Static Methods (aka Class Methods) and Variables

Dart includes the concept of class variables and methods, though it takes a dim view of them. It regards them as a necessary evil, which, of course, they are. These are introduced with the static keyword.

class​ Planet {
static​ List rocky_planets = ​const​ [
'Mercury'​, ​'Venus'​, ​'Earth'​, ​'Mars'
static​ List gas_giants = ​const​ [
'Jupiter'​, ​'Saturn'​, ​'Uranus'​, ​'Neptune'
static​ List ​get​ known {
var​ all = [];
return​ all;

Invoking a static method is just like invoking an instance method, except the class itself is the receiver.

// => ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars',
// 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune' ]

Interestingly, instance methods can treat static methods as if they are other instance methods.

class​ Planet {
// ...
static​ List ​get​ known { ... }
String name;
bool ​get​ isRealPlanet =>
known.any((p) => p == ​this​.name);

In the previous code, the instance method isRealPlanet invokes the static method known just like it would any instance method. In this way, we can find that Neptune is a real planet but Pluto is not.

var​ neptune = ​new​ Planet(​'Neptune'​);
var​ pluto = ​new​ Planet(​'Pluto'​);
neptune.isRealPlanet ​// => true
pluto.isRealPlanet ​// => false
Recipe 12Warning: Because Dart treats static methods as instance methods in this fashion, it is illegal to have an instance method with the same name as a class method.
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