
Book Description

Develop your own games with Unity 2D/3D Game Kit and use it for your presentations, kids education, level design, game design, proofs of concept, or even just for fun!

Key Features

  • Build your first ever video game using Unity 2D/3D Game kit
  • Learn how to create game levels, adding props, giving behaviours to objects and working on gameplay
  • Step by step instructions on creating your own AI enemy and interacting with it

Book Description

Hands-On Game Development without Coding is the first Visual Scripting book in the market. It was tailor made for a non programing audience who are wondering how a videogame is made.

After reading this book you will be able to develop your own 2d and 3d videogames and use it on your presentations, to speed up your level design deliveries, test your game design ideas, work on your proofs of concept, or even doing it just for fun.

The best thing about Hands-On Game Development without Coding is that you don't need any previous knowledge to read and understand the process of creating a videogame. It is our main focus to provide you with the opportunity to create a videogame as easy and fast as possible.

Once you go through the book, you will be able to create player input interaction, levels, object behaviours, enemy AI, creating your own UI and finally giving life to your game by building it.

It's Alive!

What you will learn

  • Understanding the Interface and kit flow.
  • Comprehend the virtual space and its rules.
  • Learning the behaviours and roles each component must have in order to make a videogame.
  • Learn about videogame development
  • Creating a videogame without the need of learning any programming language
  • Create your own gameplay HUD to display player and Enemy information

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone who is interested in becoming a game developer but do not posses any coding experience or programming skills. All you need is a computer and basic software interface knowledge.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright and Credits
    1. Hands-On Game Development without Coding
  3. About Packt
    1. Why subscribe?
    2. Packt.com
  4. Contributors
    1. About the author
    2. About the reviewers
    3. Packt is searching for authors like you
  5. Preface
    1. Who this book is for
    2. What this book covers
    3. To get the most out of this book
      1. Download the color images
      2. Conventions used
    4. Get in touch
      1. Reviews
  6. Game Design - Introduction
    1. Game design fundamentals
      1. Anticipation
      2. Focus
      3. Announcement
      4. Behaviors
      5. Player progression
      6. Environment
      7. Conclusion
    2. Player psychology
      1. Motivation
      2. Immersion
      3. Satisfaction
    3. 2D and 3D gameplay
      1. 2D platform
      2. 3D platform
    4. Level design
      1. Self-explanation
      2. Entertainment
      3. Challenge
    5. Game aesthetics
      1. Art styles
        1. Cell shading
        2. Art noir
        3. Watercolor
        4. Minimalist
        5. Pixel art
        6. 30's cartoons
    6. Summary
  7. User Interface - Layouts and Shortcuts
    1. Technical requirements
    2. Installing Unity HUB and Unity3D
      1. Installing Unity HUB
      2. Downloading Unity 2018
      3. Downloading kits
    3. Unity user interface layout
      1. Unity tabs
        1. Scene view
        2. Project window
        3. Hierarchy
        4. Inspector
          1. Ellen's components and values
        5. Game view
          1. Play mode
    4. Tips and shortcuts for Unity Editor
      1. Toolbar
      2. Hotkeys
    5. Initial configuration of the project
      1. Layouts
      2. Initial settings
        1. Icon
        2. Splash
    6. Summary
    7. Further reading
  8. Basic Concepts - Variables and Components
    1. Visual Scripting
    2. Data types and data visualization
    3. 2D and 3D Game Kit introduction
      1. 2D Game Kit main objects and components
        1. Ellen
        2. Environment objects
          1. Acid
          2. Background Music Player
          3. Pushable box
          4. Door
          5. Health pickup
          6. Moving platform
        3. Enemies
      2. 3D Game Kit main objects and components
        1. Ellen
        2. Environment objects
          1. Alien statue – props
          2. Vegetation large – props
          3. DoorHuge
          4. PressurePad
          5. Water
        3. Enemy objects
          1. Grenadier
          2. Spitter and Chomper
        4. Gameplay
          1. Dialogue canvas
          2. Level music
    4. Summary
  9. Getting Started - Object Placement
    1. Project management
      1. Project and scene creation
      2. Project saving
      3. Project loading
    2. Game kit 2D
      1. Level creation
        1. Base level
        2. Boundaries
      2. Adding objects
    3. Game Kit 3D
      1. Level creation
        1. Base level
        2. Terrain tools
        3. Boundaries
      2. Adding objects
    4. Quality and resolution
      1. Quality settings
      2. Resolution settings
    5. Summary
    6. Further reading
  10. Object Behaviors - Adding Logic to Objects
    1. 2D Game Kit
      1. Collision detection
      2. Moving platforms
      3. Adding a component
      4. Create our own prefab
    2. 3D Game Kit
      1. Moving platforms
      2. Adding a collision detection component
      3. Creating our own prefab
    3. Summary
  11. Player Character - Components and Behaviors
    1. 2D Game Kit
      1. Character Controller 2D
      2. Player Input
      3. Player Character
      4. Damageable
      5. Damager
      6. Bullet Pool
      7. Inventory Controller
    2. 3D Game Kit
      1. Character Controller
      2. Damageable
      3. Player Input
      4. Player Controller
      5. Target Distributor
    3. Tying reactions to events
      1. 2D Game Kit
      2. 3D Game Kit
    4. Summary
    5. Further reading
  12. Interactable Objects - Enhancing Interaction
    1. 2D Game Kit
      1. Interactable objects
        1. Pads and doors
        2. Platforms and switches
        3. Destructible objects
        4. Healing item
        5. Teleporters
      2. Creating new objects
        1. Background
        2. Props and objects
    2. 3D Game Kit
      1. Interactable objects
        1. Pads and doors
        2. Crystals
        3. Switches and counters
        4. Destructible boxes
        5. Health crates
        6. Weapon pedestal
      2. Creating new objects
        1. 3D objects
        2. Skybox
    3. Summary
  13. Playing with Visual and Sound Effects
    1. Visual effects
      1. Never-ending effect
      2. Activated effect
    2. Sound effects
    3. Physics
      1. 2D Game Kit
      2. 3D Game Kit
    4. Summary
  14. Enemy Logic - Basic AI
    1. What is a finite-state machine?
      1. Examples
        1. Turnstile
        2. QR code reader
        3. Traffic lights
        4. Walkman
        5. Washing machine
    2. States diagram
      1. Turnstile
      2. QR code reader
      3. Traffic lights
      4. Walkman
      5. Washing machine
    3. Enemy FSM
      1. 2D Game Kit
        1. Chomper
        2. Spitter
        3. Gunner
      2. 3D Game Kit
        1. Chomper
        2. Spitter
        3. Grenadier
    4. Summary
  15. Enemy Components and Behaviors
    1. 2D Game Kit enemies
      1. Chomper
        1. Character Controller 2D
        2. Damageable
        3. Enemy Behaviour
      2. Spitter
      3. EnemySpawner
    2. 3D Game Kit enemies
      1. Chomper
        1. Chomper Behavior
        2. Damageable
        3. Replace With Ragdoll
        4. Enemy Controller
      2. Spitter
        1. Spitter Behavior
    3. Summary
  16. A Bigger Challenge - The Boss
    1. 2D Game Kit
      1. The boss fight
      2. Boss components
        1. Missile Golem
        2. Sprite Color Change
        3. Shield Damager
        4. Gunner Projectile
        5. Gunner Grenade
        6. Gunner lightning
      3. Boss configuration
    2. 3D Game Kit
      1. The Boss fight
      2. Boss components
        1. Grenadier Behaviour
        2. Effect Events
        3. Melee Weapon and Ranged Weapon
        4. The DamageablePart child
    3. Summary
  17. UI Interaction - Menu and Button Feedback
    1. Unity UI components
      1. Canvas
        1. Render modes
          1. Screen Space: Overlay
      2. Image
      3. Text
      4. Button
      5. Slider
    2. Main menu creation
      1. The main menu scene
      2. Menu backgrounds
      3. Menu elements
        1. Button visual
        2. Text
        3. Adding functionality
          1. Play button
          2. Quit button
          3. Flow buttons
    3. Scene management within Unity
      1. Scene transitions
        1. TransitionStart
        2. Transition destination
    4. Summary
    5. Further reading
  18. Gameplay HUD - Player UI and Dialog Box
    1. The inventory
      1. Inventory items
      2. Inventory controller
    2. Player UI
      1. Inventory UI
      2. Player health
    3. Inventory and gameplay visuals (2D only)
    4. Dialog boxes
      1. How to show dialog boxes
    5. Transition screens
      1. Congratulations screen
    6. Summary
    7. Further reading
  19. Project End - Platform Selection and Building
    1. Platform selection and settings
      1. Scene settings
      2. Windows
        1. Build settings
        2. Player settings
      3. Android
        1. Build settings
        2. Player settings
    2. Building the game
      1. Windows
      2. Android
    3. Summary
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