First, to God.

My mother never got a chance to advance or improve her station in life. Her job was to clean bedpans and change linens at the local hospital. But she wanted the best for us and expected the best from us. I think even though she wouldn’t achieve certain levels of success herself, she would still win through us. She showed the determination that many immigrant parents have: “I will live in the United States, sacrifice much, so my children will be able to win . . . .” I mention Mom first because she was the driver of the family. Dad was our family’s spiritual leader, a gentleman, and showed us unconditional love, but it was Mom who made things happen. She saw our report card, she took care of our health, loved us, disciplined us; she not only fed us food, but also fed us aspiration, expectation, and consequences. Mommy, because of you, I rise, because of you, other women will win.

As I reflected back on how my book came together, it dawned on me that the book was written by a woman, ghostwritten by another woman, is about women, and is for women. Published by a woman, edited by women, promoted by a woman, and my brand is being accelerated by women. Having a book tribe of all women wasn’t intentional, and I’m sure if I had tried on my own to make this book 100 percent women induced, it wouldn’t have happened. So there you are.

Thank you to all the wonderful winning women named, pseudo named, and unnamed in the book. You made EDIT real through your stories, experiences, and triumphs. There are many women who suffer in silence, who from a tender young age are told that the answer is no. Not them. Not now. Not ever. I know that by ourselves we are just individual drops. But when we come together, we become the ocean. Powerful. Unstoppable. Energy creating, life sustaining. I hope that this work touches you and lifts you up to reach a place you never thought you could reach. And I hope it inspires you to reach back and pull others along, creating a powerful movement of women who win continuously, don’t seek permission to prosper, and transform their environment as they are also transformed.

Lucinda and Connor, my wonderful, ever present literary agents, you educated me about the process, and although I don’t know a lot about being a writer/author, you pushed me along with your sage advice, a few “Daphne, calm down” moments and connections to some great people in the business. It was you who said there are probably two books in me, and you thought I had something worth sharing.

Leah Lakins, my ghostwriter, thank you for sharing your gift for words with me. Because of you, I was able to more deeply find mine.

Donya, you read my proposal and then gave me the most meaningful and life-changing “thumbs up” I’ve received in my life. As a woman, you clearly felt my story even better than I wrote it. As a publisher your instincts always came through as you helped me make numerous decisions about the book, its promotion, its audience, and its tone. Although it was tough, I must thank you for the editing process!

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobie—you were my first job ever, as you owned and operated the local family dry cleaning and rug cleaning business. You taught me customer service, honoring commitments, focus, and what running a business looked like.

Max, you are the partner I have always needed. You lift me up when my heart is heavy. You tend to me when I am ill. You keep me riveted with your entertaining stories and hold me steady with an unfailing love. Although I’m still a mystery to you in some ways, you have learned how to lead me from the front and how to lead me from behind. Thank you for unending support and for praying with me, while writing those checks to help my dream come true.

Jared, you are my motivation, my gift from God, and it is for you that I keep reaching. Your kind heart and gentle spirit is evidence that there is a God and he’s in your life. Tilly and Maarz, you bring me joy and happiness, and proof that love for self, others, and our planet will always be what is most important.

My sisters, Millie, Pam—you are also my best friends—and I know you only want what is best for me. Thank you for being there for me in every way imaginable.

My brother, Al—my eternal love goes to you and the family unit! Bernie, my ride or die!

Nomi—we have a very old friendship that is only a few years old. You treat me like I’m a part of you, and I hope I always will be worthy and show you the same love.

Kaye Foster, Barbara Bowles, Monica Price, my dear Janet Thompson, Monique, Pat, Maggy, Audrey, Monica, Cindy, Nichelle, Dana, June, Marla Jo, and Dawn. You all are my core and it is from you I receive love and support to help others.

To Jamaicans and all my sisters and brothers of the West Indian Diaspora—Jamaica is still my “one love.” Much of what I learned came from its roots. Everyone has a reason why they are special . . . mine is my Ja.

Drs. Khandheria and Zaremba, Amy Alms and team Aurora, thank you for saving my life so I could finish this book and the next phase of my life.

Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., you demonstrate the epitome of professional, authentic women, focused on education, community service and lifting all women up. You showed me the ideals we are all striving for.

Cal Hunter—in our time together, you have taught me much about the book (and bookstore) business. Thank you for letting B&N Fifth Avenue be “my house” and for advancing the cause of helping women authors win when others say they won’t!

Not least, but last—Win When They Say You Won’t is dedicated to my late nephew Andrew G. Lawrence—’Drew, you always found a way to win in life, and you are now continuing to inspire others to do the same from heaven.

Let’s Go.

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