
Book Description

This book provides young leaders or future high-potentials the guidance needed for how to deal with the challenges of leading teams in modern organizations.

Leading ones first team can be a daunting and sometimes overwhelming experience, requiring self-reflection, self-discipline, communication, and organizational skills as well as no small amount of guts and values.

This book provides young leaders or future high-potentials the guidance needed for how to deal with the challenges of leading teams in modern organizations. Understanding the power of strengths-based leadership using clear two-way communication and, in particular, identifying with one’s own leadership philosophy are central themes in this book. It highlights the typical mistakes made by first-time leaders and offers theoretical and practical advice to deal with the difficulties of management.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Chapter 1 Do You Want to Drive the Bus?: Leaders Often Underestimate Leadership
  4. Chapter 2 Start with the Why: Leaders Micromanage and Focus on Details
  5. Chapter 3 Let It Go: Some Leaders Take on too Much
  6. Chapter 4 Bee Glasses: Some Leaders Do Not Work Strengths-Oriented
  7. Chapter 5 Out with the Carrot and Stick: Leaders Often Make the Mistake of Only Motivating Extrinsically
  8. Chapter 6 The Rush Hour of My Life: Leaders Underestimate the Real Danger of Work Overload
  9. Chapter 7 The Science Bit: Leaders Do Not Know About the Power of the Brain
  10. Chapter 8 The Big Battle: Leaders Often Apply the Wrong Leadership Style
  11. Chapter 9 Persuasive Communication: Many Good Leaders Do Not Use Convincing-Enough Rhetoric
  12. Chapter 10 Talk the Talk: Too Many Leaders Just Do Not Know How to Communicate Right
  13. Chapter 11 Company Culture: Culture Is Not Only a Nation-to-Nation Thing
  14. Chapter 12 What Is Next?
  15. References
  16. About the Author
  17. Index