




My life and career have been blessed by a seemingly endless parade of smart, talented, and generous people. Many thanks to:

Micki Dickoff, my college professor, who taught me that television is power and with that power comes responsibility and accountability.

Nancy Fawcett who changed everything.

Marilyn Osborn who called every day at 5 a.m. to see if I was up writing — and then called back five minutes later to see if I really was up writing.

Anne Zeiser, Manny Basanese, and Glenn Meehan, always there, answer in hand.

Mentors Bill and Kathy Greer, Al Burton, Adrienne Armstrong, Lee Aronsohn, Marc Warren, Tom Towler, Gail Hickman, Libby Beers, Walter Klenhard, Joel and Neva Cheatwood, Jim Johnston, Marty Ransohoff, and the late, great Harry Tatelman.

Jan Roberts-Breslin who suggested I might be a good person to write this book.

My screenwriting colleagues at Emerson College: Jean Stawarz, Jim Macak, and Hassan Ildari who always support me and have my back.

Dennis McGonagle and Peter Linsley at Focal Press for being open to my ideas and always so wonderfully supportive. And to Denise Power at Taylor and Francis for all of her help and patience.

The many people I interviewed for this book, all of whom so generously and graciously shared their time and television wisdom. I am forever grateful.

Marilyn McPoland and Linda Reisman, for jumping in to help when I most needed you.

Lisa Gregorian, for opening doors and showing kindness to a total stranger. I am so appreciative and promise to pay it forward.

Family and friends who gave me a get-out-of-jail-free card from all social commitments while once again I hibernated to write this book. It will be great to see you all again.

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