
Book Description

Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed is a comprehensive reference and learning guide for the .NET Framework, using C# as the instructional language. You will be exposed to everything from low-level information on the Garbage Collector to advanced concepts like creating applications that use Enterprise Services, creating Web Services and even advanced Windows GUI. This book will become your definitive source of information on C# programming and the .NET framework. The book's lay-flat design makes it an ideal desk reference and the online searching and indexing through Safari make it the perfect tool for finding information quickly. Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed will show you all the ways you can unleash your C# programming skills.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
  3. We Want to Hear from You!
  4. Introduction
  5. Introduction to the Visual Studio .NET IDE
    1. The Visual Studio .NET IDE
      1. Window Management and Customization
      2. Understanding Visual Studio .NET 2003's Tool Windows
      3. Working with Documents
      4. Using External Tools
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
  6. Language Fundamentals
    1. Introduction to C#
      1. Why Learn Yet Another Language?
      2. Learning Common Types
      3. What Is the Common Language Runtime?
      4. Take Out the Trash: Theory of Garbage Collection
      5. Introduction to the Base Class Library
      6. The Canonical “Hello World” Example
      7. Summary
      8. Further Reading
    2. Expressions and Control Structures
      1. Expressions and Control Structures
      2. Basic Expressions
      3. Legal Variable Names
      4. Using C# Operators
      5. Pre/Post Operators
      6. Program Flow Control: Control Structures
      7. Looping
      8. Summary
      9. Further Reading
    3. Strings and Regular Expressions
      1. String Basics
      2. Using Regular Expressions
      3. How to Use Matching
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
      1. Using Arrays
      2. Collection Basics
      3. Collections Provided by the Base Class Libraries
      4. Creating Custom Collections
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
    5. Objects and Classes
      1. Objects and Classes
      2. Advanced Topics in Classes and Objects
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
      1. File and Stream I/O
      2. Object Persistence
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    7. XML Fundamentals
      1. Working with the DOM
      2. Using the XmlReader Classes
      3. Exploring XPath
      4. Introduction to the XPathDocument
      5. Serialization XML Style
      6. Summary
      7. Further Reading
    8. Multithreaded Programming
      1. Thread Basics
      2. Synchronization
      3. Applying the lock Keyword
      4. Using the Thread Pool for Asynchronous Programming
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
    9. Events and Delegates
      1. What Is a Delegate?
      2. Summary
      3. Further Reading
    10. Reflection and Code Attributes
      1. Working with Reflection
      2. Using Code Attributes
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    11. Assemblies and AppDomains
      1. Assemblies
      2. Introduction to Assemblies
      3. Assembly Building Blocks
      4. Creating Assemblies
      5. Embedding Content and Resources in Assemblies
      6. Localization and Satellite Assemblies
      7. AppDomains
      8. Putting It Together—A Real-World Example
      9. Summary
    12. COM and Windows Interoperability
      1. Using .NET Code to Interact with COM
      2. COM to .NET
      3. Primary Interop Assemblies
      4. Platform Invoke (P/Invoke)
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
    13. High-Performance Programming
      1. Introduction to Garbage Collection
      2. Memory and Class Management in the Common Language Runtime
      3. High-Performance Code: Best Practices
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
  7. Windows Applications
    1. Introduction to Windows Forms
      1. Windows Forms Basics
      2. Hello World
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    2. Windows Forms User Interface Controls
      1. Standard Windows Forms User Interface Controls
      2. User Controls
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    3. Creating Visually Compelling Windows Forms Applications
      1. Visual Inheritance
      2. Creating and Using Dynamic Context Menus
      3. Drawing Custom List Elements
      4. Using the DrawMode Property
      5. Shaped Forms
      6. Summary
      7. Further Reading
    4. Consuming Web Services
      1. Adding Web References
      2. Supporting Dynamic URLs
      3. Consuming Web Services Asynchronously
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
    5. Smart Clients
      1. Smart Clients
      2. Summary
      3. Further Reading
    6. Deploying Windows Applications
      1. Installing .NET Applications
      2. Web Installations
      3. MSI/Project Installations
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
  8. Web Applications
    1. Introduction to Web Forms and ASP.NET
      1. Understanding the Web Forms Designer
      2. Creating an ASP.NET “Hello World” Application
      3. Basic Event Handling
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
    2. Web UI Controls
      1. Server Controls
      2. Summary
      3. Further Reading
    3. State Management in ASP.NET
      1. Client-Side State Management
      2. Server-Side State Management
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    4. Caching
      1. Caching
      2. Summary
      3. Further Reading
      1. Creating ASP.NET Applications in a Web Farm
      2. Localization and Globalization in ASP.NET
      3. Creating Custom HttpModules
      4. Creating Custom HttpHandlers
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
    6. Deploying ASP.NET Applications
      1. Manually Deploying an ASP.NET Application
      2. Automated Deployment
      3. Advanced ASP.NET Deployment
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
  9. Data Access
    1. Using .NET Data Providers
      1. SQL Server Data Provider
      2. Working with the OLEDB Data Provider
      3. Additional Data Providers
      4. DataSet and DataAdapter Binding
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
    2. Creating a Custom ADO.NET Data Provider
      1. Custom Data Providers
      2. Implementing IDataParameter and IDataParameterCollection
      3. Implementing a Custom Connection
      4. Implementing a Custom Command
      5. Implementing a Custom DataReader
      6. Implementing a Custom DataAdapter
      7. Summary
    3. Typed DataSets and XSD
      1. XML Schema Definition
      2. Structuring DataSets with Schema
      3. Typed DataSets
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
    4. Windows Forms Data Binding
      1. Data Binding Overview
      2. Data Binding Mechanics
      3. Data Binding Samples
      4. Advanced Binding Samples
      5. Summary
    5. Web Forms Data Binding
      1. Data Binding Overview
      2. Data Binding Mechanics
      3. Data Binding Samples
      4. Advanced Binding Samples
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
  10. Web Services
    1. Introduction to Web Services
      1. Introduction to Web Services
      2. Building Web Services
      3. Review of Web Service Consumption
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
    2. Introduction to WSE 2.0
      1. Introduction to WSE 2.0
      2. TCP Messaging
      3. Security
      4. Messaging with Attachments Using WSE 2.0
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
  11. Secure Applications
    1. Code Access Security
      1. Introduction to CAS
      2. CAS Administration
      3. Writing CAS-Aware Code
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
    2. Securing Sensitive Data
      1. Secret Key (Symmetric) Encryption
      2. Using Hashes to Protect Data
      3. Public Key Encryption and Signatures
      4. Windows Data Protection API
      5. Summary
    3. Securing ASP.NET Web Applications
      1. User Security
      2. Data Security in ASP.NET Applications
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    4. Licensing and Intellectual Property
      1. Licensing Overview
      2. Implementing Custom Licensing
      3. Licensing Implementation Strategies
      4. Protecting Your Intellectual Property
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
  12. Enterprise and Connected Applications
    1. Interface Programming
      1. Interface Programming
      2. Summary
      3. Further Reading
    2. Remoting
      1. Remoting Architecture
      2. IIS and Remoting
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    3. COM+ Enterprise Services
      1. Overview of COM+
      2. Building COM+ Components
      3. Security in COM+
      4. Advanced COM+
      5. Summary
      6. Further Reading
    4. Enterprise Templates
      1. Enterprise Templates
      2. Policy Files
      3. Teaching by Example
      4. Summary
      5. Further Reading
  13. Debugging and Testing
    1. Debugging Your Applications
      1. The Visual Studio .NET Debugging Environment
      2. Debugging with Visual Studio .NET
    2. Monitoring Your Applications
      1. Debugging and Tracing Statements
      2. Summary
    3. Instrumenting Your Application
      1. Instrumenting Applications
      2. Enterprise Instrumentation Framework
      3. Summary
      4. Further Reading
    4. The Future of C#
      1. The Future of C#
      2. Summary
      3. Further Reading
  14. Index