
Book Description

MATLAB® in bioscience and biotechnology presents an introductory Matlab course oriented towards various collaborative areas of biotechnology and bioscience. It concentrates on Matlab fundamentals and gives examples of its application to a wide range of current bioengineering problems in computational biology, molecular biology, bio-kinetics, biomedicine, bioinformatics, and biotechnology. In the last decade Matlab has been presented to students as the first computer program they learn. Consequently, many non-programmer students, engineers and scientists have come to regard it as user-friendly and highly convenient in solving their specific problems. Numerous books are available on programming in Matlab for engineers in general, irrespective of their specialization, or for those specializing in some specific area, but none have been designed especially for such a wide, interdisciplinary, and topical area as bioengineering. Thus, in this book, Matlab is presented with examples and applications to various school-level and advanced bioengineering problems - from growing populations of microorganisms and population dynamics, reaction kinetics and reagent concentrations, predator-prey models, mass-transfer and flow problems, to sequence analysis and sequence statistics.

  • This is the first book intended as a manual introducing biologists and other biotechnology engineers to work with Matlab
  • It is suitable for beginners and inexperienced users; however, applications of Matlab to advanced problems such as the Monte Carlo method, curve fitting, and reliable machine diagnostics make the book relevant to university teachers as well
  • The book is different in that it assumes a modest mathematical background for the reader and introduces the mathematical or technical concepts with a somewhat traditional approach; Matlab is then used as a tool for subsequent computer solution

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Preface
  7. List of figures and tables
  8. About the author
  9. Chapter 1: Introduction
  10. Chapter 2: MATLAB® basics
    1. 2.1 Starting with MATLAB®
    2. 2.2 Vectors, matrices and arrays
    3. 2.3 Flow control
    4. 2.4 Questions for self-checking and exercises
    5. 2.5 Answers to selected exercises
  11. Chapter 3: MATLAB® graphics
    1. 3.1 Generation of XY plots
    2. 3.2 Generation of XYZ plots
    3. 3.3 Specialized 2D and 3D plots
    4. 3.4 Application examples
    5. 3.5 Questions for self-checking and exercises
    6. 3.6 Answers to selected exercises
  12. Chapter 4: Script, function files and some useful MATLAB® functions
    1. 4.1 Script files
    2. 4.2 Functions and function files
    3. 4.3 Some useful MATLAB® functions
    4. 4.4 Application examples
    5. 4.5 Questions for self-checking and exercises
    6. 4.6 Answers to selected exercises
  13. Chapter 5: Ordinary and partial differential equation solvers
    1. 5.1 Solving ordinary differential equations with ODE solvers
    2. 5.2 Solving partial differential equations with the PDE solver
    3. 5.3 Questions for self-checking and exercises
    4. 5.4 Answers to selected exercises
  14. Chapter 6: Bioinformatics tool for sequence analysis
    1. 6.1 About toolboxes
    2. 6.2 The functions of the Bioinformatics toolbox™
    3. 6.3 Public databases, data formats and commands for their management
    4. 6.4 Sequence analysis
    5. 6.5 Sequence analysis examples
    6. 6.6 Questions for self-checking and exercises
    7. 6.7 Answers to selected exercises
  15. Appendix: MATLAB® characters, operators and commands
  16. Index