
I’d like to thank my family and friends for their continuing support in giving me the encouragement (and occasionally, solitude) needed to complete my various little projects.

Many hacks in this book were inspired by conversations with countless hackers who willingly share their ideas with anyone who will listen. A few came from the weekly “hack night” sessions that SeattleWireless hosts to foster such cross-pollination of ideas. Without the free and enthusiastic exchange of ideas, this book wouldn’t have been possible. Thank You to all of the brilliant hackers around the planet who know that the value of sharing one’s ideas can greatly exceed the value of a keeping an idea to oneself.

Edd Dumbill, Casey Halverson, and Richard Lotz all provided technical review for the book. Ken Caruso and Matt Westervelt provided equipment, ideas, and valuable insight. Thank you, gentlemen!

And thanks everyone at O’Reilly who made this book a reality, and who continue to help relieve information pain in the world.

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