
Book Description

Psst! You’re not stuck with JavaScript anymore. Google’s Dart language makes programming for the Web simpler, faster, and more powerful. With version 1.0 in 2013 and an ECMA standard in 2014, Dart is ready to radically change web development for the better. And Dart 1 for Everyone has got you covered. Completely updated for Dart 1 and the ECMA standard, with new sections on new Dart features like method cascades, event streams, and class constructor syntax, this book wastes no time in immersing you in the finer points of this powerful and surprisingly beautiful language.

The first edition of this book was released as "_Dart for Hipsters_.":https://pragprog.com/book/csdart/dart-​for-hipsters

Table of Contents

  1. Dart 1 for Everyone
    1. Copyright
    2. For the Best Reading Experience...
    3. Table of Contents
    4. Praise for the First Edition of Dart for Hipsters
    5. Introduction
      1. Who Should Read This Book (Besides Hipsters)?
      2. How the Book Is Organized
      3. What Is Not in This Book
      4. About the Future
      5. Conventions
      6. Let’s Get Started
    6. Part 1: Getting Started
      1. Chapter 1: Project: Your First Dart Application
        1. The Back End
        2. HTML for Dart
        3. Ajax in Dart
        4. This App Won’t Run
        5. What’s Next
      2. Chapter 2: Basic Types
        1. Numbers
        2. Strings
        3. Booleans
        4. Maps (aka Hashes, Associative Arrays)
        5. Lists (aka Arrays)
        6. Dates
        7. Types
        8. What’s Next
      3. Chapter 3: Functional Programming in Dart
        1. Anonymous Functions
        2. First-Order Functions
        3. Optional Arguments
        4. What’s Next
      4. Chapter 4: Manipulating the DOM
        1. dart:html
        2. Finding Things
        3. Adding Things
        4. Removing Things
        5. Updating Elements
        6. Method Cascades
        7. DOM Ready
        8. What’s Next
      5. Chapter 5: Dart and JavaScript
        1. Compiling to JavaScript with dart2js
        2. Maintaining Dart and JavaScript Side by Side
        3. Using JavaScript in Dart
        4. What’s Next
    7. Part 2: Effective Coding Techniques
      1. Chapter 6: Project: MVC in Dart
        1. MVC in Dart
        2. Hipster Collections
        3. Hipster Models
        4. Hipster Views
        5. Putting Models, Collections, and Views Together to Create New Records
        6. What’s Next
      2. Chapter 7: Classes and Objects
        1. Class Is a First-Order Concept
        2. Instance Variables
        3. Methods
        4. Static Methods (aka Class Methods) and Variables
        5. Subclasses
        6. Duck-Typing in Dart with implements
        7. Mixins
        8. Constructors
        9. What’s Next
      3. Chapter 8: Events and Streams
        1. Plain-Old Events
        2. Making Custom Events with Streams
        3. What’s Next
    8. Part 3: Code Organization
      1. Chapter 9: Project: Extracting Libraries
        1. What to Extract and What to Leave
        2. Real Libraries
        3. What’s Next
      2. Chapter 10: Libraries
        1. Parts
        2. Libraries
        3. Core Dart Libraries
        4. Packaging with Dart Pub
        5. What’s Next
    9. Part 4: Maintainability
      1. Chapter 11: Project: Varying Behavior
        1. Vary Class Behavior with noSuchMethod()
        2. Sync Through Dependency Injection
        3. What’s Next
      2. Chapter 12: Testing Dart
        1. Obtaining the Test Harness
        2. 2 + 2 = 5 Should Be Red
        3. What’s Next
    10. Part 5: The Next Level with Dart
      1. Chapter 13: Project: An End to Callback Hell
        1. The Future
        2. Handling Errors in the Future
        3. What’s Next
      2. Chapter 14: Futures and Isolates
        1. Completers and Futures
        2. Isolates
        3. What’s Next
      3. Chapter 15: HTML5 and Dart
        1. Animation
        2. Local Storage
        3. WebSockets
        4. Canvas
        5. Wrapping Up
    11. You May Be Interested In…