Aaron, 55

adhesive identification, 114

Adler, A., 59

Amati-Mehler, J., 38, 41, 42

Ammon (Thamus), 54


aims of, 77

analyst as hero of, 114

communication and demonstration in, 39

diary of, 46

of dreams, Freud's, 18

language of, 116

reporting of, 58, 92

self-, Freud's, 18, 34 and writing, 14, 17, 82 [cure, 2635]

“systematic”, 34

spoken language in, 40, 42

termination of, 72

written material as resistance in, 39

analytic dialogue, and case histories, 3752

“Anna O”, 16, 38

anonymity, of journal “reader”, 88, 90

Anzieu, D., 21, 26, 27, 30, 33, 34, 44

Argentieri, S., 41

Augustine, St., 13, 14


and reader, relational aspect between, 64

self-representation and self-promotion of, 104106

see also writer


Balint, M., 77, 113

Balzac, H. de, 2

Barale, F., 101111

Baron, S., 11

Barthes, R., 14

Bernheim, H. M., 23


compilation of, 64

Freud's, 22, 23

need for, in scientific writing, 73, 80, 81

Bion Talamo, P., 7183

Bion, W. R., 47, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80

Bloomsbury group, 8

Bonaparte, M., 32

boredom, writer's, 77

Börne, L., 16, 79

Bouvet, M., 77

Breuer, J., 16, 17, 30

British Society of Psychoanalysis, 66


Canestri, J., 41

case histories:

reports of, 3752, 93

difficulties with writing, 10, 44

Freud's, 3, 10, 17, 39, 44 [“Anna O”, 16, 38; “Dora”, 32; “Mr. E”, 20; “Wolf Man”, 58]

meta-psychological concepts in, 50

reluctance to publish, 49, 51, 52

revealing, 51

Charcot, J.-M., 23

Chekhov, A., 8

Chicago Institute, 3, 5

children, learning capacity of, 67

Clark University, 15

classical vision, in psychoanalysis, 113

clinical paper, vs. theoretical paper, 96


in analytic setting, 39, 40

of baby with parents, 44

as group link, in psychoanalytic community, 72


prelinguistic root of, 44

writing as, 71

meta-, 104, 108

oral, 64, 65

in analysis, 47

and groups, 45

see also language, speech

reciprocity of, 82

of scientific work, 72, 74, 87

structure of, 74

social, writing as, 14

spoken, in analytic dialogue, 3752

unconscious, 48

written, 65

Conan Doyle, A., 8

confidentiality, 38, 50

consciousness, 63

container, audience as, for writer's projective identification, 76, 78, 81

counter-vision in perpetuity, 114

countertransference, 47, 48, 93

creativity, 7, 11

Freud's, 23

scientific, 62

of thought, 79

writer's, 75, 80

Cremerius, J., 77


defects, in writing, 7982

depressive position, 79, 81

Derrida, J., 85

“Dora”, 32

dream(s), 38, 49, 50, 51, 52, 69

analytic session like, 41

book, Freud's [The Interpretation of Dreams], 1535, 24

day-, 62, 69


chemical formula, 17

about closing eyes, 19

“Hollturn”, 18

“Irma”, 17, 18, 27, 31, 34

“Mr E”, 20

“Villa Secerno”, 19

walking in Rome, 61

“wild”, 19

writing project as, 25

and Freud's self-analysis, 1535

interpretation of, 59

and speech, 43


and dream-thoughts, 49

report of, 47, 48

and maternal body, link between, 26

navel of, 27

and neuroses, key between, 23, 30

as wish fulfilment, 28

-work, 43, 47



-support, maternal, introjected, 67

and consciousness, 65

enigma of, 66

ideal, shared, writing as, 22

immaturity, 66

Kleinian hypothesis of, 66

psychology, 6

Eiguer, A., 41

Eissler, K. R., 42, 77

Elon, A., 75

enraptured laissez-faire, writing as, 16

envy, writer's, 77

Ephraimites, 109

Erikson, E., 114

ethical code, for authors, 7183

evaluations, of journal papers, 68, 69

by editors, 101111

by “readers”, 8699

subjectivity of, 107

and varying theoretical positions, 108

exegesis, 74

exposition, oral and written, 38



analyst's, 50

castration, 30

personal, 115

and scientific creativity, 62

seductive, 29

visual, 47

Fenichel, O., 39, 50, 77

Ferenczi, S., 113

Fink, K., 45, 46

flash memory, Freud's, 20

Fliess, W., 17, 1933, 40, 61

role of, in Freud's writing cure, 26

free association, 79

in self-analysis, 18

in writing, 16

Freud, A., 7, 32, 77

Freud, M., 22

Freud, S., ix, 2, 3, 8, 10, 68, 7476, 79, 80, 96, 105, 109, 115

“Analysis Terminable and Interminable”, 32, 33

On Aphasia, 42

Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 63

criticism of, 92

The Ego and the Id, 63

The Interpretation of Dreams, 1535, 42, 60, 61, 63, 76

Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, 38

Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious, 42

and Jung, editorial correspondence between, 89

literary style of, 4244, 75

Moses and Monotheism, 29

New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, 59

An Outline of Psycho-Analysis, 63

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 42

self-analysis of, 1415, 35, 3844

“Sexual Aetiology of the Neuroses”, 21

Studies on Hysteria, 15, 17, 31, 61

study of transference neuroses of, 116

writing crucial in development of, 14

writings of, 1335, 5866, 94

fundamental rule, 18, 41


Galen (Claudius Galenus), 8

Gardner, R., 1

Gay, P., 16, 21

Gedo, J., viii, 112

Gedo, M., 7, 11

Gehrie, M., 10

Gibbon, E., 1

Gileadites, 109

Giovacchini, P. L., 77

Goethe, J. W. von, 60

Goldberg, A., 10

Greenson, R. R., 77

Grimm, J. L. C. & W. C. (brothers), 28

Grinstein, A., 29


dynamics, of journal, 8799

link, scientific writing as, 72

and oral communication, 45

writer's relationship to, 81


Hamlet (Shakespeare), 30

Hate (H) [Bion], 74

hatred, writer's, 77

Haynal, A., 38, 48

Heidegger, M., 106

hermeneutics, 74

Herzl, T., 75

Homans, P., 29

honesty, intellectual, in scientific writing, 74

Huxley, A., 47


imagination, visual, 47

individuality, and capacity to be alone, 67

individuation and subjectivization, 67

infantile attachments, working through, 29

International Psychoanalytic Association, 87

Ippolito, G., 73, 82, 83

“Irma”, 17, 18, 27, 31, 34

Italian Psychoanalytic Society, vii, 71, 72, 81, 82, 86


James, H., 115

Jaques, E., 72

Jones, E., 8, 16, 21, 23, 25, 76

Jung, C. G., 8, 43, 59

and Freud, editorial correspondence between, 89


Kardiner, A., 42

Kernberg, O., 77

Khan, M. M. R., 77

Klein, M., 77

Knowledge (K) [Bion], 74

Kohut, H., 44, 113

Kris, E., 33


Lacan, J., 67

Lampl-de Groot, J, 77


foreign, 80, 81

and Freud, 4244

mother-tongue and foreign, 41

oral, and concrete thinking, 45

of psychoanalysis, 95, 109

action, 41

construct, in case reports, 10

vs. invented terminology, 95, 106

private, 41, 116

vs. technical jargon, 92


in analysis, 39

as transitional space between psychic and physical, 39

and Freud, 40, 42

and literacy, 43

see also communication: oral; speech

use of in scientific writing, 80

written, 43, 48

rules of, 64

vs. spoken, 49

Lévi-Strauss, C, 57, 61

Little, M., 77

Lock, S., 73

Loewenstein, R. M., 77

loneliness, 62, 64, 66

Love (L) [Bion], 74


Macbeth, 3

Mahony, P., viii, 1335, 42, 43, 44

Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), 8

Martha, 26

memory, 54, 69

artificial, writing as, 66

flash, Freud's, 20

oral, 45

screen, 20

textual, 45

visual, 47

meta-communicative aspects, of psycho analytic writing, 103, 104, 107, 108, 110, 111

meta-psychology, 50, 62, 63, 66, 92, 106

crisis of, 66

psychoanalytic, Freudian, 66

meta-textual aspects, of psychoanalytic writing, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111


sound, 44

visual, 44

Moraitis, G., 11

Moscone Ricardo, O., 73, 74, 82

Moses, 55, 56, 64


archaic, dream as descent into, 28

dreamer as straddling, 27

ego-supportive, introjected, 67

identification of, with infant, 67

Mozart, W. A., 11

“Mr. E”, 20

Musatti, C. L., 63, 68


Nambikwara, 57, 64

negation, 65

Neyraut, M., 77

normality, psychoanalytic concept of, 72


Occam's razor, 93

oedipal conflict, 67

Oedipus, 105

Oedipus complex, 28, 29, 30

Freud's, 20

Olinick, S. L., 38, 44, 47, 49

Ong, W. J., 45, 49

oral culture(s), primitive, 45

orality, 4446

primary, 45


Paikin, H., viii, 3752

paranoid-schizoid position, 78, 81

and creative thought, 79

permeability, 64

personal style (definition), 115

Petrella, F., 8599

Phaedrus, 54, 55

phantasies, 62, 69, 85, 93

author's, and psychoanalytic writing, 93

of infantile omnipotence, 81

unconscious, 81

Pharaoh, 55

Plato, 49, 53, 54, 56, 63

Pletsch, C., 11

Poland, W. S., 41

Polemos, 96

Pollock, G., 8, 11

projective identification, 77, 78, 114

writer's, audience as container for, 76, 78


credibility of, 95

origins of, and writing as cure, 13

“pure” vs. theoretical-clinical, 116

psychoanalytic dialogue, 3942

unpredictability of, 41

psychoanalytic visions of reality, 113116

psychoanalytic writing, see writing, psychoanalytic


and analyst, 39

cure, 30, 31

and writing, relationship between, 116


Rabelais, F., 8

reader, imaginary, constitution of, 106107

“reader”, journal:

anonymity of, 88, 90

role of, 8599, 101

vs. referee, 90

resistance of, 59

Reik, T., 44

relationship, “three-body” to “two-body”, 66


to psychoanalysis, 59

of readers of psychoanalytic journals, 59

written material as, 39

Rie, O., 22

Rizzuto, A.-M., 42

Rolland, R., 32

romantic vision, in psychoanalysis, 113114

Rorschach test, 92

Rosen, V. H., 115

Rosenfeld, H., 77

Rossini, G. A., 9


Sacerdoti, G., 113116

Sacks, O., 8

Saint Louis University, Missouri, 45

Sandler, J., 50, 77

Schäfer, R., 39, 4041, 113, 114

Schiller, J. C. F. von, 16

scientific creativity, and fantasy, 62

scientific method, 74

screen memories, 15, 18, 20

Segal, H., 77

self-analysis, 1524, 83

Freud's, and writing, 14, 17

cure, 2635

“systematic”, 34

writer's, 82

Semi, A. A., vii, viii, 5370, 71, 82

Shakespeare, W., 30

Socrates, 49, 54, 55

solitude, 78, 66

necessary for writing, 56, 62, 64, 69

silence and loneliness as, 62


characteristics of, 45

mirror, 44


importance of in psychoanalysis, 38

“phatic”, 44

see also communication, oral; language

Spence, D. P., 38, 47, 48

Stein, M. H., 38, 39, 47

Steiner, G., 41

Strachey, J., 8, 18, 27

Strachey, L., 8

Strenger, C., 113

subjectivization, and individuation, 67

summary, need for, in scientific writing, 73, 80, 81


fantasies, writer's, 51

quality, of writing, 49

supervision, 38, 42, 49

and oral dialogue, 4648


talking cure, 16, 20, 21, 38

Freud's, vs. writing cure, 16

tape-recorder, use of in analysis, 48

Thamus (Ammon), 54

theoretical paper, vs. clinical paper, 96

Theuth, 54

Thomas, L., 8

Tort, M., 116

Tuckett, D., 47, 51


unconscious, and preconscious, transition between, 63


van der Rohe, M., 11

verbal expression, analysand's, importance of, 39

visual mirror, 44


Weber, S., 27

Wilkinson, G., 16

will to live, unconscious, 72

Williams, W. C., 8

Winnicott, D. W., 44, 66, 67, 77, 80, 113

“Wolf Man”, 58


internal imagos of, 106

and reader, vicissitudes of, 60

shibboleths of, 108111, 110

writer's block, 16, 24, 30, 34, 35, 79


auxiliary characteristics of, 5355, 63

cuneiform, 57

as cure, 1335

“defects” in, 7982

as interpersonal communication, 71

in psychoanalysis, 5370

psychoanalytic, 4, 10, 56, 66, 74, 85

acceptability of, criteria for, 73, 9199, 102111

characteristics of, 95

clinical, 60

evaluation of, 101111

not remunerative, 78

originality of, 3, 104

persuasiveness of, 59

political timeliness of, 101

unoriginality of, 6, 105, 106

vicissitudes of, 6770

and publishing, relationship between, 116

serving exploitation, 57

and solitude, 62

styles of, and visions of reality, 113116

symbolic characteristics of, 5557, 63

as technology, 4850


Yeats, W. B., 2, 7


Zetzel, E. R., 77

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