
Book Description

Good leadership skills enable a project manager to harness the energy and capabilities of a project team in such a way that the performance of the team is greater than the sum of its parts. Often referred to as the "human side" of project management or "people skills," leadership is widely accepted as the critical factor in determining the ultimate success or failure of a project. The Human Side of Project Leadership is a collection of academic studies related to the human side of project management. Taken as a group, these three studies illuminate the ways in which leadership, project spirit and conflict management skills impact project success.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Preface
  6. Study 1: Transformational Leadership and Project Success
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction
    2. Chapter 2: Transformational Leadership and Hypotheses
    3. Chapter 3: Method
    4. Chapter 4: Results
    5. Chapter 5: Discussion
    6. References
    7. Appendix A
  7. Study 2: Project Spirit and Its Impact on Project Success
    1. Chapter 6: Introduction
    2. Chapter 7: Conceptual Background
    3. Chapter 8: Spirit-Building Activities
    4. Chapter 9: Expression Components of Spirit
    5. Chapter 10: Research Design
    6. Chapter 11: Findings and Analysis
    7. Chapter 12: Conclusions
    8. References
  8. Study 3: An Alternative Approach to Understanding Conflict Management: Exploring the Mutation from Cognitive to Affective Conflict
    1. Chapter 13: Introduction
    2. Chapter 14: Theoretical Development
    3. Chapter 15: Hypotheses Development
    4. Chapter 16: How to Avoid the Mutation from Cognitive to Affective Conflict
    5. Chapter 17: Research Methods
    6. Chapter 18: Research Results
    7. Chapter 19: Discussion and Analysis
    8. References