
Book Description

Flex 4 is an open-source tool that allows developers to easily add life to web applications with dynamic user features, colorful transitions, and eye-catching animations. Flex also provides powerful data handling for industrial-strength applications. We think it should be just as much fun to learn Flex as it is to use it. And we know that fun learning gets better results. Hello! Flex 4 demonstrates how to get started without getting bogged down in technical detail or academic edge cases. In this book, User Friendly cartoon characters offer commentary and snide side comments, as the book moves quickly from Hello World into practical techniques. Each one is illustrated with a hands-on example. Along the way, readers will build a unique Flex application that mashes Yahoo Maps with Twitter to keep track of friends.

Book Description

Flex 4 is an open-source tool that allows developers to easily add life to web applications with dynamic user features, colorful transitions, and eye-catching animations. Flex also provides powerful data handling for industrial-strength applications. We think it should be just as much fun to learn Flex as it is to use it. And we know that fun learning gets better results. Hello! Flex 4 demonstrates how to get started without getting bogged down in technical detail or academic edge cases. In this book, User Friendly cartoon characters offer commentary and snide side comments, as the book moves quickly from Hello World into practical techniques. Each one is illustrated with a hands-on example. Along the way, readers will build a unique Flex application that mashes Yahoo Maps with Twitter to keep track of friends.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Dedication
  3. Brief Table of Contents
  4. Table of Contents
  5. List of Examples
  6. Advance Praise for Hello! Flex 4
  7. Preface
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. About this book
  10. About Hello! books
  11. Chapter 1. Getting started
  12. Chapter 2. ActionScript 3, XML, and E4X
  13. Chapter 3. Hello Spark: primitives, components, FXG and MXML graphics, and even video
  14. Chapter 4. Spark containers, view states, effects, and styling
  15. Chapter 5. Halo Flex 4: Using DataGrid, Navigator Containers, and Popups
  16. Chapter 6. Building user-friendly forms using Flex formatters and validators
  17. Chapter 7. Cairngorm in Action: SocialStalkr (Twitter + Yahoo! Maps)
  18. Index