
Book Description

Make the most of Twitter as a tool for creating a personal brand

Twitter boasts more than 100 million active users with 50 million of them actively tweeting every day, making Twitter an indisputably powerful marketing platform. With this insightful book, author and Twitter guru Sarah-Jayne Gratton offers real-world examples and proven techniques for capturing a Twitter audience and using that audience to spread the word about you to build a personal brand.

  • Details ways in which you can use Twitter to build a personal brand

  • Shows you how to maximize Twitter?s potential as a powerful marketing tool for your own benefit

  • Encourages you to take advantage of Twitter?s vast audience

Follow Me! Creating a Personal Brand with Twitter escorts you through using Twitter to create and execute a surefire personal marketing campaign that spans the globe.

Table of Contents

  1. The Rise of the Personal
    1. Immediacy and the Rise of the Social Consumer
  2. A Twitter-Centric Landscape
    1. To Tweet — Perchance to Dream
    2. The Shaping of the Personal Twitterverse
    3. Communal Discovery: For Better or for Worse
    4. Tweeting Outside the Box
  3. ‘Less’ Is the New ‘More’
    1. Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff
    2. The World in Our Pockets
    3. Spring-Cleaning Your Brand Approach
  4. Building Brand ‘You’
    1. Your Personal Brand Statement
    2. Understanding Your Emotional Value Keys
    3. Your Brand Chemistry: The Vision, Value, Passion Connection
    4. Charging Your Personal Brand with Emotional Equity
    5. Maybe There Is Something in All Those Kitten Pictures
    6. Repeat after Me: Power Isn’t a Dirty Word!
    7. The Halo Effect
  5. Secrets of a Great Twitter Profile
    1. Thinking Outside the Box
    2. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Trick
    3. The Power of First Impressions
    4. Getting a Handle on Your Handle
    5. Trust Your Instincts
    6. Bring on the Bio
    7. Branding Your Background
    8. What’s Next?
  6. The Four Types of Tweets and Why They Matter
    1. Formatting Comes First
    2. So Why Do I Need a Formula, Anyway?
    3. Tweeting to the Power of Four
  7. Building Your Followers: Quality Versus Quantity
    1. I’m Listening! Or Am I?
    2. How to Become a Botinator
    3. TrueTwit Validation
    4. The Perfect Balance
    5. A Perfect Union for Your Personal Brand
  8. Creating Your Twittertorial Calendar
    1. It’s All in the Planning
    2. Mastering the Art of Clever Curation
    3. Creating Your Brand Anchors
    4. Using Key Events
    5. A Little More Courage
    6. Your Content List
    7. Putting It All Together
  9. Your Brand, Your Show
    1. From the White House to the Moon
    2. A Shift in Power
    3. The Incredible Shrinking Attention Span
    4. From a Set-Top Box to a Streaming World
    5. It All Leads to Twitter
    6. Building Your Brand from the Foundation Up
    7. Mixing It Up
    8. Planning Your Production Schedule
    9. Scheduling Your Tweets
    10. Making Twitter the Hub of Your Show
    11. The Wisdom of Repeat Tweets
  10. A Geography Lesson: The Global Power of Twitter
    1. Tweet Dreams Are Made in the USA
    2. Seeing the World through Culture-Colored Lenses
    3. East Meets West — Or Does It?
    4. Taking Your Brand Global
    5. A Question of Language
    6. Tweeting for Time Zones
  11. Beyond Hashtags: Make Your Brand a Trending Topic
    1. Your Fail-Safe Guide to Using Hashtags
    2. Making It Trend
  12. Empowering Health Care
    1. Twitter as a Springboard
    2. Starting Out
    3. Howard Luks’ Golden Rules for Personal Branding Success
    4. Into the Future
  13. Changing the Job Market One Tweet at a Time
    1. Getting Started
    2. Keeping It Real
    3. Sharing the Twitter Love
    4. Bob Warren’s Golden Rules for Personal Branding Success
  14. Making Twitter Your Personal Brand Diary
    1. First-Tweet Nerves
    2. Fine-Tuning Her Personal Brand on Twitter
    3. Addicted to Twitter
    4. Diana Adams’ Golden Rules for Personal Branding Success
    5. Diana Adams’ Favorite Twitter Tools
    6. A Life-Changing Personal Brand Experience
  15. Social Media Entrepreneur at 17
    1. Establishing Brand Visibility
    2. Amit Verma’s Golden Rules to Personal Branding Success
    3. The Future
  16. Meet the Twitter Ninja
    1. Searching for Possibilities
    2. Lessons Learned
    3. A Permanent Twitter Connection
    4. The Benefits of Asking Questions
    5. Aaron Lee’s Golden Rules for Personal Branding Success
    6. Aaron Lee’s Favorite Twitter Tools
    7. The Voice of Your Brand
  17. Tweeting around the World
    1. An Early Adopter
    2. Branding Lessons Learned along the Way
    3. JD Andrews’ Golden Rules for Personal Branding Success
    4. JD Andrews’ Favorite Twitter Tools
    5. Passion and Luck
  18. Putting Her Personal Brand in the Pink
    1. Skeptical Beginnings
    2. Taking a Client’s Perspective
    3. A Great Example
    4. Lessons Learned
    5. Sharon Hayes’ Golden Rules for Personal Branding on Twitter
  19. The ‘Green’ Giant of Twitter
    1. In Search of a Meaningful Life
    2. Hang in There!
    3. A Constantly Evolving Platform
    4. Michael Todd’s Golden Rules for Personal Branding Success
    5. Michael Todd’s Favorite Twitter Tools
  20. Twitter to the Power of Two
    1. Going All the Way
    2. A Change of Handle
    3. Twitter’s Cutest Couple
    4. #TeamGratton’s Golden Rules for Personal Branding Success
    5. #TeamGratton’s Favorite Twitter Tools
  21. Twitter Clients and Directories
    1. Choosing Your Perfect Twitter Client
    2. Twitter Directories
  22. Curation Tools
    1. Blog Alternatives
    2. Content Search Tools
    3. Tweet-Specific Tools
  23. Metrics and Analysis Tools
    1. Every Toolkit Needs a Good Measure
    2. Influence Measures
  24. Miscellaneous Tools
  25. Follow Me! Creating a Personal Brand with Twitter
    1. Legal and Copyright Information
    2. Credits