Section 12: Boilerplate 

This brings us to an end on jQuery plugin development and extending the jQuery $.fn object. Below we have included the full boilerplate code with comments that you can use as a starting point on your plugins. You can also get the code on GitHub at where the latest version of the boilerplate is maintained.

// Make sure we have a closure so that we don't have any conflicts

// with our plugin class and prototype or any other functions.

(function ($) {

  // Its a good idea to use `strict` to reduce number of errors

  // in your plugin and code in general.

  'use strict';

  // Plugin function class. This object will hold the properties

  // for each instantiation of the plugin.

  function Boiler(el, options) {

    this.$el = $(el);

    this.options = options;

    // Occasionally useful to track the initialization of our plugin.

    // Useful if we want specific things to happen or not on initialization.

    this.init = false;

    // Call our generate method to setup the plugin.



  // Prototype our class. This shares the core code between all

  // instantiations of our plugin. The majority of our code will

  // live here.

  Boiler.prototype = {

    _generate: function () {

      var _this = this;

      // Visual setup should be here. If you have many components

      // it's a good idea to break it up into functions however keep

      // the core of it here.

      this.$boiler = $('<div></div>'),


      // Probably will append something at this point.


      // Set init to true so that we now our plugin has been setup.

      this.init = true;


    // Destroy method to completely remove the plugin. Typically

    // we will just remove the main element and the `data` stored

    // with it. Any additional things that need to removed go here.

    destroy: function () {


      $.removeData(this.$el, 'wBoiler'),


    // This options setting routine first checks to see if a local `data-`

    // attribute is set then checks the options object. Finally once the

    // proper option value is set it will go on to check for a `set`

    // function which it will call to initialize the variable.

    _setOptions: function () {

      var opt, func;

      for (opt in this.options) {

        this.options[opt] = this.$el.attr('data-' + opt) || this.options[opt];

        func = 'set' + opt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + opt.substring(1);

        if (this[func]) {





    // This is a common function useful for setting themes. It will

    // support multiple themes separated by a space.

    setTheme: function (theme) {

      theme = theme.split(' '),

      this.$boiler.attr('class', (this.$boiler.attr('class') || '').replace(/s?wBoiler-theme-(S*)s?/, ''));

      for (var i = 0, ii = theme.length; i < ii ; i++) {

        this.$boiler.addClass('wBoiler-theme-' + theme[i]);




  // Any checks for specific browser support can go here. 

  $.support.placeholder = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input'),

  // Our plugin function that will extend jQuery. Try to keep the name

  // unique to not overwrite any existing function names.

  $.fn.wBoiler = function (options, value) {

    // Our get function for instantiating our plugin object.

    function get() {

      var wBoiler = $.data(this, 'wBoiler'),

      if (!wBoiler) {

        wBoiler = new Boiler(this, $.extend(true, {}, options));

        $.data(this, 'wBoiler', wBoiler);


      return wBoiler;


    // Our get / set routine to get and set options. Works on multiple

    // events and with our `set` functions and `options` object.

    if (typeof options === 'string') {

      var wBoiler,

          values = [],

          func = (value !== undefined ? 'set' : 'get') + options.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + options.substring(1),

          setOpt = function () {

            if (wBoiler[func]) { wBoiler[func].apply(wBoiler, [value]); }

            if (wBoiler.options[options]) { wBoiler.options[options] = value; }


          getOpt = function () {

            if (wBoiler[func]) { return wBoiler[func].apply(wBoiler, [value]); }

            else if (wBoiler.options[options]) { return wBoiler.options[options]; }

            else { return undefined; }


          runOpt = function () {

            wBoiler = $.data(this, 'wBoiler'),

            // Or optionally if you want to allow on the fly creation when

            // using set / get then change the line above to the ones below.

            // options = $.extend({}, $.fn.wBoiler.defaults);

            // wBoiler = $.proxy(get, this)();

            if (wBoiler) {

              if (wBoiler[options]) { wBoiler[options].apply(wBoiler, [value]); }

              else if (value !== undefined) { setOpt(); }

              else {  values.push(getOpt()); }



      // Run on each element.


      // Make sure to return the `this` object unless we are running

      // a get call in which case we will return the values.

      return values.length ? (values.length === 1 ? values[0] : values) : this;


    // Extend our object before running our get method.

    options = $.extend({}, $.fn.wBoiler.defaults, options);

    // Return the elements to maintain jQuery method chaining.

    return this.each(get);


  // Setup our default options. Note an other option type objects

  // can also be setup in this area to keep them all in one place.

  $.fn.wBoiler.defaults = {

    theme: 'blue small',


  // If we need to support some basic mobile event binding this

  // is a good little function to get you started.

  $.fn.bindMobileEvents = function () {

    $(this).on('touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel', function () {

      var touches = (event.changedTouches || event.originalEvent.targetTouches),

          first = touches[0],

          type = '';

      switch (event.type) {

      case 'touchstart':

        type = 'mousedown';


      case 'touchmove':

        type = 'mousemove';



      case 'touchend':

        type = 'mouseup';





      var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'), 


        type, true, true, window, 1, 

        first.screenX, first.screenY, first.clientX, first.clientY, 

        false, false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null






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