections, 102–104

nose size corrections, 104–105

drawing selections, 102, 188, 190

drop shadows, 114–116

duChemin, David, 281


image files, 212

layers, 46, 139, 196, 269

dynamic range

depth of field and, 185

importance of expanding, 179

dynamic workflow, xv, 6–7, 252, 276



feathering in FocalPoint, 63

increasing contrast at, 203

Einstein, Albert, 24

Elfont, CJ, 226, 229, 276

environmental portraits, 121

Epson printers, 11

Erwitt, Elliott, 280

Essentials workspace, 10

Exhibition Fine Art paper, 11

exposure range, 179

Exposure slider, 79, 84, 91

Extended Dynamic Range (ExDR) images, 179 See also image harvesting

Extended Dynamic Range (ExDR) images, 226

eye retouching

correcting eye color, 109–110

increasing the size of eyes, 106

making eyes even on face, 106–108

removing red from eyes, 41–43 See also human eye

Eyedropper tool, 20–21


facial corrections

evening out eyes, 106–108

eye color corrections, 109–110

face size adjustments, 102–103

image maps used for, 102

lens distortion and, 102–105

nose adjustments, 104–105

skin tone adjustments, 110–111

Fade effect command, 32, 33

feathered brushes, 126


edges, 63

selections, 115


saving and naming, 44

size considerations, 232, 233, 251

Film Grain panel, 65


Add Noise, 274

Contrast Only, 45–57, 139–140, 205–206, 261–262

Gaussian Blur, 170, 255

High Pass, 210–211, 253–255

Nik Software, 14, 45, 207

Photo, 112–114, 173

Render Lighting Effects, 77–79

Sharpener Pro 3.0, 207–210, 256–259

Skylight, 45, 46–49, 142–144, 202, 263

Smart, 46, 71, 80, 115, 139

Smart Sharpen, 212, 213–214

Tonal Contrast, 165–169, 203–204, 260–261

flattening images, 43

flipping layers, 246

focal length, 59–60

focal point, 59

FocalPoint 2.0 plug-in, 14, 63–71, 133


extending dynamic range of, 185–189

human eye’s capability to, 178

Focus slider, 208, 256

FocusBug tool, 63, 64, 65–71, 133–136

focusing light, 78, 90, 96

foreground color, 32, 33

Free Transform box

composite images and, 191–193

face adjustments using, 102–108

lens distortion corrections, 102–105

nose shadow creation and, 171–172

Reference Point in, 104–105

Smart Filters and, 115

uniformly expanding/shrinking, 103

Warp tool and, 192–193

Full Screen with Menu Bar mode, 183


Gaussian Blur filter, 170, 255

Gaussian Blur Removal option, 212, 213, 255

Gaussian noise option, 274

Genuine Fractal files, 44

gesture, 227

Gitzo tripods, 182

glamour photographs, 120, 174

Gloss slider, 78, 83, 84, 90

Glossary of Digital Photography, The (Blair), 59

granular control, 269

gray-point eyedropper, 28

gridlines, 73


layers, 142, 253

Smart Filters, 71

grunge look, 167, 179

guide grid, 64


Haas, Ernst, 226, 230, 279

harvesting images. See image harvesting

HDR Efex Pro, 179

head creep, 182

Hearing the Whisper of the Green Fairy, 178

He-Man Sharpening approach, 212, 213

High Dynamic Range (HDR) images

overuse/misuse of, 179 See also image harvesting

High Pass filter, 210–211, 253–255

Highlight slider, 203, 260


controlling contrast of, 166

increasing specular, 129

protecting, 52, 260

Histogram palette, 195

History Log, 11

History palette, 197

Holbert, R. Mac, 6, 165

Horace, 277

Hue and Saturation adjustment layer

neutralizing whites with, 264–265

removing redness from eyes with, 41–43

skin tone adjustments with, 110–111

Hue slider, 264

human eye

capabilities of, 178

conscious, xiv, 16, 252, 276

digital camera compared to, 178

tracking patterns of, 203

unconscious, xiv, See also eye retouching

unconscious, 16, 132, 145, 252, 276

Hurrell, George, 120, 174


image harvesting, 178–223

aligning images, 186–189, 235–236, 242

clipped curve adjustments, 241–242

color cast adjustments, 198–199, 200–202

color matching process, 195, 234–235

composite image creation, 183–202, 233

considerations and choices, 232

contrast adjustments, 203–206, 260–262

dark-to-light adjustments, 216–218, 267–270

enhancing image warmth, 263–264

explanatory overview, 182

image map creation, 199–200

inner-harvesting process, 243–251

Lab saturation adjustments, 215–216, 265–266

lightening parts of images, 238–241

light-to-dark adjustments, 218–220, 270–273

neutralizing whites, 264–265

noise added to images, 273–274

recreating human vision through, 178–181

registration problem, 242

Render Lighting Effects, 220–222

selective darkening/lightening, 236–241

sharpening process, 207–215, 239–241, 253–259

software available for, 179

swapping image elements, 190–194

unwanted element removal, 184–185

workflow for, 180–181

image maps, 13–15

brushwork and, 95

composite image, 199–200

creating, 14–15, 122

dark-to-light, 145–146

depth of field, 17

explanation of, 13–14

facial corrections and, 102

importance of using, 101–102

Lighting, 16–17, 45, 85

light-to-dark, 16, 45

percentages used in, 126

Planar blur, 132

Round blur, 132

Screen, 155

Soft Light, 153

source files containing, 6

video tutorial on, 13, 14


8-bit, 76, 156, 220

16-bit, 8, 180

aligning, 186–189, 235–236, 242

analyzing, 122

composite, 183–202

duplicating, 212

flattening, 43

key components of, 277

pin registering, 183

post-shot manipulation of, 279

registration issues, 242

removing elements from, 184–185

sharpening, 207–215

swapping elements in, 190–194

visualizing, xiv, 276

improbable believability, 13–14

Induro tripods, 182

inkjet printers, 8, 11, 58

inner-harvesting process, 243–251

adding specific colors in, 246–250

overview of steps in, 243–246

smoothing out images in, 251


of color, 235

of light, 78, 86, 90, 98

Intensity slider, 82, 86, 90, 98, 159

Interface settings, 11

interpolation process, 207

interrupted patterns, 226–227, 243

Inverse command, 141

inverting selections, 141

Isolate Theory, 229, 267, 270, 273, 276


key lights, 80–88

adjusting, 82–84, 86–87

brushing in, 85–86, 88, 163

opacity settings, 88

placing, 80–82

keyboard shortcuts

brush opacity changes, 36, 48

brush size adjustments, 15

Brush tool selection, 32

channel adjustments, 26, 27

Fade Effect tool, 32

foreground/background color, 32, 33

Full Screen mode, 183

Marquee tool, 102

mask view, 68, 134

Move tool, 104

Polygonal Lasso tool, 37

Krause, Kai, 233


L brackets, 182

Lab color space

converting images to, 253

description of channels in, 216

increasing saturation in, 215–216, 265–266

sharpening images in, 212–213, 255

Lange, Dorothea, 101

Lasso tools, 184

layer masks

black, 47, 155

copying, 204

creating, 47

error-free, 34–35, 37

opacity setting, 33, 74

Planar blur, 138

Round blur, 136–137

rules for working with, 36

sharpening with, 208–210

unmasking, 36, 94

window arrangement, 36

layer sets

activating, 43

creating/naming, 15, 71

turning off, 156


artifacts and, 206

auto-aligning, 186, 187–189, 235–236

darkening, 98–99, 236–238

duplicating, 46, 139, 196

flipping, 246

grouping, 142, 253

lighting, 80–97

master, 71, 139

merging, 43–44

naming/renaming, 15, 73

placement of, 188

rotating, 196

sharpening using, 214, 215

Smart Filter, 46, 139

Lens Blur, Smart Sharpen, 213–214, 256

lens distortion

facial widening due to, 102–104

nose size issues and, 104–105


bokeh produced by, 60–61

correcting distortion from, 102–105

depth of field of, 59–60

perspective correcting, 130

tilt shift, 130

Leonardo da Vinci, 270


background, 89–97

color of, 157, 159–160, 164

directional, 78

focusing, 78, 90, 96

intensity of, 78, 86, 90, 98, 161

key, 80–88

long, 129

objectifying, 227

omni-directional, 78

placing, 80–82, 156–165

quality of, 161–162

reflected sunlight, 120–121, 145

repositioning, 93

shadows and, 114

size adjustments, 160

spotlight, 78

light bulb icon, 91, 92, 94

Light Color box, 79

light isolates, 229

lighting adjustments

background lights, 89–97

blend modes and, 153–155

dark-to-light, 145–148, 216–218, 267–270

key lights, 80–88

light-to-dark, 16, 72–76, 150–152, 218–220, 270–273

placing lights, 80–82 See also Render Lighting Effects filter

Lighting image map, 16–17, 45, 85

Lightness slider

FocalPoint adjustment, 64

Hue/Saturation adjustment, 42, 111, 264

light-to-dark adjustments, 16, 72–76, 150–152, 218–220, 270–273

light-to-dark (L2D) image map, 16, 45, 74

LiteDisc reflectors, 129

Local Contrast slider, 208, 256

Lombardi, Vince, 3

long light, 129

LSC algorithm, 166

Luminosity blend mode, 73–74, 150–152, 203, 205, 212


Mac OS user interface, 158

Magnetic Lasso tool, 184

Magnusson, Eric, xiv

Maisel, Jay, 225, 226, 227, 279

Make Adjustment Layer icon, 147

marching-ants border, 170

Margulis, Dan, 212

Marquee tool, 102, 104, 106, 188, 190

Mask View, FocusBug, 66

master layer, 71, 139

Match Color adjustments, 195, 234–235

Material slider, 79, 83, 90

Matisse, Henri, 227

Matte effect, 78

McHugh, Sean, 58, 59

Merge Stamp Visible, 43, 197

merging layers, 43–44

Merklinger, Harold, 61

Metallic effect, 79, 83

Michelangelo, 145

Mid Contrast slider, 260

Midpoint Curves adjustment layer, 28, 41

Midpoint slider, 64


adjusting, 28

finding, 21–22, 23, 123–124


controlling contrast of, 166

selectively increasing, 165, 167–169

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 178

Miller, Arthur, 279

Mona Lisa (painting), 270

Monochromatic Gaussian noise, 273, 274

motion blur, 182

Motion slider, 64

“The Move,” 43–44, 197

Move tool, 32, 104, 186

Multiply blend mode, 216–218



files, 44, 251

layers, 15, 73

natural light, 120–121

Navigator panel, 63

Negative eyedropper, 111

neutralizing whites, 264–265

New Document preset, 12

Nik Software filters, 14

Contrast Only, 45, 49–57, 139–140, 205–206, 261–262

downloading, 14, 46, 207

Sharpener Pro 3.0, 207–210, 256–259

Skylight, 45, 46–49, 142–144, 202, 263

Tonal Contrast, 165–169, 203–204, 260–261


adding, 273–274

minimizing, 207, 262

non-destructive workflow, 8, 10–12

Normal blend mode, 73, 186, 194, 267

nose retouching

butterfly nose shadow, 170–172

size adjustments, 104–105


object-to-sensor-plane relationship, 182

omni-directional light, 78

onOne Software, Focal Point 2.0, 14, 63–71, 133


adjustment layer, 128, 152

brushwork, 137

FocusBug, 66

layer mask, 33, 74

lens blur, 63–64

shadow, 116

Open Documents as Tabs option, 11

optical lens contrast, 139–142

output sharpening, 207–208, 256

Overlay blend mode, 153


palette, resetting, 133

paper for prints, 11, 208

PatchMatch algorithm, 242


interrupted, 226–227, 243

as shapes, 226

PDF downloads, 277

Pen tool, 200

pen-based system, 6, 13

perfect practice, 4, 7, 117, 276

perspective correcting (PC) lenses, 130

Peter, Laurence J., 13

Photo Filters, 112–114, 173

Photoflex Silver reflector, 129


key components of, 277

post-shot manipulation of, 279 See also images


cinematic approach to, xiv–xv

importance of vision in, 279

Photomatix software, 179


file format, 44

image harvesting process, 179, 180–181

Photo Filters, 112–114

preemptive use of, 180, 232

preferences, 10–11

principles of using, xiv, 276

sharpening methods, 210–215

workflow in, 8, 180

Photoshop CS2: Up to Speed (Willmore), 190

Photoshop LAB Color (Margulis), 212

Picasso, Pablo, 223, 226, 252

pin registering images, 183


artifacts and modification of, 236

real vs. computer-generated, 232

placing lights, 80–82, 156–165

Planar blur

creating, 135–136

image map for, 132

layer masks for, 138

Plastic effect, 79, 83

playfulness, 275

plug-ins, 6

Poetics (Aristotle), 13

Polygonal Lasso tool, 115, 170, 184

portraits, environmental, 121

Positive eyedropper, 110

posterization, 273

power of 50% approach, 33

Pratchett, Sir Terry, 98

preemptive Photoshop, 180, 232

Preferences dialog box, 10–11


lighting, 78

New Document, 12

Wacom tablet, 277

workspace, 10

Presets panel, 64

printers, 8, 11, 58, 276

ProPhoto RGB color space, 8, 9, 14, 180

Protect Highlights slider, 52, 260

Protect Shadows slider, 51, 52, 140, 205, 260

.psb files, 233

.psd files, 44

pseudo-HDR grunge look, 167, 179

PS_IMAGE_TEXT folder, 10

Puppet Warp tool, 190


Quick Mask view mode, 209, 210


Radius slider, 211, 254

rasterizing images, 156

RAW images, 19

ray of sunlight effect, 220–222

Reference Point, 104–105

reflected sunlight, 120–121, 145

reflectors, 129

registration problem, 242

Reichmann, Michael, 58, 60

renaming. See naming/renaming

Render Lighting Effects filter, 77

background lights, 89–97

bit depth limitation, 220

darkening effects, 98–99

dialog box options, 78–79

key lights, 80–88

placing lights with, 80–82, 156–164

ray of sunlight effect, 220–222

zooming the UI of, 158

resizing. See sizing/resizing

resolution setting, 11, 208

RGB color space

comparing three varieties of, 8, 9

modifying individual channels in, 26–28, 124

RGB formula, xiv, 276

Rockwell, Ken, 61


layers, 196

selections, 248

Round blur

creating, 133–134

image map for, 132

layer masks for, 136–137

ruddiness removal, 110–111

Rulers option, 104



adjusting, 42, 50, 264

color intensity and, 235

increasing in Lab space, 215–216, 265–266

Tonal Contrast and, 166

Saturation slider

Contrast Only adjustment, 50, 140, 205

Hue/Saturation adjustment, 42

saving files, 44, 251, 255

Scheimpflug principle, 131

Screen blend mode, 154–155, 218–220, 270–271

Seattle Sequence series, 227–229, 233


drawing, 102, 188, 190

feathering, 115

inverting, 141

rotating, 248

selective adjustments

color cast, 29–31, 200–201

contrast, 49–57, 153–156, 203–204, 260–262

darkening/lightening, 236–241

depth of field, 58–71, 132–144

sharpening, 207–215

sensor color cast, 19, 122

sfumato technique, 270

Shadow slider, 203, 260


butterfly, 170–172

contrast of, 165, 166, 167–169

coolness added to, 172–173

creating realistic, 114–116, 170–172

protecting, 52, 140, 205, 260


colors and, 226, 227

patterns as, 226

Sharpener Pro 3.0 filter, 207–210, 256–259

sharpening, 207–215

aesthetic, 253–259

artifacts from, 212, 214

High Pass, 210–211, 253–255

how it works, 203

Lab space, 212, 255

layers used for, 214, 215

lightness/darkness, 239–241

Nik Software filter for, 207–210

Photoshop methods for, 210–215

problems related to, 207

selective, 207–215

Sharpener Pro 3.0 filter for, 207–210, 256–259

Smart Sharpen Lens Blur, 213–214, 256


contrast and, 45, 203, 262

Unsharp Masking and, 203

Shibumi, 7, 117

shift movements, 131

Shift-click method, 183

Shinseki, Eric, 179

Shiny effect, 78


brushes, 32

lights, 160

skin tone adjustments, 110–111

Skylight filter, 45, 46–49

color cast correction, 46, 202

selective warmth adjustment, 142–144, 263

SLR vs. view cameras, 130–131

SLR sensor color cast. See color cast

Smart Filters

converting layers to, 46, 139

Free Transform and, 115

grouping into layer sets, 71

lighting adjustments and, 80, 85, 86–87

turning off layers with, 156, 255

Smart Sharpen filter

Gaussian Blur Removal option, 212, 255

Lens Blur option, 213–214, 256

Smith, W. Eugene, 119

smoothing out images, 251

Snap to Guides setting, 183

Soft Light blend mode, 153–154

Soft Omni effect, 80, 89, 98, 159–160, 221

Soft Spotlight effect, 80, 89

specular highlights, 129

split view screen, 140, 167, 203

Spolin, Viola, 22

spontaneity, xiv, 275

Spot Healing brush, 184, 242, 247

spotlight effect, 78

sRGB color space, 8, 9

Standard Lasso tool, 184

standards, camera, 130

Stardust image, 120–121, 129

still photographs, xiv, 276

.stn files, 44

Subtractive Control Point, 53, 55–56

summary of key points, 276–277


adding rays of, 220–222

color cast from, 122

reflected, 120–121, 145

swing movements, 131


tablet-based system, 6, 13

telephoto lenses, 59

textured black/white, 26

Threshold adjustment layers, 19

discarding, 22, 24

finding sample points using, 20–22, 23, 198

.tif files, 44

tilt movements, 131

tilt shift (TS) lenses, 130

time component, 277

tonal contrast, 165–169

explanation of, 166

midtones and, 165, 167–169

selective, 203–204, 260–261

Tonal Contrast filter, 165–169, 203–204, 260–261

toolbar, FocalPoint, 65


Brush, 32, 38

Clarity, 165

Clone Stamp, 184

Crop, 242

Eyedropper, 20–21

Lasso, 184

Magnetic Lasso, 184

Marquee, 102, 104, 106, 188, 190

Move, 32, 104, 186

Pen, 200

Polygonal Lasso, 115, 170, 184

Puppet Warp, 190

Vibrance, 109–110

Warp, 115, 171, 190, 192–193

Zoom, 20

Trash Can icon, 22, 23

tripod heads, 182

tripods, 182

TrueLight function, 52

tutorials. See video tutorials


U Point Pixel Characteristics, 54

unconscious eye, xiv, 16, 132, 145, 252, 276

Units & Rulers setting, 11

Unsharp Masking, 203, 207


Vibrance tool, 109–110

video tutorials

of complete book, 4

on layer masks, 34

on making image maps, 13, 14

on skin tone adjustments, 110–111

view vs. SLR cameras, 130–131

viewing mode, 183

Vignette panel, 64

visualizing images, xiv, 276


Wacom tablets, 6, 44

warm colors

added to backgrounds, 113–114

enhancing in images, 263–264

selectively adding, 142–144


color space, 12

Smart Filters, 115

Warp tool, 115, 171, 190, 192–193

Web resources, 4, 14, 207, 14, 5 See also video tutorials, 13 website, 5, 13

White, Minor, 26

white eyedropper, 27, 124

White Point Curves adjustment layer

creating, 27

fine-tuning, 38–41

white points

adjusting, 27, 38–41

finding, 19, 20–21, 122

whites, neutralizing, 264–265

The Why to of My How PDF download, 277

Willmore, Ben, 190

windows, arranging, 36, 171

Windows 7 user interface, 158


dynamic, xv, 6–7, 252, 276

image harvesting, 180–181

layer mask, 34–35

non-destructive, 8, 10–12

Photoshop setup and, 8, 180


custom, 10–12

preset, 10


XDR images, 179


YouTube videos, 14, 110


Zola, Emile, 267

Zone system, 26

zoom lenses, 61

Zoom tool, 20

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