
We feel a great deal of gratitude for the family, friends, and colleagues who have supported us through this process. Thank you to our editor, Marquita Flemming, who initially proposed this book. Her vision, patience, and guidance have been our driving force.

A big thank-you to Patricia Harriman and our Wiley “editing crew.” We are also indebted to our colleagues, Kelly Kennedy and John Brady, who provided lightning-fast comments and critique. This is a better book because of all their efforts.

A special thank-you to all of our colleagues in the Counseling and School Psychology Program, whose collegiality, support, and wicked sense of humor keep us from taking ourselves too seriously.

Michael would like to thank Gabrielle for her faith in his abilities and for always meeting the statement “I have to work on the book” with encouragement and support.

Jeanne Anne thanks her husband, Steve, and daughters, Lila and Scarlett, for their understanding of her recent long hours and their loving encouragement when deadlines loomed. She would also like to thank her parents, who have always been her biggest supporters.

Finally, we thank our readers. We sincerely hope you will find this book useful.

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