

Abel, Andy, 83, 86, 91

actuarial perspective, 4–9. See also Present Value

example of, 5

importance of, 160

most important part of, 9

and “once in a lifetime” opportunities, 27–31

in summary, 5

value of, 149–162

actuarial science, roots of, 80–81

American Council of Gift Annuities, 144

Asimov, Isaac, 66

astrology, 90. See also fooled by randomness

AT&T, 84

attachment to a particular scenario, 76


Baby Bells, 84

Big Data, 66, 83–96

big decisions, 39–49

“Black Swan,” 92, 118. See also fooled by randomness; Taleb, Nassim Nicholas

Bossi, Bill, 103


changing jobs, 41–44. See also big decisions

chaos, 66–70

a deterministic but unpredictable process, 67

Charitable Gift Annuity, 142–148

choices. See also decision making

clarification of, 59–64

consequences of, 3, 5

clutch hitters, 78

cognitive errors, 100

Connecticut General Life Insurance, 15, 101

cost of capital, 118, 119


decision making, 2–6

based on experience, 2

based on faith or intuition, 3

in day-to-day world, 23–37

the “here and now” and, 2–3

intentions and aspirations in, 3

in life-and-death situations, 130–138

long-term, and Present Value, 139–148

non-financial, 129–138

organizations and communities long-term, 127

projection of future events, and, 3

improving, with Present Value, 4

defined benefit plan, 121–122

DeWeese, Charlie, 111–116

disability benefits, 104. See also Bossi, Bill; Disability Insurance Specialists Inc.; Verney (Arthur), Tad

Disability Insurance Specialists Inc., 103

discounted cash flow method, 117–118

inadequate for organizations, 128

discount rate(s), 11

definition of, 51–57

example of, 26

Don’t Work Forever (Vernon), 158


econometric model, 89–90, 91

education, investing in, 45–49

expanding funnel of doubt, 80–83, 98


FCC, 84–85, 91

financial crisis of 2008–9, 155

financial engineers, 93

financial planning, 157–160

5-step process, 7–13

in day-to-day decisions, 24–37

discount rate and, 11

evaluating impacts of what might happen, 9

non-attachment to a specific scenario and, 9

only calculation in, 8

fooled by randomness, 83–96

Fooled by Randomness (Taleb), 87–88

foregone investment, 118, 119

Foundation Trilogy (Asimov), 66

Frohlich, Rob, 130–138

future. See also “Black Swan”; Taleb, Nassim Nicholas

and Big Data, 66

considering all possible, 5

doesn’t really exist, 2–3

imagining the, 65–76

impossibility of predicting the, 95–96, 118

nature of the, 66–70

non-attachment to any particular, 69

and objectivity evaluating likelihood of scenarios, 69

predicting the, 3

thinking about the, 68–70

uncertainty about the, 39, 67

unlikely scenarios, 125–126


General Equilibrium Model, 91


hedge funds, 94

Heinlein, Robert, 65

hot steaks, 78


induction, principle of, 90. See also “Black Swan”; fooled by randomness; Taleb, Nassim Nicholas

information age, 1

Internet, 92

Ippolitto, Dean, 99


Kahneman, Daniel, 10, 77


Leiber, Fritz, 65–66

licensed actuary, 3. See also actuarial exams

liquidity premium, 54

Live Long and Prosper (Vernon), 158–159

Long Term Capital Management, 94


McLeish, David, 80–83. See also expanding funnel of doubt

medical tests and Present Value, 135–138

modeling, 83. See also Big Data

Money for Life (Vernon), 157


Newtonian physics, 90

non-financial decision, 40

now and the later, weigh the, 97–108


OPERS, 121, 122, 124, 128

Oregon Public Employees Retirement System. See OPERS

organizations and communities, present value for, 117–128


pension plan, 156–157. See also Present Value, improving the world and; Wickes, Gene

Pirsig, Robert, 68–69

possibilities, evaluation of, 77–96

and baseball, 78–80

Present Value(s), 2. See also actuarial perspective

applicability of, 4

balance between present and future and, 4

better decision making with, 23

in complicated situations, 62–64

and compound interest, 52

and consideration of all possible futures, 5

in day-to-day world, 23–37

definition of, 4–5, 52–54

vs. discounted cash flow method, 117–118

in evaluating time shares, 31–37

failure to properly utilize, 120–128

5-step process for comparing, 7–13

implied rate of discount by, 119

importance of proper use of, 82, 124–125

improving decision making with, 4

improving society and, 4

improving the world and, 150–157

in life-and-death decisions, 130–138

lifestyle choices and, 135–138

and liquidity premium, 54

in long-term decisions, 139–148

math of, 52, 109–116

mischaracterization of, 59–60

mechanics of, 51–57

in medical tests, 135–138

not-for-profit organizations and, 142

in a nutshell, 4

and “once in a lifetime” opportunities, 27–31

for organizations and communities, 117–128

and personal rate of discount, 54–57

question answered by, 55

and real estate, 60–62

and rental properties, 60–62

relative weights, importance of, 108, 110

and risk, 54

and risk-free return, 53

in saving and investing strategies, 37

rental properties and, 60–62

risk-free return and, 53

and value of time, 30

Present Value thinking

in big decisions, 39–49

importance of taking your time, 35–36

taking responsibility for owning process of, 48

problems, simplification of, 116

public employees retirement programs, 120–128

pure randomness, 80


rate(s) of discount, 11

definition of, 51, 55–57

example of, 26

extraordinarily high, in companies, 119

implied in present values, 119

infinite, 98

math behind, 56–57

for organizations vs. individuals, 104–118, 120

personal, 54–57, 98–100, 101–108

variation in, 99–100

real estate, 60–62

regime change, 89–90, 94

Relativity, Theory of, 90

relaxed playful attitude, 116

Rest of Life Communications, 159

retirement plan, private vs. public sector, 124

risk, 54

risk-free return, 53

risk management, 93

RPA, 116


saving and investing strategies, 37

Schwartz, Mordecai, 15–21

signal in the noise, 80

Skype, 84–85

Stanford’s Center for Longevity, 160

statistical significance, 77, 79–80, 89, 89


Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 87–88, 92, 94, 118

The Power of Now (Tolle), 2

The Wall Street Journal, 86, 91

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 10

time horizon, 98, 118–119

and elections, 127

for organizations, 120

time preference, 54

time, risk, and money, 104

time shares, 31–37

time, value of, 30

Tolle Eckhart, 2

Towers Watson, 153

Tversky, Amos, 77


University of Pennsylvania, 86

US Social Security, 153–154


Verney, Arthur (Tad), 99,101–108

Vernon, Steve, 157–160

Vonnegut, Kurt, 65


Walter, Bob

Watson Wyatt, 159

Wickes, Gene, 150–157


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirsig), 68–69

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