What Is Not in This Book

We will not cover the Dart Editor. In some regards, this is something of a loss—strongly typed languages like Dart lend themselves to code completion, of which the Dart Editor takes advantage. Still, the focus of the book is meant to be the language, not the tools built around it. Besides, some people (myself included) will want to stick with their code editor of choice.

Although Dart boasts some pretty impressive server-side, Node.js-like features, we will not cover them in this book. Many of the code samples that are included use a web server, so peruse them if you are curious about how that looks.

This book is not intended as a language reference. It has been hard enough keeping even a book this size up-to-date as the language evolves! Still, the hope is that, by being a useful and pragmatic introduction to the language, it can serve as a strong supplement for the API documentation (which is very nicely done).[1]

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