
Windows PowerShell offers several facilities for working with plain-text data.

Literal and Expanding Strings

To define a literal string (one in which no variable or escape expansion occurs), enclose it in single quotes:

$myString = 'hello `t $ENV:SystemRoot'
$myString gets the actual value of hello `t $ENV:SystemRoot

To define an expanding string (one in which variable and escape expansion occurs), enclose it in double quotes:

$myString = "hello `t $ENV:SystemRoot"
$myString gets a value similar to hello         C:WINDOWS

To include a single quote in a single-quoted string, or a double quote in a double-quoted string, you may include two of the quote characters in a row:

PS >"Hello ""There""!"
Hello "There"!
PS >'Hello ''There''!'
Hello 'There'!


To include a complex expression inside of an expanding string, use a subexpression. For example:

$prompt = "$(get-location) >"
$prompt gets a value similar to c:	emp >

Accessing the properties of an object counts as a complex expression:

$output = "Current script name is: $($myInvocation.MyCommand.Path)"

$output gets a value similar to Current script name is c:Test-Script.ps1

Here Strings

To define a here string (one that may span multiple lines), place the two characters @” at the beginning, and the two characters “@ on their own line at the end.

For example:

$myHereString = @"
This text may span multiple lines, and may
contain "quotes".

Here strings may be of either the literal or expanding variety.

Escape Sequences

Windows PowerShell supports the following escape sequences inside of strings:

Windows PowerShell escape sequences




The null character.


The alarm character. Generates a beep when displayed on the console.


The backspace character. The previous character remains in the string but is overwritten when displayed on the console.


A form feed. Creates a page break when printed on most printers.


A newline.


A carriage return. Newlines in PowerShell are indicated entirely by the `n character, so this is rarely required.


A tab.


A vertical tab.

’’ (Two single quotes)

A single quote, when in a literal string.

‘’ (Two double quotes)

A double quote, when in an expanding string.

`<any other character>

That character, taken literally.

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