
Book Description

Prevent web application hacking with this easy to use guide

  • Secure your system by knowing exactly how a hacker would break into it

  • Covers writing rules in-depth and Modsecurity rule language elements such as variables, actions, and request phases

  • Covers the common attacks in use on the Web, and ways to find the geographical location of an attacker and send alert emails when attacks are discovered

  • Packed with many real-life examples for better understanding

In Detail

With more than 67% of web servers running Apache and web-based attacks becoming more and more prevalent, web security has become a critical area for web site managers. Most existing tools work on the TCP/IP level, failing to use the specifics of the HTTP protocol in their operation. Mod_security is a module running on Apache, which will help you overcome the security threats prevalent in the online world.

A complete guide to using ModSecurity, this book will show you how to secure your web application and server, and does so by using real-world examples of attacks currently in use. It will help you learn about SQL injection, cross-site scripting attacks, cross-site request forgeries, null byte attacks, and many more so that you know how attackers operate. Using clear, step-by-step instructions this book starts by teaching you how to install and set up ModSecurity, before diving into the rule language with examples. It assumes no prior knowledge of ModSecurity, so as long as you are familiar with basic Linux administration, you can start to learn right away.

Real-life case studies are used to illustrate the dangers on the Web today – you will for example learn how the recent worm that hit Twitter works, and how you could have used ModSecurity to stop it in its tracks. The mechanisms behind these and other attacks are described in detail, and you will learn everything you need to know to make sure your server and web application remain unscathed on the increasingly dangerous web. Have you ever wondered how attackers figure out the exact web server version running on a system? They use a technique called HTTP fingerprinting, and you will learn about this in depth and how to defend against it by flying your web server under a ""false flag"".

The last part of the book shows you how to really lock down a web application by implementing a positive security model that only allows through requests that conform to a specific, pre-approved model, and denying anything that is even the slightest bit out of line.

Table of Contents

  1. ModSecurity 2.5
  2. Credits
  3. About the Author
  4. About the Reviewers
  5. Preface
    1. What ModSecurity is
    2. Why you need ModSecurity
    3. What this book covers
    4. What you need for this book
    5. Who this book is for
    6. Conventions
    7. Reader feedback
    8. Customer support
      1. Errata
      2. Piracy
      3. Questions
  6. 1. Installation and Configuration
    1. Versions
    2. Downloading
      1. Checking the integrity of the downloaded source archive
    3. Unpacking the source code
    4. Required additional libraries and files
    5. Compilation
    6. Integrating ModSecurity with Apache
    7. Configuration file
      1. Completing the configuration
    8. Testing your installation
      1. Creating a simple ModSecurity rule
      2. Disguising the web server signature
    9. Summary
  7. 2. Writing Rules
    1. SecRule syntax
      1. Variables and collections
      2. The transaction collection
      3. Storing data between requests
      4. Examining several variables
      5. Quotes: Sometimes you need them and sometimes you don't
    2. Creating chained rules
    3. Rule IDs
    4. An introduction to regular expressions
      1. Examples of regular expressions
      2. More about regular expressions
      3. Using @rx to block a remote host
    5. Simple string matching
    6. Matching numbers
    7. More about collections
      1. Counting items in collections
      2. Filtering collection fields using a regular expression
      3. Built-in fields
    8. Transformation functions
    9. Other operators
      1. Set-based pattern matching with @pm and @pmFromFile
        1. @pmFromFile
        2. Performance of the phrase matching operators
      2. Validating character ranges
    10. Phases and rule ordering
    11. Actions—what to do when a rule matches
      1. Allowing requests
      2. Blocking requests
      3. Taking no action but continuing rule processing
      4. Dropping requests
      5. Redirecting and proxying requests
    12. SecAction
    13. Using the ctl action to control the rule engine
      1. How to use the ctl action
    14. Macro expansion
    15. SecRule in practice
      1. Blocking uncommon request methods
      2. Restricting access to certain times of day
      3. Detecting credit card leaks
        1. Detecting credit card numbers
        2. The Luhn algorithm and false positives
      4. Tracking the geographical location of your visitors
        1. GEO collection fields
        2. Blocking users from specific countries
        3. Load balancing requests between servers on different continents
      5. Pausing requests for a specified amount of time
    16. Executing shell scripts
      1. Sending alert emails
      2. Sending more detailed alert emails
      3. Counting file downloads
      4. Blocking brute-force password guessing
    17. Injecting data into responses
    18. Inspecting uploaded files
      1. Summary
  8. 3. Performance
    1. A typical HTTP request
    2. A real-world performance test
      1. The core ruleset
      2. Installing the core ruleset
      3. Making sure it works
      4. Performance testing basics
        1. Using httperf
      5. Getting a baseline: Testing without ModSecurity
        1. Response time
        2. Memory usage
        3. CPU usage
      6. ModSecurity without any loaded rules
      7. ModSecurity with the core ruleset loaded
        1. Response time
        2. Memory usage
        3. Finding the bottleneck
        4. Wrapping up core ruleset performance
    3. Optimizing performance
      1. Memory consumption
      2. Bypassing inspection of static content
      3. Using @pm and @pmFromFile
      4. Logging
      5. Writing regular expressions for best performance
        1. Use non-capturing parentheses wherever possible
        2. Use one regular expression whenever possible
    4. Summary
  9. 4. Audit Logging
    1. Enabling the audit log engine
      1. Single versus multiple file logging
    2. Determining what to log
    3. The configuration so far
    4. Log format
    5. Concurrent logging
    6. Selectively disabling logging
    7. Audit log sanitization actions
    8. The ModSecurity Console
      1. Installing the ModSecurity Console
      2. Accessing the Console
      3. Compiling mlogc
      4. Configuring mlogc
      5. Forwarding logs to the ModSecurity Console
    9. Summary
  10. 5. Virtual Patching
    1. Why use virtual patching?
      1. Speed
      2. Stability
      3. Flexibility
      4. Cost-effectiveness
    2. Creating a virtual patch
    3. From vulnerability discovery to virtual patch: An example
      1. Creating the patch
      2. Changing the web application for additional security
    4. Testing your patches
    5. Real-life examples
      1. Geeklog
        1. Patching Geeklog
      2. Cross-site scripting
        1. Real-life example: The Twitter worm
    6. Summary
  11. 6. Blocking Common Attacks
    1. HTTP fingerprinting
      1. How HTTP fingerprinting works
        1. Server banner
        2. Response header
        3. HTTP protocol responses
          1. Issuing an HTTP DELETE request
          2. Bad HTTP version numbers
          3. Bad protocol name
          4. The ETag HTTP header
      2. Using ModSecurity to defeat HTTP fingerprinting
    2. Blocking proxied requests
    3. Cross-site scripting
      1. Preventing XSS attacks
      2. PDF XSS protection
        1. HttpOnly cookies to prevent XSS attacks
          1. Session identifiers
    4. Cross-site request forgeries
      1. Protecting against cross-site request forgeries
    5. Shell command execution attempts
    6. Null byte attacks
      1. ModSecurity and null bytes
    7. Source code revelation
    8. Directory traversal attacks
    9. Blog spam
    10. SQL injection
      1. Standard injection attempts
        1. Retrieving data from multiple tables with UNION
        2. Multiple queries in one call
        3. Reading arbitrary files
        4. Writing data to files
      2. Preventing SQL injection attacks
        1. What to block
    11. Website defacement
    12. Brute force attacks
    13. Directory indexing
    14. Detecting the real IP address of an attacker
    15. Summary
  12. 7. Chroot Jails
    1. What is a chroot jail?
    2. A sample attack
    3. Traditional chrooting
    4. How ModSecurity helps jailing Apache
    5. Using ModSecurity to create a chroot jail
    6. Verifying that the jail works
    7. Chroot caveats
    8. Summary
  13. 8. REMO
    1. More about Remo
    2. Installation
    3. Remo rules
      1. Creating and editing rules
      2. Installing the rules
    4. Analyzing log files
    5. Configuration tweaks
    6. Summary
  14. 9. Protecting a Web Application
    1. Considerations before beginning
    2. The web application
    3. Groundwork
    4. Step 1: Identifying user actions
    5. Step 2: Getting detailed information on each action
    6. Step 3: Writing rules
    7. Step 4: Testing the new ruleset
    8. Actions
    9. Blocking what's allowed—denying everything else
    10. Cookies
    11. Headers
    12. Securing the "Start New Topic" action
    13. The ruleset so far
    14. The finished ruleset
    15. Alternative approaches
    16. Keeping everything up to date
    17. Summary
  15. A. Directives and Variables
    1. Directives
      1. SecAction
      2. SecArgumentSeparator
      3. SecAuditEngine
      4. SecAuditLog
      5. SecAuditLog2
      6. SecAuditLogParts
      7. SecAuditLogRelevantStatus
      8. SecAuditLogStorageDir
      9. SecAuditLogType
      10. SecCacheTransformations (deprecated/experimental)
      11. SecChrootDir
      12. SecComponentSignature
      13. SecContentInjection
      14. SecCookieFormat
      15. SecDataDir
      16. SecDebugLog
      17. SecDebugLogLevel
      18. SecDefaultAction
      19. SecGeoLookupDb
      20. SecGuardianLog
      21. SecMarker
      22. SecPdfProtect
      23. SecPdfProtectMethod
      24. SecPdfProtectSecret
      25. SecPdfProtectTimeout
      26. SecPdfProtectTokenName
      27. SeqRequestBodyAccess
      28. SecRequestBodyLimit
      29. SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit
      30. SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit
      31. SecResponseBodyLimit
      32. SecResponseBodyLimitAction
      33. SecResponseBodyMimeType
      34. SecResponseBodyMimeTypesClear
      35. SecResponseBodyAccess
      36. SecRule
      37. SecRuleInheritance
      38. SecRuleEngine
      39. SecRuleRemoveById
      40. SecRuleRemoveByMsg
      41. SecRuleUpdateActionById
      42. SecServerSignature
      43. SecTmpDir
      44. SecUploadDir
      45. SecUploadFileMode
      46. SecUploadKeepFiles
      47. SecWebAppId
    2. Variables
      1. ARGS
      3. ARGS_NAMES
      4. ARGS_GET
      6. ARGS_POST
      8. AUTH_TYPE
      9. ENV
      10. FILES
      12. FILES_NAMES
      13. FILES_SIZES
      15. GEO
      17. MATCHED_VAR
      19. MODSEC_BUILD
      23. PATH_INFO
      24. QUERY_STRING
      25. REMOTE_ADDR
      26. REMOTE_HOST
      27. REMOTE_PORT
      28. REMOTE_USER
      33. REQUEST_BODY
      39. REQUEST_LINE
      42. REQUEST_URI
      51. RULE
      54. SCRIPT_GID
      56. SCRIPT_MODE
      57. SCRIPT_UID
      59. SERVER_ADDR
      60. SERVER_NAME
      61. SERVER_PORT
      62. SESSION
      63. SESSIONID
      64. TIME
      65. TIME_DAY
      66. TIME_EPOCH
      67. TIME_HOUR
      68. TIME_MIN
      69. TIME_MON
      70. TIME_SEC
      71. TIME_WDAY
      72. TIME_YEAR
      73. TX
      74. USERID
      75. WEBAPPID
      77. XML
  16. B. Regular Expressions
    1. What is a regular expression?
    2. Regular expression flavors
    3. Example of a regular expression
      1. Identifying an email address
    4. The Dot character
    5. Quantifiers—star, plus, and question mark
      1. Question Mark
      2. Star
      3. Plus sign
      4. Grouping
      5. Ranges
    6. Alternation
    7. Backreferences
      1. Captures and ModSecurity
    8. Non-capturing parentheses
    9. Character classes
      1. Negated matching
      2. Shorthand notation
    10. Anchors
      1. Start and end of string
      2. Word Boundary
    11. Lazy quantifiers
    12. Debugging regular expressions
    13. Additional resources
    14. Our email address regex
    15. Summary