
Any exceptional project is characterized by a great team spirit. In such projects one can sense the energy and the excitement. Members are totally dedicated to the team’s mission, are willing to invest time beyond the call of duty to solve problems, are supportive of one another, and are proud to be part of the team. However, great spirits do not emerge out of the blue. Great team spirits in projects—referred to here as project spirits—are created by effective leaders, who possess the know-how to inspire and ignite the energy in people. Spirit is not the energy itself, but the driver that unleashes untapped power that is imbedded in almost everyone. Yet what precisely is project spirit? What do effective leaders execute that creates this excitement and drive? Is there a mechanism for shaping project spirit in a conscious and structured manner? Is there a framework that managers can utilize to help plan and intentionally implement the right spirit for their project?

The purpose of this report is three-fold, to conceptualize the idea of project spirit, to identify specific activities implemented by the manager that assist in crafting the right project spirit, and to assess its presence. A case research approach is used to examine four projects, with the intention of demonstrating the components of project spirit and their manifestation in real-life projects.

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