Chapter 40. COM+ Enterprise Services


COM+ is a set of services that are provided to applications to facilitate enterprise-scale development. This chapter will provide you with an overview of how COM+ works and how it evolved. After a brief overview of COM+, you will spend the rest of the chapter developing serviced components. Serviced components are classes that are managed by COM+ services.

COM+ provides application developers with the ability to quickly and easily share property data and perform things such as two-phase commit transactions, just-in-time activation, object pooling, automatic object construction, and much more. After reading this chapter, you should have a good idea of what COM+ is, how it works, and how to write C# code that takes advantage of COM+.


REQUIRED SOFTWARE.NET Framework SDK v1.1 Visual Studio .NET 2003 with C# installed
RECOMMENDED HARDWAREPC that meets .NET SDK minimum requirements
SKILLS REQUIREDC# and .NET familiarity Familiarity with COM+

COM+ Enterprise Services at a Glance

Overview of COM+809  
 Transactions809Role-Based Security811
 JIT Activation in COM+810Queued Components812
 Object Pooling810Events812
 Construction Strings811  
Building COM+ Components813  
 Transactions813Object Pooling817
 Construction Strings815Shared Properties818
 JIT Activation Sample817  
Security in COM+820  
 Object and Security Contexts820Role-Based Security821
Advanced COM+823  
 Events823Queued Components826
Further Reading827  

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