
Book Description

Android Programming Unleashed is the most comprehensive and technically sophisticated guide to best-practice Android development with today's powerful new versions of Android: 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich). Offering the exceptional breadth and depth developers have come to expect from the Unleashed series, it covers everything programmers need to know to develop robust, high-performance Android apps that deliver a superior user experience.

Leading developer trainer Bintu Harwani begins with basic UI controls, then progresses to more advanced topics, finally covering how to develop feature rich Android applications that can access Internet-based services and store data. He illuminates each important SDK component through complete, self-contained code examples that show developers the most effective ways to build production-ready code. Coverage includes: understanding the modern Android platform from the developer's standpoint… using widgets, containers, resources, selection widgets, dialogs, and fragments… supporting actions and persistence… incorporating menus, ActionBars, content providers, and databases… integrating media and animations… using web, map, and other services… supporting communication via messaging, contacts, and emails… publishing Android apps, and much more.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents at a Glance
  4. Table of Contents
  5. About the Author
  6. Dedication
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. We Want to Hear from You!
  9. Reader Services
  10. Introduction
    1. Key Topics That This Book Covers
    2. Key Benefits That This Book Provides
    3. How This Book Is Organized
    4. Code Examples for This Book
  11. Part I. Fundamentals of Android Development
    1. Chapter 1. Introduction to Android
      1. The Android 4.1 Jelly Bean SDK
      2. Understanding the Android Software Stack
      3. Installing the Android SDK
      4. Creating Android Virtual Devices
      5. Creating the First Android Project
      6. Using the TextView Control
      7. Using the Android Emulator
      8. The Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
      9. Launching Android Applications on a Handset
      10. Summary
    2. Chapter 2. Basic Widgets
      1. Understanding the Role of Android Application Components
      2. Understanding the Utility of Android API
      3. Overview of the Android Project Files
      4. Understanding Activities
      5. Role of the Android Manifest File
      6. Creating the User Interface
      7. Commonly Used Layouts and Controls
      8. Event Handling
      9. Displaying Messages Through Toast
      10. Creating and Starting an Activity
      11. Using the EditText Control
      12. Choosing Options with CheckBox
      13. Choosing Mutually Exclusive Items Using RadioButtons
      14. Summary
  12. Part II. Building Blocks for Android Application Design
    1. Chapter 3. Laying Out Controls in Containers
      1. Introduction to Layouts
      2. LinearLayout
      3. RelativeLayout
      4. AbsoluteLayout
      5. Using ImageView
      6. FrameLayout
      7. TableLayout
      8. GridLayout Layout
      9. Adapting to Screen Orientation
      10. Summary
    2. Chapter 4. Utilizing Resources and Media
      1. Resources
      2. Creating Values Resources
      3. Using Drawable Resources
      4. Switching States with Toggle Buttons
      5. Creating an Image Switcher Application
      6. Scrolling Through ScrollView
      7. Playing Audio
      8. Playing Video
      9. Displaying Progress with ProgressBar
      10. Using Assets
      11. Summary
    3. Chapter 5. Using Selection Widgets and Debugging
      1. Using ListView
      2. Using the Spinner Control
      3. Using the GridView Control
      4. Creating an Image Gallery Using the ViewPager Control
      5. Using the Debugging Tool: Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS)
      6. Debugging Applications
      7. Using the Debug Perspective
      8. Summary
    4. Chapter 6. Displaying and Fetching Information Using Dialogs and Fragments
      1. What Are Dialogs?
      2. Selecting the Date and Time in One Application
      3. Fragments
      4. Creating Fragments with Java Code
      5. Creating Special Fragments
      6. Summary
  13. Part III. Building Menus and Storing Data
    1. Chapter 7. Creating Interactive Menus and ActionBars
      1. Menus and Their Types
      2. Creating Menus Through XML
      3. Creating Menus Through Coding
      4. Applying a Context Menu to a ListView
      5. Using the ActionBar
      6. Replacing a Menu with the ActionBar
      7. Creating a Tabbed ActionBar
      8. Creating a Drop-Down List ActionBar
      9. Summary
    2. Chapter 8. Using Databases
      1. Using the SQLiteOpenHelper Class
      2. Accessing Databases with the ADB
      3. Creating a Data Entry Form
      4. Summary
  14. Part IV. Advanced Android Programming: Internet, Entertainment, and Services
    1. Chapter 9. Implementing Drawing and Animation
      1. Drawing on the Screen
      2. Animations
      3. Applying Interpolators
      4. Summary
    2. Chapter 10. Displaying Web Pages and Maps
      1. Displaying Web Pages
      2. Using the WebViewClient Class
      3. Using Google Maps
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 11. Communicating with SMS and Emails
      1. Understanding Broadcast Receivers
      2. Using the Notification System
      3. Sending SMS Messages with Java Code
      4. Receiving SMS Messages
      5. Sending Email
      6. Working with the Telephony Manager
      7. Summary
    4. Chapter 12. Creating and Using Content Providers
      1. What Is a Content Provider
      2. Understanding the Android Content URI
      3. Using Content Providers
      4. Creating a Custom Content Provider
      5. Summary
    5. Chapter 13. Creating and Consuming Services
      1. Moving Tasks to Background Threads
      2. Accessing Data from the Internet
      3. Creating a Service
      4. Creating a Bound Service
      5. Setting Up Alarms
      6. Using Sensors
      7. Summary
    6. Chapter 14. Publishing Android Applications
      1. Setting Versioning Information of an Application
      2. Generating a Certificate, Digitally Signing the Android Applications, and Generating the APK
      3. Distributing Applications with Google Play
      4. Summary
  15. Index
  16. Ad Pages