© Azat Mardan 2019
Azat MardanWrite Your Way To Successhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3970-4_8

8. Outro

Azat Mardan1 
San Francisco, CA, USA

In ancient times, knowledge was often transferred verbally through oral history1. Then, the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press2 transformed the speed of delivery and spread of information. The accumulation and availability of expertise and skills led to an industrial revolution just a few centuries later. Many visionaries say that thanks to the Internet, we’re in an information revolution. Companies are becoming smaller, many offices are now virtual, and micro-entrepreneurship is allowing more people to enjoy independence and better lifestyles.

The best way to leverage your expertise or improve your skills in a certain area is to start sharing your knowledge with the rest of the world. And the written format is the best medium because it requires minimal investment and has the widest market.

Considering these factors, it’s natural to see more informational products serving more niches. In this short book, I’ve shown you how in a span of two years I wrote several books, made a few of them stand out over the noisy crowd, and, most important, learned a few things along the way.

You should pursue your dreams. Don’t postpone; start writing. Experiment, continue learning (conferences, courses, and other books), and as you improve, the work will become easier and more rewarding!



Write, publish, and sell a book. Then Tweet me your story at @azatmardan.

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