




When I wrote the first edition of this book, I started with the words, “The one constant about television is that television is constantly changing. The way the business operates today won’t be how it works tomorrow.” That turned out to be the understatement of the decade. In seven short years so much has changed. Favorite shows have come and gone. New hit series have sprung to life; some coming from very unlikely places. Technology has been a driving force. We now watch TV on computers and phones. This is all good. Change, my friend, equals opportunity. And right now, the future for television and television writers never looked quite so bright.

In my first edition, I sought the thoughts and advice of 45 industry insiders to get their take on TV writing. For this edition, I have interviewed an additional 25 top industry professionals, from network and studio execs to Oscar- and Emmy-winning writers and producers to agents, managers, and entertainment attorneys. I asked them the questions I thought you might ask if you were standing at my side. In a nutshell, here is what I heard: they want new writers. They are actively seeking new writers. But, they don’t want you to waltz through their doors being the average bear with the average voice. Rather, they want you to come to the playground with original ideas, a respect for your craft, a passion for your work, and a unique point of view. They want you to tell stories that are fresh and exciting, in ways we haven’t heard before…in ways that only you can tell. They want your voice to pop.

That doesn’t sound so difficult does it?

Actually, it is. I have long-maintained the tragedy of great writing is that it always looks so darned easy. It’s anything but. However, I promise that if you put your nose to the grind, commit yourself wholeheartedly to your TV writing, and take to heart every word — every piece of advice — that’s in this book, your chances of success will be much greater than that of the average bear.

Cream rises. Work hard, master the craft, and so will you.

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