1 2
These deceptively simple stretches using a support help you
enjoy the benefits of a fully stretched back. They also keep your
shoulders supple and your chest open as you spend time cradling
and feeding your baby. The open twist at the start expands your
rib cage and energizes you, while the Forward bend aligns your
hips and helps you gain more extension in your lower back.
Lay your baby in a safe position near you. Stand
in Mountain pose facing a chair or an alternative
support. Make sure that when you raise your
right leg, you can rest your heel comfortably on
the chair seat. Face your support, raise your right
arm in the air, and extend it back as far as you
can. Breathe deeply for four breaths.
Extend the stretch by twisting your upper body
to the right. Turn your head to look at your hand.
Raise your extended arm a bit higher to get the
maximum twist possible now. Breathe deeply for
four breaths. To make this more dynamic and
interesting for your baby to follow, make wide
arm circles. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to the left.
If Forward bends are a challenge
after pregnancy:
Use a support that suits your
physique and level of fitness—a
low or high chair or a tabletop.
Practice each step separately
to regain your balance gradually.
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Flexing your foot
on the chair modifies
your stretch. Explore
extending and flexing
your foot alternately
Place your right heel on the chair again and clasp both
elbows behind your back. When you have regained a
balanced and upright posture, extend your hips, waist,
and chest upward, stretching both sides of your body
evenly for four breaths.
On an exhale, bend your torso forward and down
slowly toward your right leg. Bend the left knee a little
to ease into a Forward bend, with your head relaxed.
If a cesarean scar is still sensitive, stretch your arms
forward in waves above the raised leg. Come up slowly
on an inhale. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 on the left side.
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